import Controller from '@ember/controller'; import classic from 'ember-classic-decorator'; import config from 'ghost-admin/config/environment'; import copyTextToClipboard from 'ghost-admin/utils/copy-text-to-clipboard'; import { IMAGE_EXTENSIONS, IMAGE_MIME_TYPES } from 'ghost-admin/components/gh-image-uploader'; import {action, computed} from '@ember/object'; import {alias} from '@ember/object/computed'; import {htmlSafe} from '@ember/template'; import {inject as service} from '@ember/service'; import {task, timeout} from 'ember-concurrency'; @classic export default class IntegrationController extends Controller { @service config; @service ghostPaths; imageExtensions = IMAGE_EXTENSIONS; imageMimeTypes = IMAGE_MIME_TYPES; showRegenerateKeyModal = false; selectedApiKey = null; isApiKeyRegenerated = false; init() { super.init(...arguments); if (this.isTesting === undefined) { this.isTesting = config.environment === 'test'; } } @alias('model') integration; @computed get apiUrl() { let origin = window.location.origin; let subdir = this.ghostPaths.subdir; let url = this.ghostPaths.url.join(origin, subdir); return url.replace(/\/$/, ''); } @computed('isApiKeyRegenerated', 'selectedApiKey') get regeneratedKeyType() { if (this.isApiKeyRegenerated) { return this.get('selectedApiKey.type'); } return null; } @computed get allWebhooks() { return'webhook'); } @computed('', 'allWebhooks.@each.{isNew,isDeleted}') get filteredWebhooks() { return this.allWebhooks.filter((webhook) => { let matchesIntegration = webhook.belongsTo('integration').id() ===; return matchesIntegration && !webhook.isNew && !webhook.isDeleted; }); } @computed('integration.iconImage') get iconImageStyle() { let url = this.integration.iconImage; if (url) { let styles = [ `background-image: url(${url})`, 'background-size: 50%', 'background-position: 50%', 'background-repeat: no-repeat' ]; return htmlSafe(styles.join('; ')); } return htmlSafe(''); } @action triggerIconFileDialog() { let input = document.querySelector('input[type="file"][name="iconImage"]');; } @action setIconImage([image]) { this.integration.set('iconImage', image.url); } @action save() { return this.saveTask.perform(); } @action toggleUnsavedChangesModal(transition) { let leaveTransition = this.leaveScreenTransition; if (!transition && this.showUnsavedChangesModal) { this.set('leaveScreenTransition', null); this.set('showUnsavedChangesModal', false); return; } if (!leaveTransition || transition.targetName === leaveTransition.targetName) { this.set('leaveScreenTransition', transition); // if a save is running, wait for it to finish then transition if (this.saveTask.isRunning) { return this.saveTask.last.then(() => { transition.retry(); }); } // we genuinely have unsaved data, show the modal this.set('showUnsavedChangesModal', true); } } @action leaveScreen() { let transition = this.leaveScreenTransition; if (!transition) { this.notifications.showAlert('Sorry, there was an error in the application. Please let the Ghost team know what happened.', {type: 'error'}); return; } // roll back changes on model props this.integration.rollbackAttributes(); return transition.retry(); } @action deleteIntegration() { this.integration.destroyRecord(); } @action confirmIntegrationDeletion() { this.set('showDeleteIntegrationModal', true); } @action cancelIntegrationDeletion() { this.set('showDeleteIntegrationModal', false); } @action confirmRegenerateKeyModal(apiKey) { this.set('showRegenerateKeyModal', true); this.set('isApiKeyRegenerated', false); this.set('selectedApiKey', apiKey); } @action cancelRegenerateKeyModal() { this.set('showRegenerateKeyModal', false); } @action regenerateKey() { this.set('isApiKeyRegenerated', true); } @action confirmWebhookDeletion(webhook) { this.set('webhookToDelete', webhook); } @action cancelWebhookDeletion() { this.set('webhookToDelete', null); } @action deleteWebhook() { return this.webhookToDelete.destroyRecord(); } @task(function* () { try { return yield; } catch (e) { if (e === undefined) { // validation error return false; } throw e; } }) saveTask; @task(function* () { copyTextToClipboard(this.integration.contentKey.secret); yield timeout(this.isTesting ? 50 : 3000); }) copyContentKey; @task(function* () { copyTextToClipboard(this.integration.adminKey.secret); yield timeout(this.isTesting ? 50 : 3000); }) copyAdminKey; @task(function* () { copyTextToClipboard(this.apiUrl); yield timeout(this.isTesting ? 50 : 3000); }) copyApiUrl; }