import assert from 'assert/strict'; import {Recommendation} from '../src'; describe('Recommendation', function () { describe('validate', function () { it('Throws for an empty title', function () { assert.throws(() => { Recommendation.validate({ title: '', description: null, excerpt: null, featuredImage: null, favicon: null, url: '', oneClickSubscribe: false }); }, { name: 'ValidationError', message: 'Title must not be empty' }); }); it('Throws for a long title', function () { assert.throws(() => { Recommendation.validate({ title: 'a'.repeat(2001), description: null, excerpt: null, featuredImage: null, favicon: null, url: '', oneClickSubscribe: false }); }, { name: 'ValidationError', message: 'Title must be less than 2000 characters' }); }); it('Throws for a long description', function () { assert.throws(() => { Recommendation.validate({ title: 'Test', description: 'a'.repeat(2001), excerpt: null, featuredImage: null, favicon: null, url: '', oneClickSubscribe: false }); }, { name: 'ValidationError', message: 'Description must be less than 2000 characters' }); }); it('Throws for a long excerpt', function () { assert.throws(() => { Recommendation.validate({ title: 'Test', description: null, excerpt: 'a'.repeat(2001), featuredImage: null, favicon: null, url: '', oneClickSubscribe: false }); }, { name: 'ValidationError', message: 'Excerpt must be less than 2000 characters' }); }); }); describe('clean', function () { it('sets createdAt ms to 0', function () { const recommendation = Recommendation.create({ title: 'Test', description: null, excerpt: null, featuredImage: null, favicon: null, url: '', oneClickSubscribe: false, createdAt: new Date('2021-01-01T00:00:05Z') }); assert.equal(recommendation.createdAt.getMilliseconds(), 0); }); it('sets updatedAt ms to 0', function () { const recommendation = Recommendation.create({ title: 'Test', description: null, excerpt: null, featuredImage: null, favicon: null, url: '', oneClickSubscribe: false, updatedAt: new Date('2021-01-01T00:00:05Z') }); assert.equal(recommendation.updatedAt!.getMilliseconds(), 0); }); it('sets empty description to null', function () { const recommendation = Recommendation.create({ title: 'Test', description: '', excerpt: null, featuredImage: null, favicon: null, url: '', oneClickSubscribe: false, updatedAt: new Date('2021-01-01T00:00:05Z') }); assert.equal(recommendation.description, null); }); it('removes search and hash params', function () { const recommendation = Recommendation.create({ title: 'Test', description: '', excerpt: null, featuredImage: null, favicon: null, url: '', oneClickSubscribe: false, updatedAt: new Date('2021-01-01T00:00:05Z') }); assert.equal(recommendation.url.toString(), ''); }); }); describe('plain', function () { it('does not return instance of self', function () { const recommendation = Recommendation.create({ title: 'Test', description: null, excerpt: null, featuredImage: null, favicon: null, url: '', oneClickSubscribe: false, createdAt: new Date('2021-01-01T00:00:05Z') }); assert.equal(recommendation.plain instanceof Recommendation, false); }); }); describe('edit', function () { it('can edit known properties', function () { const recommendation = Recommendation.create({ title: 'Test', description: null, excerpt: null, featuredImage: null, favicon: null, url: '', oneClickSubscribe: false, createdAt: new Date('2021-01-01T00:00:05Z'), updatedAt: null }); recommendation.edit({ title: 'Updated' }); assert.equal(recommendation.title, 'Updated'); assert.notEqual(recommendation.updatedAt, null); }); it('does not change updatedAt if nothing changed', function () { const recommendation = Recommendation.create({ title: 'Test', description: null, excerpt: null, featuredImage: null, favicon: null, url: '', oneClickSubscribe: false, createdAt: new Date('2021-01-01T00:00:05Z'), updatedAt: null }); assert.equal(recommendation.updatedAt, null); recommendation.edit({ title: 'Test', url: undefined } as any); assert.equal(recommendation.title, 'Test'); assert.equal(recommendation.url.toString(), ''); assert.equal(recommendation.updatedAt, null); }); it('can not edit unknown properties', function () { const recommendation = Recommendation.create({ title: 'Test', description: null, excerpt: null, featuredImage: null, favicon: null, url: '', oneClickSubscribe: false, createdAt: new Date('2021-01-01T00:00:05Z'), updatedAt: null }); recommendation.edit({ bla: true } as any); assert.notEqual(recommendation.updatedAt, null); assert.equal((recommendation as any).bla, undefined); }); }); describe('delete', function () { it('can delete', function () { const recommendation = Recommendation.create({ title: 'Test', description: null, excerpt: null, featuredImage: null, favicon: null, url: '', oneClickSubscribe: false, createdAt: new Date('2021-01-01T00:00:05Z'), updatedAt: null }); assert.equal(recommendation.deleted, false); recommendation.delete(); assert.equal(recommendation.deleted, true); }); }); });