import ModalComponent from 'ghost-admin/components/modal-base'; import classic from 'ember-classic-decorator'; import {action} from '@ember/object'; import {resetQueryParams} from 'ghost-admin/helpers/reset-query-params'; import {inject as service} from '@ember/service'; import {task, timeout} from 'ember-concurrency'; @classic export default class ModalCustomViewForm extends ModalComponent { @service customViews; @service router; delayedModelColor = ''; init() { super.init(...arguments); this.set('model', this.customViews.editView()); this._setDelayedModelColor.perform(); } @action changeColor(event) { let color =; this.set('model.color', color); this.set('delayedModelColor', color); } @action confirm() { return this.saveTask.perform(); } @task(function* () { let view = yield this.customViews.saveViewTask.perform(this.model); this.send('closeModal'); return view; }) saveTask; @task(function* () { let view = yield this.customViews.deleteViewTask.perform(this.model); let routeName = this.router.currentRouteName; this.send('closeModal'); this.router.transitionTo(routeName, {queryParams: resetQueryParams(routeName)}); return view; }) deleteTask; // this is a hack to get around radio buttons not working with liquid-fire. // The DOM is duplicated whilst animating-in so browsers end up setting the // checked property on the temporary DOM. Delaying the value being set // allows us to ensure we're updating the checked property after animation @task(function* () { yield timeout(200); this.set('delayedModelColor', this.model.color); }) _setDelayedModelColor; }