const should = require('should'); const supertest = require('supertest'); const testUtils = require('../utils'); const configUtils = require('../utils/configUtils'); const urlUtils = require('../utils/urlUtils'); let request; /** * This file contains extra acceptance tests for complex URL configurations * Examples of acceptance tests that belong here: * - subdirectories * - https * - (maybe) admin + frontend URL are different * - etc */ describe('Advanced URL Configurations', function () { describe('Subdirectory config', function () { before(async function () { configUtils.set('url', 'http://localhost/blog/'); urlUtils.stubUrlUtilsFromConfig(); await testUtils.startGhost({forceStart: true}); request = supertest.agent(configUtils.config.get('server:host') + ':' + configUtils.config.get('server:port')); }); after(function () { configUtils.restore(); urlUtils.restore(); }); it('http://localhost should 404', async function () { await request.get('/') .expect(404); }); it('/blog should 301 to /blog/', async function () { await request.get('/blog') .expect(301) .expect('Location', '/blog/'); }); it('/blog/ should 200', async function () { await request.get('/blog/') .expect(200); }); it('/blog/welcome/ should 200', async function () { await request.get('/blog/welcome/') .expect(200); }); it('/welcome/ should 404', async function () { await request.get('/welcome/') .expect(404); }); it('/blog/tag/getting-started/ should 200', async function () { await request.get('/blog/tag/getting-started/') .expect(200); }); it('/tag/getting-started/ should 404', async function () { await request.get('/tag/getting-started/') .expect(404); }); it('/blog/welcome/amp/ should 200', async function () { await request.get('/blog/welcome/amp/') .expect(200); }); it('/welcome/amp/ should 404', async function () { await request.get('/welcome/amp/') .expect(404); }); }); // we'll use X-Forwarded-Proto: https to simulate an 'https://' request behind a proxy describe('HTTPS', function () { before(async function () { configUtils.set('url', 'http://localhost:2370/'); urlUtils.stubUrlUtilsFromConfig(); await testUtils.startGhost({forceStart: true}); request = supertest.agent(configUtils.config.get('server:host') + ':' + configUtils.config.get('server:port')); }); after(function () { configUtils.restore(); urlUtils.restore(); }); it('should set links to url over non-HTTPS', async function () { await request.get('/') .expect(200) .expect(//) .expect(/Ghost<\/a\>/); }); it('should set links over HTTPS besides canonical', async function () { await request.get('/') .set('X-Forwarded-Proto', 'https') .expect(200) .expect(//) .expect(/Ghost<\/a\>/); }); }); });