const should = require('should'); const DynamicRedirectManager = require('../'); const urlJoin = ( => { let url = parts.join('/'); return url.replace(/(^|[^:])\/\/+/g, '$1/'); }; describe('DynamicRedirectManager', function () { let headers; let status; let location; let req; let res; beforeEach(function () { headers = null; status = null; location = null; req = { method: 'GET' }; res = { set(_headers) { headers = _headers; }, redirect(_status, _location) { status = _status; location = _location; } }; }); describe('no subdirectory configuration', function () { let manager; beforeEach(function () { manager = new DynamicRedirectManager({ permanentMaxAge: 100, getSubdirectoryURL: (pathname) => { return urlJoin('', pathname); } }); }); it('Prioritizes the query params of the redirect', function () { manager.addRedirect('/test-params', '/result?q=abc', { permanent: true }); req.url = '/test-params/?q=123&lang=js'; manager.handleRequest(req, res, function next() {, false, 'next should NOT have been called'); }); should.equal(headers['Cache-Control'], 'public, max-age=100'); should.equal(status, 301); should.equal(location, '/result?q=abc&lang=js'); }); it('Allows redirects to be removed', function () { const id = manager.addRedirect('/test-params', '/result?q=abc', {permanent: true}); manager.removeRedirect(id); req.url = '/test-params/?q=123&lang=js'; manager.handleRequest(req, res, function next() { should.ok(true, 'next should have been called'); }); should.equal(headers, null); should.equal(status, null); should.equal(location, null); }); it('The routing works when passed an invalid regexp for the from parameter', function () { const from = '/invalid_regex/(/size/[a-zA-Z0-9_-.]*/[a-zA-Z0-9_-.]*/[0-9]*/[0-9]*/)([a-zA-Z0-9_-.]*)'; const to = '/'; manager.addRedirect(from , to, { permanent: false }); req.url = '/test-params/'; manager.handleRequest(req, res, function next() { should.ok(true, 'next should have been called'); }); should.equal(headers, null); should.equal(status, null); should.equal(location, null); }); describe('Substitution regex redirects', function () { it('Works with substitution redirect case and no trailing slash', function (){ const from = '^/post/[0-9]+/([a-z0-9\\-]+)'; const to = '/$1'; manager.addRedirect(from , to); req.url = '/post/10/a-nice-blog-post'; manager.handleRequest(req, res, function next() {, 'next should NOT have been called'); }); // NOTE: max-age is "0" because it's not a permanent redirect should.equal(headers['Cache-Control'], 'public, max-age=0'); should.equal(status, 302); should.equal(location, '/a-nice-blog-post'); }); it('Works with substitution redirect case and a trailing slash', function (){ const from = '^/post/[0-9]+/([a-z0-9\\-]+)'; const to = '/$1'; manager.addRedirect(from , to); req.url = '/post/10/a-nice-blog-post/'; manager.handleRequest(req, res, function next() {, 'next should NOT have been called'); }); // NOTE: max-age is "0" because it's not a permanent redirect should.equal(headers['Cache-Control'], 'public, max-age=0'); should.equal(status, 302); should.equal(location, '/a-nice-blog-post'); }); it('Redirects keeping the query params for substitution regexp', function (){ const from = '^/post/[0-9]+/([a-z0-9\\-]+)'; const to = '/$1'; manager.addRedirect(from , to); req.url = '/post/10/a-nice-blog-post?a=b'; manager.handleRequest(req, res, function next() {, 'next should NOT have been called'); }); // NOTE: max-age is "0" because it's not a permanent redirect should.equal(headers['Cache-Control'], 'public, max-age=0'); should.equal(status, 302); should.equal(location, '/a-nice-blog-post?a=b'); }); it('Redirects keeping the query params', function (){ const from = '^\\/topic\\/'; const to = '/'; manager.addRedirect(from , to); req.url = '/topic?something=good'; manager.handleRequest(req, res, function next() {, 'next should NOT have been called'); }); // NOTE: max-age is "0" because it's not a permanent redirect should.equal(headers['Cache-Control'], 'public, max-age=0'); should.equal(status, 302); should.equal(location, '/?something=good'); }); }); describe('Case sensitivity', function () { it('with case insensitive', function () { const from = '/^\\/case-insensitive/i'; const to = '/redirected-insensitive'; manager.addRedirect(from , to); req.url = '/CaSe-InSeNsItIvE'; manager.handleRequest(req, res, function next() {, 'next should NOT have been called'); }); // NOTE: max-age is "0" because it's not a permanent redirect should.equal(headers['Cache-Control'], 'public, max-age=0'); should.equal(status, 302); should.equal(location, '/redirected-insensitive'); }); it('with case sensitive', function () { const from = '^\\/Case-Sensitive'; const to = '/redirected-sensitive'; manager.addRedirect(from , to); req.url = '/Case-Sensitive'; manager.handleRequest(req, res, function next() {, 'next should NOT have been called'); }); // NOTE: max-age is "0" because it's not a permanent redirect should.equal(headers['Cache-Control'], 'public, max-age=0'); should.equal(status, 302); should.equal(location, '/redirected-sensitive'); }); it('defaults to case sensitive', function () { const from = '^\\/Default-Sensitive'; const to = '/redirected-default'; manager.addRedirect(from , to); req.url = '/Default-Sensitive'; manager.handleRequest(req, res, function next() {, 'next should NOT have been called'); }); should.equal(headers['Cache-Control'], 'public, max-age=0'); should.equal(status, 302); should.equal(location, '/redirected-default'); }); it('should not redirect with case sensitive', function () { const from = '^\\/Case-Sensitive'; const to = '/redirected-insensitive'; manager.addRedirect(from , to); req.url = '/casE-sensitivE'; manager.handleRequest(req, res, function next() { should.ok(true, 'next should have been called'); }); should.equal(headers, null); should.equal(status, null); should.equal(location, null); }); it('should not redirect with default case sensitive', function () { const from = '^\\/Default-Sensitive'; const to = '/redirected-default'; manager.addRedirect(from , to); req.url = '/defaulT-sensitivE'; manager.handleRequest(req, res, function next() { should.ok(true, 'next should have been called'); }); should.equal(headers, null); should.equal(status, null); should.equal(location, null); }); }); describe('External url redirect', function () { it('with trailing slash', function () { const from = '/external-url'; const to = ''; manager.addRedirect(from , to); req.url = '/external-url/'; manager.handleRequest(req, res, function next() {, 'next should NOT have been called'); }); // NOTE: max-age is "0" because it's not a permanent redirect should.equal(headers['Cache-Control'], 'public, max-age=0'); should.equal(status, 302); should.equal(location, ''); }); it('without trailing slash', function () { const from = '/external-url'; const to = ''; manager.addRedirect(from , to); req.url = '/external-url'; manager.handleRequest(req, res, function next() {, 'next should NOT have been called'); }); // NOTE: max-age is "0" because it's not a permanent redirect should.equal(headers['Cache-Control'], 'public, max-age=0'); should.equal(status, 302); should.equal(location, ''); }); it('with capturing group', function () { const from = '/external-url/(.*)'; const to = '$1'; manager.addRedirect(from , to); req.url = '/external-url/docs'; manager.handleRequest(req, res, function next() {, 'next should NOT have been called'); }); // NOTE: max-age is "0" because it's not a permanent redirect should.equal(headers['Cache-Control'], 'public, max-age=0'); should.equal(status, 302); should.equal(location, ''); }); }); }); describe('with subdirectory configuration', function () { let manager; beforeEach(function () { manager = new DynamicRedirectManager({ permanentMaxAge: 100, getSubdirectoryURL: (pathname) => { return urlJoin('', pathname); } }); }); it('should include the subdirectory', function () { const from = '/my-old-blog-post/'; const to = '/revamped-url/'; manager.addRedirect(from , to, {permanent: true}); req.url = '/blog/my-old-blog-post/'; manager.handleRequest(req, res, function next() {, 'next should NOT have been called'); }); should.equal(headers['Cache-Control'], 'public, max-age=100'); should.equal(status, 301); should.equal(location, '/blog/revamped-url/'); }); }); });