import assert from 'assert'; import ObjectID from 'bson-objectid'; import {Collection} from '../src/index'; describe('Collection', function () { it('Create Collection entity', async function () { const collection = await Collection.create({ title: 'Test Collection' }); assert.ok(collection instanceof Collection); assert.ok(, 'generated id should be set'); assert.ok(ObjectID.isValid(, 'generated id should be valid ObjectID'); assert.equal(collection.title, 'Test Collection'); assert.ok(collection.createdAt instanceof Date); assert.ok(collection.updatedAt instanceof Date); assert.ok((collection.deleted === false), 'deleted should be false'); }); it('Can serialize Collection to JSON', async function () { const collection = await Collection.create({ title: 'Serialize me', posts: [{ id: 'post-1' }, { id: 'post-2' }] }); const json = collection.toJSON(); assert.ok(json); assert.equal(,; assert.equal(json.title, 'Serialize me'); assert.ok(collection.createdAt instanceof Date); assert.ok(collection.updatedAt instanceof Date); assert.equal(Object.keys(json).length, 10, 'should only have 9 keys + 1 posts relation'); assert.deepEqual(Object.keys(json), [ 'id', 'title', 'slug', 'description', 'type', 'filter', 'featureImage', 'createdAt', 'updatedAt', 'posts' ]); assert.equal(json.posts.length, 2, 'should have 2 posts'); const serializedPost = json.posts[0]; assert.equal(Object.keys(serializedPost).length, 1, 'should only have 1 key'); assert.deepEqual(Object.keys(serializedPost), [ 'id' ]); }); it('Can create a Collection with predefined ID', async function () { const id = new ObjectID(); const savedCollection = await Collection.create({ id: id.toHexString() }); assert.equal(, id.toHexString(), 'Collection should have same id'); }); it('Can create a Collection with predefined ObjectID instance', async function () { const id = new ObjectID(); const savedCollection = await Collection.create({ id: id }); assert.equal(, id.toHexString(), 'Collection should have same id'); }); it('Can create a Collection with predefined created_at and updated_at values', async function () { const createdAt = new Date(); const updatedAt = new Date(); const savedCollection = await Collection.create({ created_at: createdAt, updated_at: updatedAt }); assert.equal(savedCollection.createdAt, createdAt, 'Collection should have same created_at'); assert.equal(savedCollection.updatedAt, updatedAt, 'Collection should have same updated_at'); }); it('Throws an error when trying to create a Collection with an invalid ID', async function () { await assert.rejects(async () => { await Collection.create({ id: 12345 }); }, (err: any) => { assert.equal(err.message, 'Invalid ID provided for Collection', 'Error message should match'); return true; }); }); it('Throws an error when trying to create a Collection with invalid created_at date', async function () { await assert.rejects(async () => { await Collection.create({ created_at: 'invalid date' }); }, (err: any) => { assert.equal(err.message, 'Invalid date provided for created_at', 'Error message should match'); return true; }); }); it('Throws an error when trying to create an automatic Collection without a filter', async function () { await assert.rejects(async () => { await Collection.create({ type: 'automatic', filter: null }); }, (err: any) => { assert.equal(err.message, 'Invalid filter provided for automatic Collection', 'Error message should match'); assert.equal(err.context, 'Automatic type of collection should always have a filter value', 'Error message should match'); return true; }); }); it('Can add posts to different positions', async function () { const collection = await Collection.create({ title: 'Testing adding posts' }); assert(collection.posts.length === 0); const posts = [{ id: '0' }, { id: '1' }, { id: '2' }, { id: '3' }]; collection.addPost(posts[0]); collection.addPost(posts[1]); collection.addPost(posts[2], 1); collection.addPost(posts[3], 0); assert(collection.posts.length as number === 4); assert(collection.posts[0] === '3'); collection.addPost(posts[3], -1); assert(collection.posts.length as number === 4); assert(collection.posts[collection.posts.length - 2] === '3'); }); it('Removes a post by id', async function () { const collection = await Collection.create({ title: 'Testing adding posts' }); assert.equal(collection.posts.length, 0); collection.addPost({ id: '0' }); assert.equal(collection.posts.length, 1); collection.removePost('0'); assert.equal(collection.posts.length, 0); }); it('Cannot set non deletable collection to deleted', async function () { const collection = await Collection.create({ title: 'Testing adding posts', deletable: false }); assert.equal(collection.deleted, false); collection.deleted = true; assert.equal(collection.deleted, false); }); it('Can set deletable collection to deleted', async function () { const collection = await Collection.create({ title: 'Testing adding posts', deletable: true }); assert.equal(collection.deleted, false); collection.deleted = true; assert.equal(collection.deleted, true); }); });