import AllSourcesModal from './modals/all-sources'; import Component from '@glimmer/component'; import {action} from '@ember/object'; import {inject as service} from '@ember/service'; export default class SourceAttributionTable extends Component { @service membersUtils; @service modals; @action openAllSources() { // add unavailableSource to sortedSources array only if it has value const allSources = this.unavailableSource ? [...this.sortedSources, this.unavailableSource] : this.sortedSources;, { sources: allSources, unavailableSource: this.unavailableSource, sortColumn: this.args.sortColumn }); } get unavailableSource() { const emptySource = this.args.sources.find(sourceData => !sourceData.source); if (!emptySource) { return null; } return { ...emptySource, source: 'Unavailable' }; } // Others data includes all sources except the first 5 get others() { if (this.sortedSources.length < 5) { return null; } if (this.sortedSources.length === 5 && !this.unavailableSource?.length) { return null; } return this.sortedSources.slice(5).reduce((acc, source) => { return { signups: acc.signups + source.signups, paidConversions: acc.paidConversions + source.paidConversions }; }, { signups: 0, paidConversions: 0 }); } get sortedSources() { return this.args.sources?.filter(source => source.source).sort((a, b) => { if (this.args.sortColumn === 'signups') { return b.signups - a.signups; } else { return b.paidConversions - a.paidConversions; } }) || []; } get sources() { if (this.sortedSources.length >= 5) { return this.sortedSources.slice(0, 5); } return this.unavailableSource ? [...this.sortedSources, this.unavailableSource] : this.sortedSources; } }