const LinkClickTrackingService = require('../lib/LinkClickTrackingService'); const sinon = require('sinon'); const should = require('should'); const assert = require('assert'); const ObjectID = require('bson-objectid').default; const PostLink = require('../lib/PostLink'); const {RedirectEvent} = require('@tryghost/link-redirects'); describe('LinkClickTrackingService', function () { it('exists', function () { require('../'); }); describe('init', function () { it('initialises only once', function () { const subscribe = sinon.stub(); const service = new LinkClickTrackingService({ DomainEvents: { subscribe } }); service.init(); assert.ok(subscribe.calledOnce); service.init(); assert.ok(subscribe.calledOnce); }); }); describe('getLinks', function () { it('passes call to postLinkRepository', async function () { const getAll = sinon.stub().resolves(['test']); const service = new LinkClickTrackingService({ postLinkRepository: { getAll } }); const links = await service.getLinks({filter: 'post_id:1'}); // Check called with filter assert.ok(getAll.calledOnceWithExactly({filter: 'post_id:1'})); // Check returned value assert.deepStrictEqual(links, ['test']); }); }); describe('addRedirectToUrl', function () { it('Creates a redirect', async function () { const getSlugUrl = sinon.stub().resolves(new URL('')); const save = sinon.stub().resolves(); const linkId = new ObjectID(); const addRedirect = sinon.stub().resolves({link_id: linkId, to: new URL(''), from: new URL('')}); const service = new LinkClickTrackingService({ linkRedirectService: { getSlugUrl, addRedirect }, postLinkRepository: { save } }); const postId = new ObjectID().toHexString(); const updatedUrl = await service.addRedirectToUrl(new URL(''), {id: postId}); assert.equal(updatedUrl.toString(), ''); // Check getSlugUrl called assert(getSlugUrl.calledOnce); // Check save called assert( save.calledOnceWithExactly( new PostLink({ post_id: postId, link_id: linkId }) ) ); }); }); describe('addTrackingToUrl', function () { it('Creates a redirect', async function () { const getSlugUrl = sinon.stub().resolves(new URL('')); const save = sinon.stub().resolves(); const linkId = new ObjectID(); const addRedirect = sinon.stub().resolves({link_id: linkId, to: new URL(''), from: new URL('')}); const service = new LinkClickTrackingService({ linkRedirectService: { getSlugUrl, addRedirect }, postLinkRepository: { save } }); const postId = new ObjectID().toHexString(); const updatedUrl = await service.addTrackingToUrl(new URL(''), {id: postId}, '123'); assert.equal(updatedUrl.toString(), ''); // Check getSlugUrl called assert(getSlugUrl.calledOnce); // Check save called assert( save.calledOnceWithExactly( new PostLink({ post_id: postId, link_id: linkId }) ) ); }); }); describe('subscribe', function () { it('Ignores redirects without a member id', async function () { const event = RedirectEvent.create({ url: new URL(''), link: {} }); const save = sinon.stub().resolves(); const service = new LinkClickTrackingService({ DomainEvents: { subscribe: (eventType, callback) => { assert.equal(eventType, RedirectEvent); callback(event); } }, linkClickRepository: { save } }); service.subscribe(); assert(!save.called); }); it('Tracks redirects with a member id', async function () { const linkId = new ObjectID(); const event = RedirectEvent.create({ url: new URL(''), link: { link_id: linkId } }); const save = sinon.stub().resolves(); const service = new LinkClickTrackingService({ DomainEvents: { subscribe: (eventType, callback) => { assert.equal(eventType, RedirectEvent); callback(event); } }, linkClickRepository: { save } }); service.subscribe(); assert(save.calledOnce); assert.equal(save.firstCall.args[0].member_uuid, 'memberId'); assert.equal(save.firstCall.args[0].link_id, linkId); }); }); describe('bulkEdit', function () { it('returns the result of updating links', async function () { const service = new LinkClickTrackingService({ urlUtils: { absoluteToTransformReady: (d) => { return d; }, isSiteUrl: sinon.stub().returns(true) }, postLinkRepository: { updateLinks: sinon.stub().resolves({ successful: 0, unsuccessful: 0, errors: [], unsuccessfulData: [] }) }, linkRedirectService: { getFilteredIds: sinon.stub().resolves([]) } }); const options = { filter: `post_id:1+to:''` }; const result = await service.bulkEdit({ action: 'updateLink', meta: { link: {to: ''} } }, options); should(result).eql({ successful: 0, unsuccessful: 0, errors: [], unsuccessfulData: [] }); }); }); });