import Ember from 'ember'; const { $, Component, run, uuid } = Ember; export default Component.extend({ _scrollWrapper: null, init() { this._super(...arguments); this.set('imageUploadComponents', Ember.A([])); }, didInsertElement() { this._super(...arguments); this._scrollWrapper = this.$().closest('.entry-preview-content'); this.adjustScrollPosition(this.get('scrollPosition')); run.scheduleOnce('afterRender', this, this.registerImageUploadComponents); }, didReceiveAttrs(attrs) { this._super(...arguments); if (!attrs.oldAttrs) { return; } if (attrs.newAttrs.scrollPosition && attrs.newAttrs.scrollPosition.value !== attrs.oldAttrs.scrollPosition.value) { this.adjustScrollPosition(attrs.newAttrs.scrollPosition.value); } if (attrs.newAttrs.markdown.value !== attrs.oldAttrs.markdown.value) { // we need to clear the rendered components as we are unable to // retain a reliable reference for the component's position in the // document // TODO: it may be possible to extract the dropzones and use the // image src as a key, re-connecting any that match and // dropping/re-rendering any unknown/no-source instances this.set('imageUploadComponents', Ember.A([])); run.scheduleOnce('afterRender', this, this.registerImageUploadComponents); } }, adjustScrollPosition(scrollPosition) { let scrollWrapper = this._scrollWrapper; if (scrollWrapper) { scrollWrapper.scrollTop(scrollPosition); } }, registerImageUploadComponents() { let dropzones = $('.js-drop-zone'); dropzones.each((i, el) => { let id = uuid(); let destinationElementId = `image-uploader-${id}`; let src = $(el).find('.js-upload-target').attr('src'); let imageUpload = Ember.Object.create({ destinationElementId, id, src, index: i }); = destinationElementId; $(el).empty(); $(el).removeClass('image-uploader'); run.schedule('afterRender', () => { this.get('imageUploadComponents').pushObject(imageUpload); }); }); }, actions: { updateImageSrc(index, url) { this.attrs.updateImageSrc(index, url); }, updateHeight() { this.attrs.updateHeight(this.$().height()); } } });