/* jshint expr:true */ import destroyApp from '../helpers/destroy-app'; import startApp from '../helpers/start-app'; import {afterEach, beforeEach, describe, it} from 'mocha'; import {expect} from 'chai'; describe('Acceptance: Password Reset', function() { let application; beforeEach(function() { application = startApp(); }); afterEach(function() { destroyApp(application); }); describe('request reset', function () { it('is successful with valid data', async function () { await visit('/signin'); await fillIn('input[name="identification"]', 'test@example.com'); await click('.forgotten-link'); // an alert with instructions is displayed expect(find('.gh-alert-blue').length, 'alert count') .to.equal(1); }); it('shows error messages with invalid data', async function () { await visit('/signin'); // no email provided await click('.forgotten-link'); // email field is invalid expect( find('input[name="identification"]').closest('.form-group').hasClass('error'), 'email field has error class (no email)' ).to.be.true; // password field is valid expect( find('input[name="password"]').closest('.form-group').hasClass('error'), 'password field has error class (no email)' ).to.be.false; // error message shown expect(find('p.main-error').text().trim(), 'error message') .to.equal('We need your email address to reset your password!'); // invalid email provided await fillIn('input[name="identification"]', 'test'); await click('.forgotten-link'); // email field is invalid expect( find('input[name="identification"]').closest('.form-group').hasClass('error'), 'email field has error class (invalid email)' ).to.be.true; // password field is valid expect( find('input[name="password"]').closest('.form-group').hasClass('error'), 'password field has error class (invalid email)' ).to.be.false; // error message expect(find('p.main-error').text().trim(), 'error message') .to.equal('We need your email address to reset your password!'); // unknown email provided await fillIn('input[name="identification"]', 'unknown@example.com'); await click('.forgotten-link'); // email field is invalid expect( find('input[name="identification"]').closest('.form-group').hasClass('error'), 'email field has error class (unknown email)' ).to.be.true; // password field is valid expect( find('input[name="password"]').closest('.form-group').hasClass('error'), 'password field has error class (unknown email)' ).to.be.false; // error message expect(find('p.main-error').text().trim(), 'error message') .to.equal('There is no user with that email address.'); }); }); // TODO: add tests for the change password screen });