const moment = require('moment'); class SubscriptionStatsService { /** * @param {object} deps * @param {import('knex').Knex} deps.knex*/ constructor({knex}) { this.knex = knex; } /** * @returns {Promise<{data: SubscriptionHistoryEntry[]}>} **/ async getSubscriptionHistory() { const subscriptionDeltaEntries = await this.fetchAllSubscriptionDeltas(); const counts = await this.fetchSubscriptionCounts(); /** @type {Object.>} */ const countData = {}; counts.forEach((count) => { if (!countData[count.tier]) { countData[count.tier] = {}; } countData[count.tier][count.cadence] = count.count; }); /** @type {SubscriptionHistoryEntry[]} */ let subscriptionHistoryEntries = []; /** @type {string[]} */ let cadences = []; /** @type {string[]} */ let tiers = []; for (let index = subscriptionDeltaEntries.length - 1; index >= 0; index -= 1) { const entry = subscriptionDeltaEntries[index]; if (!countData[entry.tier]) { countData[entry.tier] = {}; } if (!countData[entry.tier][entry.cadence]) { countData[entry.tier][entry.cadence] = 0; } subscriptionHistoryEntries.unshift({ ...entry, date: moment('YYYY-MM-DD'), count: countData[entry.tier][entry.cadence] }); countData[entry.tier][entry.cadence] += entry.negative_delta; countData[entry.tier][entry.cadence] -= entry.positive_delta; if (!cadences.includes(entry.cadence)) { cadences.push(entry.cadence); } if (!tiers.includes(entry.tier)) { tiers.push(entry.tier); } } return { data: subscriptionHistoryEntries, meta: { cadences, tiers, totals: counts } }; } /** * @returns {Promise} **/ async fetchAllSubscriptionDeltas() { const knex = this.knex; const rows = await knex('members_paid_subscription_events') .join('stripe_prices AS price', function () { this.on('price.stripe_price_id', '=', 'members_paid_subscription_events.from_plan') .orOn('price.stripe_price_id', '=', 'members_paid_subscription_events.to_plan'); }) .join('stripe_products AS product', 'product.stripe_product_id', '=', 'price.stripe_product_id') .join('products AS tier', '', '=', 'product.product_id') .leftJoin('stripe_prices AS from_price', 'from_price.stripe_price_id', '=', 'members_paid_subscription_events.from_plan') .leftJoin('stripe_prices AS to_price', 'to_price.stripe_price_id', '=', 'members_paid_subscription_events.to_plan') .select(knex.raw(` DATE(members_paid_subscription_events.created_at) as date `)) .select(knex.raw(` as tier `)) .select(knex.raw(` price.interval as cadence `)) .select(knex.raw(`SUM( CASE WHEN members_paid_subscription_events.type IN ('created','reactivated') AND members_paid_subscription_events.mrr_delta != 0 THEN 1 WHEN members_paid_subscription_events.type='updated' AND = THEN 1 ELSE 0 END ) as positive_delta`)) .select(knex.raw(`SUM( CASE WHEN members_paid_subscription_events.type IN ('canceled', 'expired') AND members_paid_subscription_events.mrr_delta != 0 THEN 1 WHEN members_paid_subscription_events.type='updated' AND = THEN 1 ELSE 0 END ) as negative_delta`)) .select(knex.raw(`SUM( CASE WHEN members_paid_subscription_events.type IN ('created','reactivated') AND members_paid_subscription_events.mrr_delta != 0 THEN 1 ELSE 0 END ) as signups`)) .select(knex.raw(`SUM( CASE WHEN members_paid_subscription_events.type IN ('canceled', 'expired') AND members_paid_subscription_events.mrr_delta != 0 THEN 1 ELSE 0 END ) as cancellations`)) .groupBy('date', 'tier', 'cadence') .orderBy('date'); return rows; } /** * Get the current total subscriptions grouped by Cadence and Tier * @returns {Promise} **/ async fetchSubscriptionCounts() { const knex = this.knex; const data = await knex('members_stripe_customers_subscriptions') .select(knex.raw(` COUNT( AS count, AS tier, stripe_prices.interval AS cadence `)) .join('stripe_prices', 'stripe_prices.stripe_price_id', '=', 'members_stripe_customers_subscriptions.stripe_price_id') .join('stripe_products', 'stripe_products.stripe_product_id', '=', 'stripe_prices.stripe_product_id') .join('products', '', '=', 'stripe_products.product_id') .whereNot('members_stripe_customers_subscriptions.mrr', 0) .groupBy('tier', 'cadence'); return data; } } /** @typedef {object} SubscriptionCount * @prop {string} tier * @prop {string} cadence * @prop {number} count **/ /** * @typedef {object} SubscriptionDelta * @prop {string} tier * @prop {string} cadence * @prop {string} date * @prop {number} positive_delta * @prop {number} negative_delta * @prop {number} signups * @prop {number} cancellations **/ /** * @typedef {object} SubscriptionHistoryEntry * @prop {string} tier * @prop {string} cadence * @prop {string} date * @prop {number} positive_delta * @prop {number} negative_delta * @prop {number} signups * @prop {number} cancellations * @prop {number} count **/ module.exports = SubscriptionStatsService;