const errors = require('@tryghost/errors'); const tpl = require('@tryghost/tpl'); const logging = require('@tryghost/logging'); const cheerio = require('cheerio'); const _ = require('lodash'); const charset = require('charset'); const iconv = require('iconv-lite'); const messages = { noUrlProvided: 'No url provided.', insufficientMetadata: 'URL contains insufficient metadata.', unknownProvider: 'No provider found for supplied URL.', unauthorized: 'URL contains a private resource.' }; /** * @param {string} url * @returns {{url: string, provider: boolean}} */ const findUrlWithProvider = (url) => { const {hasProvider} = require('@extractus/oembed-extractor'); let provider; // build up a list of URL variations to test against because the oembed // providers list is not always up to date with scheme or www vs non-www let baseUrl = url.replace(/^\/\/|^https?:\/\/(?:www\.)?/, ''); let testUrls = [ `http://${baseUrl}`, `https://${baseUrl}`, `http://www.${baseUrl}`, `https://www.${baseUrl}` ]; for (let testUrl of testUrls) { provider = hasProvider(testUrl); if (provider) { url = testUrl; break; } } return {url, provider}; }; /** * @typedef {Object} IConfig * @prop {(key: string) => string} get */ /** * @typedef {(url: string, config: Object) => Promise} IExternalRequest */ /** * @typedef {object} ICustomProvider * @prop {(url: URL) => Promise} canSupportRequest * @prop {(url: URL, externalRequest: IExternalRequest) => Promise} getOEmbedData */ class OEmbedService { /** * * @param {Object} dependencies * @param {IConfig} dependencies.config * @param {IExternalRequest} dependencies.externalRequest */ constructor({config, externalRequest}) { this.config = config; /** @type {IExternalRequest} */ this.externalRequest = externalRequest; /** @type {ICustomProvider[]} */ this.customProviders = []; } /** * @param {ICustomProvider} provider */ registerProvider(provider) { this.customProviders.push(provider); } /** * @param {string} url */ async unknownProvider(url) { throw new errors.ValidationError({ message: tpl(messages.unknownProvider), context: url }); } /** * @param {string} url */ async knownProvider(url) { const {extract} = require('@extractus/oembed-extractor'); try { return await extract(url); } catch (err) { if (err.message === 'Request failed with error code 401') { throw new errors.UnauthorizedError({ message: messages.unauthorized }); } else { throw new errors.InternalServerError({ message: err.message }); } } } /** * @param {string} url * @param {Object} options * * @returns {GotPromise} */ fetchPage(url, options) { return this.externalRequest( url, { timeout: 2000, followRedirect: true, ...options }); } /** * @param {string} url * @param {Object} options * * @returns {Promise<{url: string, body: string, contentType: string|undefined}>} */ async fetchPageHtml(url, options = {}) { // Fetch url and get response as binary buffer to // avoid implicit cast let {headers, body, url: responseUrl} = await this.fetchPage( url, { encoding: 'binary', responseType: 'buffer', ...options }); try { // Detect page encoding which might not be utf-8 // and decode content const encoding = charset( headers, body); if (encoding === null) { return { body: body.toString(), url: responseUrl, contentType: headers['content-type'] }; } const decodedBody = iconv.decode( body, encoding); return { body: decodedBody, url: responseUrl, contentType: headers['content-type'] }; } catch (err) { logging.error(err); //return non decoded body anyway return { body: body.toString(), url: responseUrl, contentType: headers['content-type'] }; } } /** * @param {string} url * * @returns {Promise<{url: string, body: Object}>} */ async fetchPageJson(url) { const res = await this.fetchPage(url, {responseType: 'json'}); const body = res.body; const pageUrl = res.url; return { body, url: pageUrl }; } /** * @param {string} url * @param {string} html * * @returns {Promise} */ async fetchBookmarkData(url, html) { const gotOpts = {}; if (process.env.NODE_ENV?.startsWith('test')) { gotOpts.retry = 0; } const pickFn = (sizes, pickDefault) => { // Prioritize apple touch icon with sizes > 180 const appleTouchIcon = sizes.find(item => item.rel?.includes('apple') && item.sizes && item.size.width >= 180); const svgIcon = sizes.find(item => item.href?.endsWith('svg')); return appleTouchIcon || svgIcon || pickDefault(sizes); }; const metascraper = require('metascraper')([ require('metascraper-url')(), require('metascraper-title')(), require('metascraper-description')(), require('metascraper-author')(), require('metascraper-publisher')(), require('metascraper-image')(), require('metascraper-logo-favicon')({ gotOpts, pickFn }), require('metascraper-logo')() ]); let scraperResponse; try { scraperResponse = await metascraper({html, url}); } catch (err) { // Log to avoid being blind to errors happenning in metascraper logging.error(err); return this.unknownProvider(url); } const metadata = Object.assign({}, scraperResponse, { thumbnail: scraperResponse.image, icon: scraperResponse.logo }); // We want to use standard naming for image and logo delete metadata.image; delete metadata.logo; if (!metadata.title) { throw new errors.ValidationError({ message: tpl(messages.insufficientMetadata), context: url }); } return { version: '1.0', type: 'bookmark', url, metadata }; } /** * @param {string} url * @param {string} html * @param {string} [cardType] * * @returns {Promise} */ async fetchOembedData(url, html, cardType) { // check for element let oembedUrl; try { oembedUrl = cheerio('link[type="application/json+oembed"]', html).attr('href'); } catch (e) { return this.unknownProvider(url); } if (oembedUrl) { // for standard WP oembed's we want to insert a bookmark card rather than their blockquote+script // which breaks in the editor and most Ghost themes. Only fallback if card type was not explicitly chosen if (!cardType && oembedUrl.match(/wp-json\/oembed/)) { return; } // fetch oembed response from embedded rel="alternate" url const oembedResponse = await this.fetchPageJson(oembedUrl); // validate the fetched json against the oembed spec to avoid // leaking non-oembed responses const body = oembedResponse.body; const hasRequiredFields = body.type && body.version; const hasValidType = ['photo', 'video', 'link', 'rich'].includes(body.type); if (hasRequiredFields && hasValidType) { // extract known oembed fields from the response to limit leaking of unrecognised data const knownFields = [ 'type', 'version', 'html', 'url', 'title', 'width', 'height', 'author_name', 'author_url', 'provider_name', 'provider_url', 'thumbnail_url', 'thumbnail_width', 'thumbnail_height' ]; const oembed = _.pick(body, knownFields); // ensure we have required data for certain types if (oembed.type === 'photo' && !oembed.url) { return; } if ((oembed.type === 'video' || oembed.type === 'rich') && (!oembed.html || !oembed.width || !oembed.height)) { return; } // return the extracted object, don't pass through the response body return oembed; } } } /** * @param {string} url - oembed URL * @param {string} type - card type * @param {Object} [options] Specific fetch options * @param {number} [options.timeout] Change the default timeout for fetching html * * @returns {Promise} */ async fetchOembedDataFromUrl(url, type, options = {}) { try { const urlObject = new URL(url); // Trimming solves the difference of url validation between `new URL(url)` // and metascraper. url = url.trim(); for (const provider of this.customProviders) { if (await provider.canSupportRequest(urlObject)) { const result = await provider.getOEmbedData(urlObject, this.externalRequest); if (result !== null) { return result; } } } if (type !== 'bookmark' && type !== 'mention') { // if not a bookmark request, first // check against known oembed list const {url: providerUrl, provider} = findUrlWithProvider(url); if (provider) { return this.knownProvider(providerUrl); } } // Not in the list, we need to fetch the content const {url: pageUrl, body, contentType} = await this.fetchPageHtml(url, options); // fetch only bookmark when explicitly requested if (type === 'bookmark') { return this.fetchBookmarkData(url, body); } // mentions need to return bookmark data (metadata) and body (html) for link verification if (type === 'mention') { if (contentType.includes('application/json')) { // No need to fetch metadata: we have none const bookmark = { version: '1.0', type: 'bookmark', url, metadata: { title: null, description: null, publisher: null, author: null, thumbnail: null, icon: null }, contentType }; return {...bookmark, body}; } const bookmark = await this.fetchBookmarkData(url, body); return {...bookmark, body, contentType}; } // attempt to fetch oembed // In case response was a redirect, see if we were // redirected to a known oembed if (pageUrl !== url) { const {url: providerUrl, provider} = findUrlWithProvider(pageUrl); if (provider) { return this.knownProvider(providerUrl); } } let data = await this.fetchOembedData(url, body); // fallback to bookmark when we can't get oembed if (!data && !type) { data = await this.fetchBookmarkData(url, body); } // couldn't get anything, throw a validation error if (!data) { return this.unknownProvider(url); } return data; } catch (err) { // allow specific validation errors through for better error messages if (errors.utils.isGhostError(err) && err.errorType === 'ValidationError') { throw err; } // log the real error because we're going to throw a generic "Unknown provider" error logging.error(new errors.InternalServerError({ message: 'Encountered error when fetching oembed', err })); // default to unknown provider to avoid leaking any app specifics return this.unknownProvider(url); } } } module.exports = OEmbedService;