import Component from '@glimmer/component'; import flattenGroupedOptions from 'ghost-admin/utils/flatten-grouped-options'; import {Promise} from 'rsvp'; import {action} from '@ember/object'; import {isBlank} from '@ember/utils'; import {inject as service} from '@ember/service'; import {task} from 'ember-concurrency'; import {tracked} from '@glimmer/tracking'; const BASE_FILTERS = ['status:free', 'status:-free']; export default class GhMembersRecipientSelect extends Component { @service membersUtils; @service session; @service store; @service feature; @tracked forceSpecificChecked = false; @tracked specificOptions = []; @tracked freeMemberCount; @tracked paidMemberCount; constructor() { super(...arguments); this.fetchSpecificOptionsTask.perform(); this.fetchMemberCountsTask.perform(); } get baseFilters() { const filterItems = (this.args.filter || '').split(','); const filterItemsArray = filterItems.filter(item => BASE_FILTERS.includes(item?.trim())); return new Set(filterItemsArray); } get isFreeChecked() { return this.baseFilters.has('status:free'); } get isPaidChecked() { return this.baseFilters.has('status:-free'); } get isPaidAvailable() { return this.membersUtils.isStripeEnabled; } get specificFilters() { const filterItems = (this.args.filter || '').split(','); const filterItemsArray = filterItems.reject(item => isBlank(item) || BASE_FILTERS.includes(item?.trim())); return new Set(filterItemsArray); } get isSpecificChecked() { return this.forceSpecificChecked || this.specificFilters.size > 0; } get selectedSpecificOptions() { return flattenGroupedOptions(this.specificOptions) .filter(o => this.specificFilters.has(o.segment)); } get freeMemberCountLabel() { if (this.freeMemberCount !== undefined) { return `(${this.freeMemberCount})`; } return ''; } get paidMemberCountLabel() { if (this.paidMemberCount !== undefined) { return `(${this.paidMemberCount})`; } return ''; } @action toggleFilter(filter, event) { event?.preventDefault(); if (this.args.disabled) { return; } const newBaseFilters = this.baseFilters; newBaseFilters.has(filter) ? newBaseFilters.delete(filter) : newBaseFilters.add(filter); this.updateFilter({newBaseFilters}); } @action toggleSpecificFilter(event) { event?.preventDefault(); if (this.args.disabled) { return; } // on->off, forced with an empty filter if (this.forceSpecificChecked && this.specificFilters.size === 0) { this.forceSpecificChecked = false; return; } this.forceSpecificChecked = false; // on->off, store current filter for re-use when toggled back on if (this.isSpecificChecked) { this._previousSpecificFilters = this.specificFilters; this.updateFilter({newSpecificFilters: new Set()}); return; } // off->on, re-use stored filter if (this._previousSpecificFilters) { this.updateFilter({newSpecificFilters: this._previousSpecificFilters}); return; } // off->on, display the filter selection even though the actual filter is empty this.forceSpecificChecked = true; } @action selectSpecificOptions(selectedOptions) { if (this.args.disabled) { return; } const newSpecificFilters = new Set( => o.segment)); this.updateFilter({newSpecificFilters}); } updateFilter({newBaseFilters, newSpecificFilters}) { const selectedFilters = new Set([ ...(newBaseFilters || this.baseFilters), ...(newSpecificFilters || this.specificFilters) ]); if (!this.isPaidAvailable) { selectedFilters.delete('status:-free'); } const newFilter = Array.from(selectedFilters).join(',') || null; this.args.onChange?.(newFilter); } @task *fetchSpecificOptionsTask() { const options = []; // fetch all labels w̶i̶t̶h̶ c̶o̶u̶n̶t̶s̶ // TODO: add `include: 'count.members` to query once API is fixed const labels = yield'label', {limit: 'all'}); if (labels.length > 0) { const labelsGroup = { groupName: 'Labels', options: [] }; labels.forEach((label) => { labelsGroup.options.push({ name:, segment: `label:${label.slug}`, count: label.count?.members, class: 'segment-label' }); }); options.push(labelsGroup); } if (this.feature.get('multipleProducts')) { // fetch all products w̶i̶t̶h̶ c̶o̶u̶n̶t̶s̶ // TODO: add `include: 'count.members` to query once API supports const products = yield'product', {filter: 'type:paid', limit: 'all'}); if (products.length > 1) { const productsGroup = { groupName: 'Tiers', options: [] }; products.forEach((product) => { productsGroup.options.push({ name:, segment: `product:${product.slug}`, count: product.count?.members, class: 'segment-product' }); }); options.push(productsGroup); } } this.specificOptions = options; } @task *fetchMemberCountsTask() { const user = yield this.session.user; if (!user.isAdmin) { return; } yield Promise.all(['member', {filter: 'subscribed:true+status:free', limit: 1}).then((res) => { this.freeMemberCount =; }),'member', {filter: 'subscribed:true+status:-free', limit: 1}).then((res) => { this.paidMemberCount =; }) ]); } }