import Component from '@glimmer/component'; import {action} from '@ember/object'; import {inject as service} from '@ember/service'; export default class SettingsMembersSubscriptionAccess extends Component { @service settings; get options() { return [{ name: 'Anyone can sign up', description: 'All visitors will be able to subscribe and sign in', value: 'all', icon: 'globe', icon_color: 'green' }, { name: 'Only people I invite', description: 'People can sign in from your site but won\'t be able to sign up', value: 'invite', icon: 'email-love-letter', icon_color: 'blue' }, { name: 'Nobody', description: 'Disable all member features, including newsletters', value: 'none', icon: 'no-members', icon_color: 'midlightgrey-d2' }]; } get selectedOption() { return this.options.find(o => o.value === this.settings.membersSignupAccess); } @action setSignupAccess(option) { this.settings.membersSignupAccess = option.value; this.args.onChange?.(option.value); if (option.value === 'none') { this.settings.defaultContentVisibility = 'public'; } } }