import Component from '@glimmer/component'; import config from 'ghost-admin/config/environment'; import semverParse from 'semver/functions/parse'; import {inject} from 'ghost-admin/decorators/inject'; import {inject as service} from '@ember/service'; export default class AboutModal extends Component { @service upgradeStatus; @inject config; constructor() { super(...arguments); if (this.isTesting === undefined) { this.isTesting = config.environment === 'test'; } } get copyrightYear() { const date = new Date(); return date.getFullYear(); } get linkToGitHubReleases() { if (this.config.version.includes('-pre.')) { try { const semverVersion = semverParse(this.config.version, {includePrerelease: true}); if (semverVersion &&[0]) { return `${[0]}`; } return false; } catch (e) { return false; } } return `${this.config.version}`; } get showSystemInfo() { const isPro = !!this.config.hostSettings?.siteId; // Don't show any system info for Pro if (isPro) { return false; } return true; } get showDatabaseWarning() { const isProduction = !!this.config.environment.match?.(/production/i); const database = this.config.database; // Show a warning if we're in production and not using MySQL 8 if (isProduction && database !== 'mysql8') { return true; } // Show a warning if we're in development and using MySQL 5 if (!isProduction && database === 'mysql5') { return true; } return false; } }