import Component from '@glimmer/component'; import {action} from '@ember/object'; import {inject} from 'ghost-admin/decorators/inject'; import {inject as service} from '@ember/service'; import {tracked} from '@glimmer/tracking'; export default class KoenigImageEditor extends Component { @service ajax; @service feature; @service settings; @service ghostPaths; @tracked scriptLoaded = false; @tracked cssLoaded = false; @inject config; get isEditorEnabled() { return this.scriptLoaded && this.cssLoaded; } get pinturaJsUrl() { if (!this.settings.pintura) { return null; } return this.config.pintura?.js || this.settings.pinturaJsUrl; } get pinturaCSSUrl() { if (!this.settings.pintura) { return null; } return this.config.pintura?.css || this.settings.pinturaCssUrl; } getImageEditorJSUrl() { let importUrl = this.pinturaJsUrl; if (!importUrl) { return null; } // load the script from admin root if relative if (importUrl.startsWith('/')) { importUrl = window.location.origin + this.ghostPaths.adminRoot.replace(/\/$/, '') + importUrl; } return importUrl; } getImageEditorCSSUrl() { let cssImportUrl = this.pinturaCSSUrl; if (!cssImportUrl) { return null; } // load the css from admin root if relative if (cssImportUrl.startsWith('/')) { cssImportUrl = window.location.origin + this.ghostPaths.adminRoot.replace(/\/$/, '') + cssImportUrl; } return cssImportUrl; } loadImageEditorJavascript() { const jsUrl = this.getImageEditorJSUrl(); if (!jsUrl) { return; } if (window.pintura) { this.scriptLoaded = true; return; } try { const url = new URL(jsUrl); let importScriptPromise; if (url.protocol === 'http:') { importScriptPromise = import(`http://${}${url.pathname}`); } else { importScriptPromise = import(`https://${}${url.pathname}`); } importScriptPromise.then(() => { this.scriptLoaded = true; }).catch(() => { // log script loading failure }); } catch (e) { // Log script loading error } } loadImageEditorCSS() { let cssUrl = this.getImageEditorCSSUrl(); if (!cssUrl) { return; } try { // Check if the CSS file is already present in the document's head let cssLink = document.querySelector(`link[href="${cssUrl}"]`); if (cssLink) { this.cssLoaded = true; } else { let link = document.createElement('link'); link.rel = 'stylesheet'; link.type = 'text/css'; link.href = cssUrl; link.onload = () => { this.cssLoaded = true; }; document.head.appendChild(link); } } catch (e) { // Log css loading error } } constructor() { super(...arguments); // Load the image editor script and css if not already loaded this.loadImageEditorJavascript(); this.loadImageEditorCSS(); } @action async onUploadComplete(urlList) { if (this.args.saveUrl) { const url = urlList[0].url; this.args.saveUrl(url); } } @action async handleClick(uploader) { if (this.isEditorEnabled && this.args.imageSrc) { // add a timestamp to the image src to bypass cache // avoids cors issues with cached images const imageUrl = new URL(this.args.imageSrc); if (!imageUrl.searchParams.has('v')) { imageUrl.searchParams.set('v',; } const imageSrc = imageUrl.href; const editor = window.pintura.openDefaultEditor({ src: imageSrc, util: 'crop', utils: [ 'crop', 'filter', 'finetune', 'redact', 'annotate', 'trim', 'frame', 'sticker' ], stickerStickToImage: true, frameOptions: [ // No frame [undefined, locale => locale.labelNone], // Sharp edge frame ['solidSharp', locale => locale.frameLabelMatSharp], // Rounded edge frame ['solidRound', locale => locale.frameLabelMatRound], // A single line frame ['lineSingle', locale => locale.frameLabelLineSingle], // A frame with cornenr hooks ['hook', locale => locale.frameLabelCornerHooks], // A polaroid frame ['polaroid', locale => locale.frameLabelPolaroid] ], cropSelectPresetFilter: 'landscape', cropSelectPresetOptions: [ [undefined, 'Custom'], [1, 'Square'], // shown when cropSelectPresetFilter is set to 'landscape' [2 / 1, '2:1'], [3 / 2, '3:2'], [4 / 3, '4:3'], [16 / 10, '16:10'], [16 / 9, '16:9'], // shown when cropSelectPresetFilter is set to 'portrait' [1 / 2, '1:2'], [2 / 3, '2:3'], [3 / 4, '3:4'], [10 / 16, '10:16'], [9 / 16, '9:16'] ], locale: { labelButtonExport: 'Save and close' } }); editor.on('loaderror', () => { // TODO: log error message }); editor.on('process', (result) => { // save edited image try { if (this.args.saveImage) { this.args.saveImage(result.dest); } if (this.args.saveUrl) { uploader.setFiles([result.dest]); } } catch (e) { // Failed to save edited image } }); } } }