{{#if (feature "multipleNewsletters")}}

Enable newsletter sending

Newsletter features are active, posts can be sent by email

{{#if this.emailNewsletterEnabled}}


{{#each this.newsletters.newsletters as |newsletter|}} {{#if (eq newsletter.status "active")}}
{{svg-jar "grab" class="grab-newsletter"}}






Posts sent

{{svg-jar "dotdotdot"}}
  • {{/if}} {{/each}}

    General settings

    Default newsletter recipients

    When you publish new content, who do you usually want to send it to?

    {{#liquid-if this.defaultRecipientsOpen}}
    {{#unless this.config.mailgunIsConfigured}}

    Mailgun configuration

    The Mailgun API is used for bulk email newsletter delivery. Why is this required?

    {{#liquid-if this.membersEmailOpen}}
    {{region.flag}} {{region.name}}

    Find your Mailgun region and domain here

    Find your Mailgun API keys here


    Enable newsletter open-rate

    Track how many members are reading your emails

    {{/if}} {{else}}

    Enable newsletter sending

    Newsletter features are active, posts can be sent by email

    {{#if this.emailNewsletterEnabled}}

    Email design

    Customize the look and feel of your newsletters

    Default newsletter recipients

    When you publish new content, who do you usually want to send it to?

    Email addresses

    Contact information used for newsletters and member login emails

    {{#liquid-if this.membersFromOpen}}

    The address your newsletter posts are sent from

    {{#if this.showFromAddressConfirmation}}
    {{svg-jar "check-circle" class="w4 h4 mr1 stroke-green-d1"}} Check your inbox and confirm before saving your settings
    {{one-way-select this.selectedReplyAddress id="reply-address" name="reply-address" options=(readonly this.replyAddresses) optionValuePath="value" optionLabelPath="label" update=(action "setReplyAddress") }} {{svg-jar "arrow-down-small"}}

    Where you receive responses to newsletters

    {{#if (eq this.settings.membersReplyAddress "support")}} Change support email address {{/if}}

    Enable newsletter open-rate

    Track how many members are reading your emails


    Ready to {{#if this.emailPreviewVisible}} publish & send {{else}} publish {{/if}}{{svg-jar "arrow-down"}} this post?
    Set it live now
    Schedule it for later
    {{#if this.emailPreviewVisible}}
    {{#unless this.config.mailgunIsConfigured}}


    Mailgun configuration

    The Mailgun API is used for bulk email newsletter delivery. Why is this required?

    {{#liquid-if this.membersEmailOpen}}
    {{region.flag}} {{region.name}}

    Find your Mailgun region and domain here

    Find your Mailgun API keys here

    {{/unless}} {{/if}} {{/if}}