import Component from '@ember/component'; import classic from 'ember-classic-decorator'; import moment from 'moment'; import {action, computed} from '@ember/object'; import {isBlank, isEmpty} from '@ember/utils'; import {or, reads} from '@ember/object/computed'; import {inject as service} from '@ember/service'; import {tagName} from '@ember-decorators/component'; const DATE_FORMAT = 'YYYY-MM-DD'; @classic @tagName('') export default class GhDateTimePicker extends Component { @service settings; date = ''; dateFormat = DATE_FORMAT; time = ''; errors = null; dateErrorProperty = null; timeErrorProperty = null; isActive = true; _time = ''; _previousTime = ''; _minDate = null; _maxDate = null; _scratchDate = null; _scratchDateError = null; // actions setTypedDateError() {} get renderInPlaceWithFallback() { return this.renderInPlace === undefined ? true : this.renderInPlace; } @reads('settings.timezone') blogTimezone; @or('dateError', 'timeError') hasError; @computed('_date', '_scratchDate') get dateValue() { if (this._scratchDate !== null) { return this._scratchDate; } else { return moment(this._date).format(DATE_FORMAT); } } @computed('blogTimezone') get timezone() { let blogTimezone = this.blogTimezone; return moment.utc().tz(blogTimezone).format('z'); } @computed('errors.[]', 'dateErrorProperty', '_scratchDateError') get dateError() { if (this._scratchDateError) { return this._scratchDateError; } let errors = this.errors; let property = this.dateErrorProperty; if (errors && !isEmpty(errors.errorsFor(property))) { return errors.errorsFor(property).get('firstObject').message; } return ''; } @computed('errors.[]', 'timeErrorProperty') get timeError() { let errors = this.errors; let property = this.timeErrorProperty; if (errors && !isEmpty(errors.errorsFor(property))) { return errors.errorsFor(property).get('firstObject').message; } return ''; } didReceiveAttrs() { super.didReceiveAttrs(...arguments); let date =; let time = this.time; let minDate = this.minDate; let maxDate = this.maxDate; let blogTimezone = this.blogTimezone; if (!isBlank(date)) { this.set('_date', moment(date)); } else { this.set('_date', moment().tz(blogTimezone)); } // reset scratch date if the component becomes inactive // (eg, PSM is closed, or save type is changed away from scheduled) if (!this.isActive && this._lastIsActive) { this._resetScratchDate(); } this._lastIsActive = this.isActive; // reset scratch date if date is changed externally if ((date && date.valueOf()) !== (this._lastDate && this._lastDate.valueOf())) { this._resetScratchDate(); } this._lastDate =; if (isBlank(time)) { this.set('_time', moment(this._date).format('HH:mm')); } else { this.set('_time', this.time); } this.set('_previousTime', this._time); // unless min/max date is at midnight moment will diable that day if (minDate === 'now') { this.set('_minDate', moment(moment().format(DATE_FORMAT))); } else if (!isBlank(minDate)) { this.set('_minDate', moment(moment(minDate).format(DATE_FORMAT))); } else { this.set('_minDate', null); } if (maxDate === 'now') { this.set('_maxDate', moment(moment().format(DATE_FORMAT))); } else if (!isBlank(maxDate)) { this.set('_maxDate', moment(moment(maxDate).format(DATE_FORMAT))); } else { this.set('_maxDate', null); } } willDestroyElement() { super.willDestroyElement(...arguments); this.setTypedDateError(null); } // if date or time is set and the other property is blank set that too // so that we don't get "can't be blank" errors @action setDateInternal(date) { if (date !== this._date) { this.setDate(date); if (isBlank(this.time)) { this.setTime(this._time); } } } @action setTimeInternal(time) { if (time.match(/^\d:\d\d$/)) { time = `0${time}`; } if (time !== this._previousTime) { this.setTime(time); this.set('_previousTime', time); if (isBlank( { this.setDate(this._date); } } } @action updateTimeValue(event) { this.set('_time',; } @action registerTimeInput(elem) { this._timeInputElem = elem; } @action onDateInput(datepicker, event) { let skipFocus = true; datepicker.actions.close(event, skipFocus); this.set('_scratchDate',; } @action onDateBlur(event) { // make sure we're not doing anything just because the calendar dropdown // is opened and clicked if ( === moment(this._date).format('YYYY-MM-DD')) { this._resetScratchDate(); return; } if (! { this._resetScratchDate(); } else { this._setDate(; } } @action onDateKeydown(datepicker, event) { if (event.key === 'Escape') { this._resetScratchDate(); } if (event.key === 'Enter') { this._setDate(; event.preventDefault(); event.stopImmediatePropagation(); datepicker.actions.close(); } // close the dropdown and manually focus the time input if necessary // so that keyboard focus behaves as expected if (event.key === 'Tab' && datepicker.isOpen) { datepicker.actions.close(); // manual focus is required because the dropdown is rendered in place // and the default browser behaviour will move focus to the dropdown // which is then removed from the DOM making it look like focus has // disappeared. Shift+Tab is fine because the DOM is not changing in // that direction if (!event.shiftKey && this._timeInputElem) { event.preventDefault(); this._timeInputElem.focus();; } } // capture a Ctrl/Cmd+S combo to make sure that the model value is updated // before the save occurs or we abort the save if the value is invalid if (event.key === 's' && (event.ctrlKey || event.metaKey)) { let wasValid = this._setDate(; if (!wasValid) { event.stopImmediatePropagation(); event.preventDefault(); } } } // internal methods _resetScratchDate() { this.set('_scratchDate', null); this._setScratchDateError(null); } _setDate(dateStr) { if (!dateStr.match(/^\d\d\d\d-\d\d-\d\d$/)) { this._setScratchDateError('Invalid date format, must be YYYY-MM-DD'); return false; } let date = moment(dateStr, DATE_FORMAT); if (!date.isValid()) { this._setScratchDateError('Invalid date'); return false; } this.setDateInternal(date.toDate()); this._resetScratchDate(); return true; } _setScratchDateError(error) { this.set('_scratchDateError', error); this.setTypedDateError(error); } }