{{!-- Remove breadcrumbs for Authors and Contributors --}} {{#if this.currentUser.isAuthorOrContributor}}

Your profile

{{#unless this.session.user.isEditor}} Settings {{svg-jar "arrow-right-small"}} {{/unless}} Staff {{svg-jar "arrow-right-small"}} Profile

{{this.user.name}} {{#if this.user.isSuspended}} Suspended {{/if}}

{{#if (or this.userActionsAreVisible this.session.user.isAdmin)}} {{svg-jar "settings"}} {{#if this.canMakeOwner}}
  • {{/if}} {{#if this.deleteUserActionIsVisible}}
  • {{#if this.user.isActive}}
  • {{/if}} {{#if this.user.isSuspended}}
  • {{/if}} {{/if}}
  • View user activity
  • {{/if}}
    {{#if this.user.isLocked}}

    {{svg-jar "info"}}This user account is locked. To sign in, ask this user to perform a password reset on their account.

    {{/if}} {{!--
    {{! user details form }} {{!-- If an administrator is viewing Owner's profile then hide inputs for change password --}} {{#if this.canChangePassword}} {{! change password form }} {{/if}} {{#if this.isOwnProfile}} {{/if}}