const assert = require('assert'); const ObjectID = require('bson-objectid'); const Mention = require('../lib/Mention'); const validInput = { source: '', target: '', sourceTitle: 'Title!', sourceExcerpt: 'Excerpt!' }; describe('Mention', function () { describe('toJSON', function () { it('Returns a object with the expected properties', async function () { const mention = await Mention.create(validInput); const actual = Object.keys(mention.toJSON()); const expected = [ 'id', 'source', 'target', 'timestamp', 'payload', 'resourceId', 'sourceTitle', 'sourceSiteTitle', 'sourceAuthor', 'sourceExcerpt', 'sourceFavicon', 'sourceFeaturedImage' ]; assert.deepEqual(actual, expected); }); }); describe('create', function () { it('Will error with invalid inputs', async function () { const invalidInputs = [ {id: 'Not valid ID'}, {id: 123}, {source: 'Not a valid source'}, {target: 'Not a valid target'}, {timestamp: 'Not a valid timestamp'}, {resourceId: 'Invalid resourceId'}, {sourceTitle: 123}, {sourceExcerpt: 123}, {sourceFavicon: 'Invalid source favicon'}, {sourceFeaturedImage: 'Invalid source featured image'} ]; for (const invalidInput of invalidInputs) { let errored = false; try { await Mention.create({ ...validInput, ...invalidInput }); } catch (err) { errored = true; } finally { if (!errored) {`Should have errored with invalid input ${JSON.stringify(invalidInput)}`); } } } }); it('Will not error with valid inputs', async function () { const validInputs = [ {id: new ObjectID()}, {source: new URL('')}, {target: new URL('')}, {timestamp: new Date()}, {timestamp: '2023-01-01T00:00:00Z'}, {payload: {extra: 'shit'}}, {resourceId: new ObjectID()}, {sourceFavicon: ''}, {sourceFavicon: new URL('')}, {sourceFeaturedImage: ''}, {sourceFeaturedImage: new URL('')} ]; for (const localValidInput of validInputs) { await Mention.create({ ...validInput, ...localValidInput }); } }); it('Will trim titles which are too long', async function () { const mention = await Mention.create({ ...validInput, sourceTitle: Array.from({length: 3000}).join('A') }); assert(mention.sourceTitle.length === 2000); }); it('Will default the title to the host of the source URL if missing', async function () { const mention = await Mention.create({ ...validInput, sourceTitle: null }); assert(mention.sourceTitle); assert(mention.sourceTitle === ''); }); }); });