const {MentionSendingService} = require('../'); const assert = require('assert/strict'); const nock = require('nock'); // non-standard to use externalRequest here, but this is required for the overrides in the libary, which we want to test for security reasons in combination with the package const externalRequest = require('../../core/core/server/lib/request-external.js'); const sinon = require('sinon'); const logging = require('@tryghost/logging'); const {createModel} = require('./utils/index.js'); // mock up job service let jobService = { async addJob(name, fn) { return fn(); } }; describe('MentionSendingService', function () { let errorLogStub; beforeEach(function () { nock.disableNetConnect(); sinon.stub(logging, 'info'); errorLogStub = sinon.stub(logging, 'error'); }); afterEach(function () { nock.cleanAll(); sinon.restore(); }); after(function () { nock.cleanAll(); nock.enableNetConnect(); }); describe('listen', function () { it('Called on all events we listen to', async function () { const service = new MentionSendingService({}); const stub = sinon.stub(service, 'sendForPost').resolves(); let callback; const events = { on: sinon.stub().callsFake((event, c) => { callback = c; }) }; service.listen(events); sinon.assert.callCount(events.on, 6); await callback({}); sinon.assert.calledOnce(stub); }); }); describe('sendForPost', function () { it('Ignores if disabled', async function () { const service = new MentionSendingService({ isEnabled: () => false }); const stub = sinon.stub(service, 'sendAll'); await service.sendForPost({}); sinon.assert.notCalled(stub); }); it('Ignores if importing data', async function () { const service = new MentionSendingService({ isEnabled: () => true }); const stub = sinon.stub(service, 'sendAll'); let options = {importing: true}; await service.sendForPost({}, options); sinon.assert.notCalled(stub); }); it('Ignores if internal context', async function () { const service = new MentionSendingService({ isEnabled: () => true }); const stub = sinon.stub(service, 'sendAll'); let options = {context: {internal: true}}; await service.sendForPost({}, options); sinon.assert.notCalled(stub); }); it('Ignores draft posts', async function () { const service = new MentionSendingService({ isEnabled: () => true }); const stub = sinon.stub(service, 'sendAll'); await service.sendForPost(createModel({ status: 'draft', html: 'changed', previous: { status: 'draft', html: '' } })); sinon.assert.notCalled(stub); }); it('Ignores if html was not changed', async function () { const service = new MentionSendingService({ isEnabled: () => true }); const stub = sinon.stub(service, 'sendAll'); await service.sendForPost(createModel({ status: 'published', html: 'same', previous: { status: 'published', html: 'same' } })); sinon.assert.notCalled(stub); }); it('Ignores email only posts', async function () { const service = new MentionSendingService({ isEnabled: () => true }); const stub = sinon.stub(service, 'sendAll'); await service.sendForPost(createModel({ status: 'send', html: 'changed', previous: { status: 'draft', html: 'same' } })); sinon.assert.notCalled(stub); }); it('Sends on publish', async function () { const service = new MentionSendingService({ isEnabled: () => true, getPostUrl: () => '', jobService: jobService }); const stub = sinon.stub(service, 'sendAll'); await service.sendForPost(createModel({ status: 'published', html: 'same', previous: { status: 'draft', html: 'same' } })); sinon.assert.calledOnce(stub); const firstCall = stub.getCall(0).args[0]; assert.equal(firstCall.url.toString(), ''); assert.equal(firstCall.html, 'same'); assert.equal(firstCall.previousHtml, null); }); it('Sends on html change', async function () { const service = new MentionSendingService({ isEnabled: () => true, getPostUrl: () => '', jobService: jobService }); const stub = sinon.stub(service, 'sendAll'); await service.sendForPost(createModel({ status: 'published', html: 'updated', previous: { status: 'published', html: 'same' } })); sinon.assert.calledOnce(stub); const firstCall = stub.getCall(0).args[0]; assert.equal(firstCall.url.toString(), ''); assert.equal(firstCall.html, 'updated'); assert.equal(firstCall.previousHtml, 'same'); }); it('Catches and logs errors', async function () { const service = new MentionSendingService({ isEnabled: () => true, getPostUrl: () => '' }); sinon.stub(service, 'sendAll').rejects(new Error('Internal error test')); await service.sendForPost(createModel({ status: 'published', html: 'same', previous: { status: 'draft', html: 'same' } })); assert(errorLogStub.calledTwice); }); it('Sends no mentions for posts without html and previous html', async function () { const service = new MentionSendingService({ isEnabled: () => true, getPostUrl: () => '', jobService: jobService }); const stub = sinon.stub(service, 'sendAll'); await service.sendForPost(createModel({ status: 'published', html: '', previous: { status: 'draft', html: '' } })); assert(stub.notCalled); }); }); describe('sendAll', function () { it('Sends to all links', async function () { this.retries(1); let counter = 0; const scope = nock('') .persist() .post('/webmentions-test') .reply(() => { counter += 1; return [202]; }); const service = new MentionSendingService({ externalRequest, getSiteUrl: () => new URL(''), discoveryService: { getEndpoint: async () => new URL('') } }); await service.sendAll({url: new URL(''), html: `
Example Example repeated Example Example 2 `}); assert.equal(scope.isDone(), true); assert.equal(counter, 3); }); it('Catches and logs errors', async function () { this.retries(1); let counter = 0; const scope = nock('') .persist() .post('/webmentions-test') .reply(() => { counter += 1; if (counter === 2) { return [500]; } return [202]; }); const service = new MentionSendingService({ externalRequest, getSiteUrl: () => new URL(''), discoveryService: { getEndpoint: async () => new URL('') } }); await service.sendAll({url: new URL(''), html: ` Example Example repeated Example Example 2 `}); assert.equal(scope.isDone(), true); assert.equal(counter, 3); assert(errorLogStub.calledOnce); }); it('Sends to deleted links', async function () { this.retries(1); let counter = 0; const scope = nock('') .persist() .post('/webmentions-test') .reply(() => { counter += 1; return [202]; }); const service = new MentionSendingService({ externalRequest, getSiteUrl: () => new URL(''), discoveryService: { getEndpoint: async () => new URL('') }, jobService: jobService }); await service.sendAll({url: new URL(''), html: `Example`, previousHtml: `Example`}); assert.equal(scope.isDone(), true); assert.equal(counter, 2); }); // cheerio must be served a string it('Does not evaluate links for an empty post', async function () { const service = new MentionSendingService({ isEnabled: () => true }); const linksStub = sinon.stub(service, 'getLinks'); await service.sendAll({html: ``,previousHtml: ``}); sinon.assert.notCalled(linksStub); }); }); describe('getLinks', function () { it('Returns all unique links in a HTML-document', async function () { const service = new MentionSendingService({ getSiteUrl: () => new URL('') }); const links = service.getLinks(` Example Example repeated Example Example 2 `); assert.deepEqual(links, [ new URL(''), new URL(''), new URL('') ]); }); it('Does not include invalid or local URLs', async function () { const service = new MentionSendingService({ getSiteUrl: () => new URL('') }); const links = service.getLinks(`Example`); assert.deepEqual(links, []); }); it('Does not include non-http protocols', async function () { const service = new MentionSendingService({ getSiteUrl: () => new URL('') }); const links = service.getLinks(`Example`); assert.deepEqual(links, []); }); it('Does not include invalid urls', async function () { const service = new MentionSendingService({ getSiteUrl: () => new URL('') }); const links = service.getLinks(`Example`); assert.deepEqual(links, []); }); it('Does not include urls from site domain', async function () { const service = new MentionSendingService({ getSiteUrl: () => new URL('') }); const links = service.getLinks(`Example`); assert.deepEqual(links, []); }); it('Ignores invalid site urls', async function () { const service = new MentionSendingService({ getSiteUrl: () => new URL('invalid()') }); const links = service.getLinks(`Example`); assert.deepEqual(links, [ new URL('') ]); }); }); describe('send', function () { it('Can handle 202 accepted responses', async function () { this.retries(1); const source = new URL(''); const target = new URL(''); const endpoint = new URL(''); const scope = nock('') .persist() .post('/webmentions-test', `source=${encodeURIComponent('')}&target=${encodeURIComponent('')}&source_is_ghost=true`) .reply(202); const service = new MentionSendingService({externalRequest}); await service.send({ source: source, target: target, endpoint: endpoint }); assert(scope.isDone()); }); it('Can handle 201 created responses', async function () { this.retries(1); const source = new URL(''); const target = new URL(''); const endpoint = new URL(''); const scope = nock('') .persist() .post('/webmentions-test', `source=${encodeURIComponent('')}&target=${encodeURIComponent('')}&source_is_ghost=true`) .reply(201); const service = new MentionSendingService({externalRequest}); await service.send({ source: source, target: target, endpoint: endpoint }); assert(scope.isDone()); }); it('Can handle 400 responses', async function () { this.retries(1); const scope = nock('') .persist() .post('/webmentions-test') .reply(400); const service = new MentionSendingService({externalRequest}); await assert.rejects(service.send({ source: new URL(''), target: new URL(''), endpoint: new URL('') }), /sending failed/); assert(scope.isDone()); }); it('Can handle 500 responses', async function () { this.retries(1); const scope = nock('') .persist() .post('/webmentions-test') .reply(500); const service = new MentionSendingService({externalRequest}); await assert.rejects(service.send({ source: new URL(''), target: new URL(''), endpoint: new URL('') }), /sending failed/); assert(scope.isDone()); }); it('Can handle redirect responses', async function () { this.retries(1); const scope = nock('') .persist() .post('/webmentions-test') .reply(302, '', { Location: '' }); const scope2 = nock('') .persist() .post('/webmentions-test-2') .reply(201); const service = new MentionSendingService({externalRequest}); await service.send({ source: new URL(''), target: new URL(''), endpoint: new URL('') }); assert(scope.isDone()); assert(scope2.isDone()); }); it('Can handle network errors', async function () { this.retries(1); const scope = nock('') .persist() .post('/webmentions-test') .replyWithError('network error'); const service = new MentionSendingService({externalRequest}); await assert.rejects(service.send({ source: new URL(''), target: new URL(''), endpoint: new URL('') }), /network error/); assert(scope.isDone()); }); it('Does not send to private IP behind DNS', async function () { this.retries(1); // Test that we don't make a request when a domain resolves to a private IP // -> const service = new MentionSendingService({externalRequest}); await assert.rejects(service.send({ source: new URL(''), target: new URL(''), endpoint: new URL('') }), /non-permitted private IP/); }); }); });