import Component from 'ember-component'; import computed from 'ember-computed'; import run from 'ember-runloop'; import $ from 'jquery'; import layout from '../templates/components/koenig-toolbar'; import cajaSanitizers from '../lib/caja-sanitizers'; import Tools from '../options/default-tools'; export default Component.extend({ layout, classNames: ['gh-toolbar'], classNameBindings: ['isVisible', 'isLink'], isVisible: false, tools: [], hasRendered: false, activeTags: null, isLink: computed({ get() { return this._isLink; }, set(_, value) { this._isLink = value; return this._isLink; } }), toolbar: computed('tools.@each.selected', function () { // TODO if a block section other than a primary section is selected then // the returned list removes one of the primary sections to compensate, // so that there are only ever four primary sections. let visibleTools = []; => { if (tool.type === 'markup') { visibleTools.push(tool); } }); return visibleTools; }), toolbarBlocks: computed('tools.@each.selected', function () { // TODO if a block section other than a primary section is selected then // the returned list removes one of the primary sections to compensate, // so that there are only ever four primary sections. let visibleTools = []; => { if (tool.toolbar) { visibleTools.push(tool); } }); return visibleTools; }), init() { this._super(...arguments); = new Tools(this.get('editor'), this); this.iconURL = `${this.get('assetPath')}/tools/`; }, didRender() { if (this.get('hasRendered')) { return; } let toolbar = this.$(); let {editor} = this; let $editor = $(this.get('containerSelector')); // TODO - this element is part of ghost-admin, we need to separate them more. let isMousedown = false; $editor.mousedown(() => isMousedown = true); $editor.mouseup(() => { isMousedown = false; updateToolbarToRange(this, toolbar, $editor, isMousedown); }); editor.cursorDidChange(() => updateToolbarToRange(this, toolbar, $editor, isMousedown)); this.set('hasRendered', true); }, willDestroyElement() { this.editor.destroy(); }, actions: { linkKeyDown(event) { // if escape close link if (event.keyCode === 27) { this.send('closeLink'); } }, linkKeyPress(event) { // if enter run link if (event.keyCode === 13) { let url =; if (!cajaSanitizers.url(url)) { url = `http://${url}`; } this.send('closeLink'); this.set('isVisible', false); => { let markup = postEditor.builder.createMarkup('a', {href: url}); postEditor.addMarkupToRange(this.get('linkRange'), markup); }); this.set('linkRange', null); event.stopPropagation(); } }, doLink(range) { // if a link is already selected then we remove the links from within the range. let currentLinks = this.get('activeTags').filter((element) => element.tagName === 'a'); if (currentLinks.length) { this.get('editor').run((postEditor) => { currentLinks.forEach((link) => { postEditor.removeMarkupFromRange(range, link); }); }); return; } this.set('isLink', true); this.set('linkRange', range); run.schedule('afterRender', this, () => { this.$('input').focus(); } ); }, closeLink() { this.set('isLink', false); } } }); // update the location of the toolbar and display it if the range is visible. function updateToolbarToRange(self, $holder, $editor, isMouseDown) { // if there is no cursor: let {editor} = self; if (!editor.range || editor.range.head.isBlank || isMouseDown) { if (!self.get('isLink')) { self.set('isVisible', false); } return; } // set the active markups and sections let sectionTagName = editor.activeSection.tagName === 'li' ? editor.activeSection.parent.tagName : editor.activeSection.tagName; self.set('activeTags', editor.activeMarkups.concat([{tagName: sectionTagName}])); self.propertyWillChange('toolbar'); self.propertyWillChange('toolbarBlocks'); if (!editor.range.isCollapsed) { // if we have a selection, then the toolbar appears just below said selection: let range = window.getSelection().getRangeAt(0); // get the actual range within the DOM. let position = range.getBoundingClientRect(); let edOffset = $editor.offset(); self.set('isVisible', true); run.schedule('afterRender', this, () => { $holder.css('top', + $editor.scrollTop() - $holder.height() - 20); // - $holder.css('left', position.left + (position.width / 2) + $editor.scrollLeft() - edOffset.left - ($holder.width() / 2)); } ); self.send('closeLink'); => { if (tool.hasOwnProperty('checkElements')) { // if its a list we want to know what type let sectionTagName = editor.activeSection._tagName === 'li' ? editor.activeSection.parent._tagName : editor.activeSection._tagName; tool.checkElements(editor.activeMarkups.concat([{tagName: sectionTagName}])); } }); } else { if (self.isVisible) { self.set('isVisible', false); self.send('closeLink'); } } self.propertyDidChange('toolbar'); self.propertyDidChange('toolbarBlocks'); }