const {Router} = require('express'); const body = require('body-parser'); const MagicLink = require('@tryghost/magic-link'); const common = require('./common'); const StripeAPIService = require('./services/stripe-api'); const StripeWebhookService = require('./services/stripe-webhook'); const TokenService = require('./services/token'); const GeolocationSerice = require('./services/geolocation'); const MemberRepository = require('./repositories/member'); const EventRepository = require('./repositories/event'); const ProductRepository = require('./repositories/product'); const RouterController = require('./controllers/router'); const MemberController = require('./controllers/member'); const WellKnownController = require('./controllers/well-known'); const StripeMigrations = require('./migrations'); module.exports = function MembersAPI({ tokenConfig: { issuer, privateKey, publicKey }, auth: { allowSelfSignup = true, getSigninURL, tokenProvider }, paymentConfig, mail: { transporter, getText, getHTML, getSubject }, models: { StripeWebhook, StripeCustomer, StripeCustomerSubscription, Member, MemberSubscribeEvent, MemberLoginEvent, MemberPaidSubscriptionEvent, MemberPaymentEvent, MemberStatusEvent, MemberEmailChangeEvent, StripeProduct, StripePrice, Product, Settings }, logger }) { if (logger) { common.logging.setLogger(logger); } const stripeConfig = paymentConfig && paymentConfig.stripe || {}; const stripeAPIService = new StripeAPIService({ config: { secretKey: stripeConfig.secretKey, publicKey: stripeConfig.publicKey, appInfo: stripeConfig.appInfo, enablePromoCodes: stripeConfig.enablePromoCodes }, logger }); const stripeMigrations = new StripeMigrations({ stripeAPIService, StripeCustomerSubscription, StripeProduct, StripePrice, Product, Settings, logger }); const productRepository = new ProductRepository({ Product, StripeProduct, StripePrice, stripeAPIService }); const memberRepository = new MemberRepository({ stripeAPIService, logger, productRepository, Member, MemberSubscribeEvent, MemberPaidSubscriptionEvent, MemberEmailChangeEvent, MemberStatusEvent, StripeCustomer, StripeCustomerSubscription }); const eventRepository = new EventRepository({ logger, MemberSubscribeEvent, MemberPaidSubscriptionEvent, MemberPaymentEvent, MemberStatusEvent, MemberLoginEvent }); const stripeWebhookService = new StripeWebhookService({ StripeWebhook, stripeAPIService, productRepository, memberRepository, eventRepository, sendEmailWithMagicLink }); const tokenService = new TokenService({ privateKey, publicKey, issuer }); const geolocationService = new GeolocationSerice(); const magicLinkService = new MagicLink({ transporter, tokenProvider, getSigninURL, getText, getHTML, getSubject }); const memberController = new MemberController({ memberRepository, StripePrice, stripeAPIService, tokenService }); const routerController = new RouterController({ memberRepository, StripePrice, allowSelfSignup, magicLinkService, stripeAPIService, tokenService, sendEmailWithMagicLink, config: { checkoutSuccessUrl: stripeConfig.checkoutSuccessUrl, checkoutCancelUrl: stripeConfig.checkoutCancelUrl, billingSuccessUrl: stripeConfig.billingSuccessUrl, billingCancelUrl: stripeConfig.billingCancelUrl }, logging: common.logging }); const wellKnownController = new WellKnownController({ tokenService, logging: common.logging }); const ready = paymentConfig.stripe ? Promise.all([ stripeMigrations.populateProductsAndPrices().then(() => { return stripeMigrations.populateStripePricesFromStripePlansSetting(stripeConfig.plans); }).then(() => { return stripeMigrations.populateMembersMonthlyPriceIdSettings(); }).then(() => { return stripeMigrations.populateMembersYearlyPriceIdSettings(); }).then(() => { return stripeMigrations.populateDefaultProductMonthlyPriceId(); }).then(() => { return stripeMigrations.populateDefaultProductYearlyPriceId(); }).then(() => { return stripeMigrations.revertPortalPlansSetting(); }).then(() => { return stripeMigrations.removeInvalidSubscriptions(); }), stripeWebhookService.configure({ webhookSecret: process.env.WEBHOOK_SECRET, webhookHandlerUrl: stripeConfig.webhookHandlerUrl, webhook: stripeConfig.webhook || {} }) ]) : Promise.resolve(); async function hasActiveStripeSubscriptions() { const firstActiveSubscription = await StripeCustomerSubscription.findOne({ status: 'active' }); if (firstActiveSubscription) { return true; } const firstTrialingSubscription = await StripeCustomerSubscription.findOne({ status: 'trialing' }); if (firstTrialingSubscription) { return true; } const firstUnpaidSubscription = await StripeCustomerSubscription.findOne({ status: 'unpaid' }); if (firstUnpaidSubscription) { return true; } const firstPastDueSubscription = await StripeCustomerSubscription.findOne({ status: 'past_due' }); if (firstPastDueSubscription) { return true; } return false; } const users = memberRepository; async function sendEmailWithMagicLink({email, requestedType, tokenData, options = {forceEmailType: false}, requestSrc = ''}) { let type = requestedType; if (!options.forceEmailType) { const member = await users.get({email}); if (member) { type = 'signin'; } else if (type !== 'subscribe') { type = 'signup'; } } return magicLinkService.sendMagicLink({email, type, requestSrc, tokenData: Object.assign({email}, tokenData)}); } function getMagicLink(email) { return magicLinkService.getMagicLink({tokenData: {email}, type: 'signin'}); } async function getMemberDataFromMagicLinkToken(token) { const {email, labels = [], name = '', oldEmail} = await magicLinkService.getDataFromToken(token); if (!email) { return null; } const member = oldEmail ? await getMemberIdentityData(oldEmail) : await getMemberIdentityData(email); if (member) { await MemberLoginEvent.add({member_id:}); if (oldEmail) { // user exists but wants to change their email address if (oldEmail) { = email; } await users.update(member, {id:}); return getMemberIdentityData(email); } return member; } const newMember = await users.create({name, email, labels}); await MemberLoginEvent.add({member_id:}); return getMemberIdentityData(email); } async function getMemberIdentityData(email) { const model = await users.get({email}, { withRelated: [ 'stripeSubscriptions', 'stripeSubscriptions.stripePrice', 'labels', 'products' ] }); if (!model) { return null; } return model.toJSON(); } async function getMemberIdentityToken(email) { const member = await getMemberIdentityData(email); if (!member) { return null; } return tokenService.encodeIdentityToken({sub:}); } async function setMemberGeolocationFromIp(email, ip) { if (!email || !ip) { throw new common.errors.IncorrectUsageError({ message: 'setMemberGeolocationFromIp() expects email and ip arguments to be present' }); } // toJSON() is needed here otherwise users.update() will pick methods off // the model object rather than data and fail to edit correctly const member = (await users.get({email})).toJSON(); if (!member) { throw new common.errors.NotFoundError({ message: `Member with email address ${email} does not exist` }); } // max request time is 500ms so shouldn't slow requests down too much let geolocation = JSON.stringify(await geolocationService.getGeolocationFromIP(ip)); if (geolocation) { member.geolocation = geolocation; await users.update(member, {id:}); } return getMemberIdentityData(email); } const middleware = { sendMagicLink: Router().use( body.json(), (req, res) => routerController.sendMagicLink(req, res) ), createCheckoutSession: Router().use( body.json(), (req, res) => routerController.createCheckoutSession(req, res) ), createCheckoutSetupSession: Router().use( body.json(), (req, res) => routerController.createCheckoutSetupSession(req, res) ), updateSubscription: Router({mergeParams: true}).use( body.json(), (req, res) => memberController.updateSubscription(req, res) ), handleStripeWebhook: Router(), wellKnown: Router() .get('/jwks.json', (req, res) => wellKnownController.getPublicKeys(req, res) ) }; middleware.handleStripeWebhook.use(body.raw({type: 'application/json'}), async function (req, res) { if (!stripeAPIService) { common.logging.error(`Stripe not configured, not handling webhook`); res.writeHead(400); return res.end(); } if (!req.body || !req.headers['stripe-signature']) { res.writeHead(400); return res.end(); } let event; try { event = stripeWebhookService.parseWebhook(req.body, req.headers['stripe-signature']); } catch (err) { common.logging.error(err); res.writeHead(401); return res.end(); }`Handling webhook ${event.type}`); try { await stripeWebhookService.handleWebhook(event); res.writeHead(200); res.end(); } catch (err) { common.logging.error(`Error handling webhook ${event.type}`, err); res.writeHead(err.statusCode || 500); res.end(); } }); const getPublicConfig = function () { return Promise.resolve({ publicKey, issuer }); }; const bus = new (require('events').EventEmitter)(); ready.then(() => { bus.emit('ready'); }).catch((err) => { bus.emit('error', err); }); return { middleware, getMemberDataFromMagicLinkToken, getMemberIdentityToken, getMemberIdentityData, setMemberGeolocationFromIp, getPublicConfig, bus, sendEmailWithMagicLink, getMagicLink, hasActiveStripeSubscriptions, members: users, events: eventRepository, productRepository }; };