{{#if this.config.stripeDirect}}
How you get paid
{{svg-jar "stripe-verified-partner-badge" class="gh-members-stripe-badge"}}
Stripe is our exclusive direct payments partner.
Ghost collects no fees on any payments! If you don’t have a Stripe account yet, you can sign up here.
{{#if this.stripePublishableKeyError}}


{{#if this.stripeSecretKeyError}}


{{/if}} Find your Stripe API keys here »
{{!-- TODO: reset "failed" state automatically --}}
Skip this step if you don't want to offer paid subscriptions.
How you get paid
{{svg-jar "stripe-verified-partner-badge" class="gh-members-stripe-badge"}}
Stripe is our exclusive direct payments partner.
Ghost collects no fees on any payments! If you don’t have a Stripe account yet, you can sign up here.
Generate secure key
Connect with Stripe
{{if this.stripeConnectTestMode "Using" "Use"}} test mode
{{#if this.stripeConnectError}}


{{!-- TODO: reset "failed" state automatically --}}
Skip this step if you don't want to offer paid subscriptions.