import Component from '@ember/component'; import EmailFailedError from 'ghost-admin/errors/email-failed-error'; import classic from 'ember-classic-decorator'; import validator from 'validator'; import {action, computed} from '@ember/object'; import {alias, not, oneWay, or} from '@ember/object/computed'; import {htmlSafe} from '@ember/template'; import {inject as service} from '@ember/service'; import {task, timeout} from 'ember-concurrency'; const RETRY_EMAIL_POLL_LENGTH = 1000; const RETRY_EMAIL_MAX_POLL_LENGTH = 15 * 1000; @classic export default class Email extends Component { @service ajax; @service ghostPaths; @service notifications; @service session; @service settings; @service config; post = null; sendTestEmailError = ''; savePostTask = null; close() {} @or('emailSubjectScratch', 'post.title') emailSubject; @alias('post.emailSubjectScratch') emailSubjectScratch; @oneWay('') testEmailAddress; @not('mailgunIsEnabled') mailgunError; @computed( 'settings.{mailgunApiKey,mailgunDomain,mailgunBaseUrl}', 'config.mailgunIsConfigured' ) get mailgunIsEnabled() { return this.get('settings.mailgunApiKey') && this.get('settings.mailgunDomain') && this.get('settings.mailgunBaseUrl') || this.get('config.mailgunIsConfigured'); } @action setEmailSubject(emailSubject) { // Grab the post and current stored email subject let post =; let currentEmailSubject = post.get('emailSubject'); // If the subject entered matches the stored email subject, do nothing if (currentEmailSubject === emailSubject) { return; } // If the subject entered is different, set it as the new email subject post.set('emailSubject', emailSubject); // Make sure the email subject is valid and if so, save it into the post return post.validate({property: 'emailSubject'}).then(() => { if (post.get('isNew')) { return; } return this.savePostTask.perform(); }); } @action discardEnter() { return false; } @(task(function* () { try { const resourceId =; const testEmail = this.testEmailAddress.trim(); if (!validator.isEmail(testEmail)) { this.set('sendTestEmailError', 'Please enter a valid email'); return false; } if (!this.mailgunIsEnabled) { this.set('sendTestEmailError', 'Please verify your email settings'); return false; } this.set('sendTestEmailError', ''); const url = this.ghostPaths.url.api('/email_previews/posts', resourceId); const data = {emails: [testEmail]}; const options = { data, dataType: 'json' }; return yield, options); } catch (error) { if (error) { let message = 'Email could not be sent, verify mail settings'; // grab custom error message if present if ( error.payload && error.payload.errors && error.payload.errors[0] && error.payload.errors[0].message) { message = htmlSafe(error.payload.errors[0].message); } this.set('sendTestEmailError', message); } } }).drop()) sendTestEmail; @task(function* () { let {email} =; if (email && email.status === 'failed') { // trigger the retry yield email.retry(); // poll for success/failure state let pollTimeout = 0; while (pollTimeout < RETRY_EMAIL_MAX_POLL_LENGTH) { yield timeout(RETRY_EMAIL_POLL_LENGTH); yield email.reload(); if (email.status === 'submitted') { break; } if (email.status === 'failed') { throw new EmailFailedError(email.error); } pollTimeout += RETRY_EMAIL_POLL_LENGTH; } } return true; }) retryEmail; }