const DomainEvents = require('@tryghost/domain-events'); const nock = require('nock'); let members = {}; let stripeService = {}; let tiers = {}; let models = {}; const crypto = require('crypto'); /** * The Stripe Mocker mimics an in memory version of the Stripe API. We can use it to quickly create new subscriptions and get a close to real world test environment with working webhooks etc. * If you create a new subscription, it will automatically send the customer.subscription.created webhook. So you can test what happens. */ class StripeMocker { customers = []; subscriptions = []; paymentMethods = []; setupIntents = []; coupons = []; prices = []; products = []; constructor(data = {}) { this.customers = data.customers ?? []; this.subscriptions = data.subscriptions ?? []; this.paymentMethods = data.paymentMethods ?? []; this.setupIntents = data.setupIntents ?? []; = ?? []; this.prices = data.prices ?? []; this.products = data.products ?? []; } reset() { this.customers = []; this.subscriptions = []; this.paymentMethods = []; this.setupIntents = []; = []; this.prices = []; this.products = []; // Fix for now, because of importing order breaking some things when they are not initialized members = require('../../core/server/services/members'); stripeService = require('../../core/server/services/stripe'); tiers = require('../../core/server/services/tiers'); models = require('../../core/server/models'); } #generateRandomId() { return crypto.randomBytes(8).toString('hex'); } createCustomer(overrides = {}) { const customerId = `cus_${this.#generateRandomId()}`; const stripeCustomer = { id: customerId, object: 'customer', name: 'Test User', email: customerId + '', subscriptions: { type: 'list', data: [] }, ...overrides }; this.customers.push(stripeCustomer); return stripeCustomer; } /** * * @param {*} tierSlug * @param {'month' | 'year'} cadence * @returns */ async getPriceForTier(tierSlug, cadence) { const product = await models.Product.findOne({slug: tierSlug}); const tier = await; const payments = members.api.paymentsService; const {id} = await payments.createPriceForTierCadence(tier, cadence); return this.#getData(this.prices, id)[1]; } async createTrialSubscription({customer, price, ...overrides}) { return await this.createSubscription({ customer, price, status: 'trialing', trial_end_at: ( + 1000 * 60 * 60 * 24 * 7) / 1000, ...overrides }); } async createIncompleteSubscription({customer, price, ...overrides}) { return await this.createSubscription({ customer, price, status: 'incomplete', ...overrides }); } async updateSubscription({id, ...overrides}) { const subscription = this.#postData(this.subscriptions, id, overrides, 'subscriptions')[1]; // Send update webhook await this.sendWebhook({ type: 'customer.subscription.updated', data: { object: subscription } }); await DomainEvents.allSettled(); } async createSubscription({customer, price, ...overrides}) { const subscriptionId = `sub_${this.#generateRandomId()}`; const subscription = { id: subscriptionId, object: 'subscription', cancel_at_period_end: false, canceled_at: null, current_period_end: ( + 1000 * 60 * 60 * 24 * 31) / 1000, start_date: Math.floor( / 1000), status: 'active', items: { type: 'list', data: [ { price } ] }, customer:, ...overrides }; this.subscriptions.push(subscription);; // Announce await this.sendWebhook({ type: 'checkout.session.completed', data: { object: { mode: 'subscription', customer:, metadata: { checkoutType: 'signup' } } } }); return subscription; } #getData(arr, id) { const setupIntent = arr.find(c => === id); if (!setupIntent) { return [404]; } return [200, setupIntent]; } #postData(arr, id, body, resource) { const qs = require('qs'); let decoded = qs.parse(body, { allowPrototypes: true, decoder(value) { // Convert numbers to numbers and bools to bools if (/^(\d+|\d*\.\d+)$/.test(value)) { return parseFloat(value); } let keywords = { true: true, false: false, null: null }; if (value in keywords) { return keywords[value]; } return decodeURIComponent(value); } }); if (resource === 'customers') { if (!id) { // Add default fields decoded = { object: 'customer', subscriptions: { type: 'list', data: [] }, ...decoded }; } } if (resource === 'subscriptions') { // Convert price to price object if (Array.isArray(decoded.items)) { const first = decoded.items[0]; if (first && typeof first.price === 'string') { const price = this.#getData(this.prices, first.price)[1]; if (!price) { return [400, {error: 'Invalid price ' + first.price}]; } decoded.items = { data: [ { ...first, price } ] }; } } // Add default fields if (!id) { decoded = { object: 'subscription', cancel_at_period_end: false, canceled_at: null, current_period_end: ( + 1000 * 60 * 60 * 24 * 31) / 1000, start_date: Math.floor( / 1000), status: 'active', items: { type: 'list', data: [] }, ...decoded }; } if (typeof decoded.customer === 'string') { // Add customer to customer list const customer = this.#getData(this.customers, decoded.customer)[1]; if (!customer) { return [400, {error: 'Invalid customer ' + decoded.customer}]; }; } } if (!id) { // create = `${resource.substr(0, 4)}_${this.#generateRandomId()}`; arr.push(decoded); return [200, decoded]; } // Patch const subscription = arr.find(c => === id); if (!subscription) { return [404]; } Object.assign(subscription, decoded); return [200, subscription]; } stub() { nock('') .persist() .get(/v1\/.*/) .reply((uri) => { const [match, resource, id] = uri.match(/\/?v1\/(\w+)\/?(\w+)/) || [null]; if (!match) { return [500]; } if (resource === 'setup_intents') { return this.#getData(this.setupIntents, id); } if (resource === 'customers') { return this.#getData(this.customers, id); } if (resource === 'subscriptions') { return this.#getData(this.subscriptions, id); } if (resource === 'coupons') { return this.#getData(, id); } if (resource === 'payment_methods') { return this.#getData(this.paymentMethods, id); } if (resource === 'prices') { return this.#getData(this.prices, id); } if (resource === 'products') { return this.#getData(this.products, id); } return [500]; }); nock('') .persist() .post(/v1\/.*/) .reply((uri, body) => { const [match, resource, id] = uri.match(/\/?v1\/(\w+)(?:\/?(\w+)){0,2}/) || [null]; if (!match) { return [500]; } if (resource === 'payment_methods') { return this.#postData(this.paymentMethods, id, body, resource); } if (resource === 'subscriptions') { return this.#postData(this.subscriptions, id, body, resource); } if (resource === 'customers') { return this.#postData(this.customers, id, body, resource); } if (resource === 'coupons') { return this.#postData(, id, body, resource); } if (resource === 'prices') { return this.#postData(this.prices, id, body, resource); } if (resource === 'products') { return this.#postData(this.products, id, body, resource); } return [500]; }); nock('') .persist() .delete(/v1\/.*/) .reply((uri) => { const [match, resource, id] = uri.match(/\/?v1\/(\w+)(?:\/?(\w+)){0,2}/) || [null]; if (!match) { return [500]; } if (resource === 'subscriptions') { return this.#postData(this.subscriptions, id, 'status=canceled', resource); } return [500]; }); } async sendWebhook(event) { /** * @type {any} */ const webhookController = stripeService.webhookController; await webhookController.handleEvent(event); } } module.exports = StripeMocker;