// # The Ghost Boot Sequence // IMPORTANT: The only global requires here should be debug + overrides const debug = require('ghost-ignition').debug('boot'); require('./server/overrides'); // END OF GLOBAL REQUIRES const initCore = async ({ghostServer}) => { const settings = require('./server/services/settings'); const jobService = require('./server/services/jobs'); const models = require('./server/models'); const {events, i18n} = require('./server/lib/common'); ghostServer.registerCleanupTask(async () => { await jobService.shutdown(); }); // Initialize Ghost core internationalization i18n.init(); debug('Default i18n done for core'); models.init(); debug('Models done'); await settings.init(); // @TODO: fix this - has to happen before db.ready is emitted debug('Begin: Url Service'); require('./frontend/services/url'); debug('End: Url Service'); // @TODO: fix this location events.emit('db.ready'); }; const initExpressApps = async () => { debug('Begin: initExpressApps'); const themeService = require('./frontend/services/themes'); const frontendSettings = require('./frontend/services/settings'); await frontendSettings.init(); debug('Frontend settings done'); await themeService.init(); debug('Themes done'); const parentApp = require('./server/web/parent/app')(); debug('End: initExpressApps'); return parentApp; }; const initServices = async ({config}) => { debug('Begin: initialiseServices'); const themeService = require('./frontend/services/themes'); const frontendSettings = require('./frontend/services/settings'); const appService = require('./frontend/services/apps'); const urlUtils = require('./shared/url-utils'); // CASE: When Ghost is ready with bootstrapping (db migrations etc.), we can trigger the router creation. // Reason is that the routers access the routes.yaml, which shouldn't and doesn't have to be validated to // start Ghost in maintenance mode. // Routing is a bridge between the frontend and API const routing = require('./frontend/services/routing'); // We pass the themeService API version here, so that the frontend services are less tightly-coupled routing.bootstrap.start(themeService.getApiVersion()); const settings = require('./server/services/settings'); const permissions = require('./server/services/permissions'); const xmlrpc = require('./server/services/xmlrpc'); const slack = require('./server/services/slack'); const {mega} = require('./server/services/mega'); const webhooks = require('./server/services/webhooks'); const scheduling = require('./server/adapters/scheduling'); const getRoutesHash = () => frontendSettings.getCurrentHash('routes'); await Promise.all([ // Initialize the permissions actions and objects permissions.init(), xmlrpc.listen(), slack.listen(), mega.listen(), webhooks.listen(), settings.syncRoutesHash(getRoutesHash), appService.init(), scheduling.init({ // NOTE: When changing API version need to consider how to migrate custom scheduling adapters // that rely on URL to lookup persisted scheduled records (jobs, etc.). Ref: https://github.com/TryGhost/Ghost/pull/10726#issuecomment-489557162 apiUrl: urlUtils.urlFor('api', {version: 'v3', versionType: 'admin'}, true) }) ]); debug('XMLRPC, Slack, MEGA, Webhooks, Scheduling, Permissions done'); // Initialise analytics events if (config.get('segment:key')) { require('./analytics-events').init(); } debug('End: initialiseServices'); }; const mountGhost = (rootApp, ghostApp) => { const urlService = require('./frontend/services/url'); rootApp.disable('maintenance'); rootApp.use(urlService.utils.getSubdir(), ghostApp); }; const bootGhost = async () => { // Metrics & debugging const startTime = Date.now(); let ghostServer; try { // Config is the absolute first thing to do! debug('Begin: Load config'); const config = require('./shared/config'); debug('End: Load config'); debug('Begin: Load version info'); const version = require('./server/lib/ghost-version'); config.set('version', version); debug('End: Load version info'); debug('Begin: load server + minimal app'); process.env.NODE_ENV = process.env.NODE_ENV || 'development'; // Get minimal application in maintenance mode const rootApp = require('./app'); // Start server with minimal App const GhostServer = require('./server/ghost-server'); ghostServer = new GhostServer(); await ghostServer.start(rootApp); const logging = require('./shared/logging'); logging.info('Ghost server start', (Date.now() - startTime) / 1000 + 's'); debug('End: load server + minimal app'); debug('Begin: Get DB ready'); // Get the DB ready await require('./db').ready(); debug('End: Get DB ready'); // Load Ghost with all its services debug('Begin: Load Ghost Core Services'); await initCore({ghostServer}); const ghostApp = await initExpressApps({}); await initServices({config}); debug('End: Load Ghost Core Services'); // Mount the full Ghost app onto the minimal root app & disable maintenance mode mountGhost(rootApp, ghostApp); // Announce Server Readiness logging.info('Ghost boot', (Date.now() - startTime) / 1000 + 's'); GhostServer.announceServerReadiness(); } catch (error) { const errors = require('@tryghost/errors'); // @TODO: fix these extra requires const GhostServer = require('./server/ghost-server'); const logging = require('./shared/logging'); let serverStartError = error; if (!errors.utils.isIgnitionError(serverStartError)) { serverStartError = new errors.GhostError({message: serverStartError.message, err: serverStartError}); } logging.error(serverStartError); GhostServer.announceServerReadiness(serverStartError); if (ghostServer) { ghostServer.shutdown(2); } else { setTimeout(() => { process.exit(2); }, 100); } } }; module.exports = bootGhost;