/* eslint-disable ghost/ember/alias-model-in-controller */ import Controller from '@ember/controller'; import ValidationEngine from 'ghost-admin/mixins/validation-engine'; import {action} from '@ember/object'; import {inject as service} from '@ember/service'; import {task} from 'ember-concurrency'; import {tracked} from '@glimmer/tracking'; export default class ResetController extends Controller.extend(ValidationEngine) { @service ghostPaths; @service notifications; @service session; @service ajax; @service config; @tracked newPassword = ''; @tracked ne2Password = ''; @tracked token = ''; @tracked flowErrors = ''; validationType = 'reset'; get email() { // The token base64 encodes the email (and some other stuff), // each section is divided by a '|'. Email comes second. return atob(this.token).split('|')[1]; } // Used to clear sensitive information clearData() { this.newPassword = ''; this.ne2Password = ''; this.token = ''; document.querySelector('form#reset')?.reset(); } @action handleInput(event) { this.flowErrors = ''; this.errors.clear(); this.hasValidated.addObjects(['newPassword', 'ne2Password']); this[event.currentTarget.name] = event.target.value; } @task({drop: true}) *resetPasswordTask() { const {email, newPassword, ne2Password, token} = this; const authUrl = this.ghostPaths.url.api('authentication', 'password_reset'); this.flowErrors = ''; this.hasValidated.addObjects(['newPassword', 'ne2Password']); try { yield this.validate(); try { let resp = yield this.ajax.put(authUrl, { data: { password_reset: [{newPassword, ne2Password, token}] } }); this.notifications.showAlert(resp.password_reset[0].message, {type: 'warn', delayed: true, key: 'password.reset'}); this.session.authenticate('authenticator:cookie', email, newPassword); return true; } catch (error) { this.notifications.showAPIError(error, {key: 'password.reset'}); } } catch (error) { if (this.errors.errorsFor('newPassword').length) { this.flowErrors = this.errors.errorsFor('newPassword')[0].message; } if (this.errors.errorsFor('ne2Password').length) { this.flowErrors = this.errors.errorsFor('ne2Password')[0].message; } if (error && this.errors.length === 0) { throw error; } } } }