{{#if (or this.member.name this.member.email)}} {{else}}

{{or this.member.name this.member.email}} {{#unless (or this.member.name this.member.email)}} {{#if this.member.isNew}} New member {{/if}} {{/unless}}

{{#if (and this.member.name this.member.email)}} {{this.member.email}} {{/if}}

{{#unless this.member.isNew}}

{{#if this.member.geolocation}} {{#if (and (eq this.member.geolocation.country_code "US") @member.geolocation.region)}} {{this.member.geolocation.region}}, US {{else}} {{or this.member.geolocation.country "Unknown location"}} {{/if}} {{else}} Unknown location {{/if}} – Created on {{moment-format @member.createdAtUTC "D MMM YYYY"}}

{{#if (feature "membersFiltering")}} {{else}} {{/if}}

Maximum: 500 characters. You’ve used {{gh-count-down-characters this.scratchMember.note 500}}

Subscribed to newsletter

If disabled, member will not receive newsletter emails


{{#unless this.products}}
{{#unless this.isCreatingComplimentary}}
{{svg-jar "no-data-subscription"}}

No subscriptions

This member doesn't have any subscriptions.

{{/unless}} {{#unless this.member.isNew}} {{#if this.isAddComplimentaryAllowed}} {{#if this.isCreatingComplimentary}} {{else}} {{#if (feature "multipleProducts")}} {{!-- {{if has multiple products!}} --}} {{!-- {{/if}} --}} {{else}} {{/if}} {{/if}} {{/if}} {{/unless}}
{{/unless}} {{#each this.products as |product|}}

{{product.name}} {{#if (gt product.subscriptions.length 1)}} {{product.subscriptions.length}} subscriptions {{/if}}

{{#each product.subscriptions as |sub|}} {{#if sub.isComplimentary}}
Complimentary Active
Created on
$ 0
{{svg-jar "dotdotdot"}}
  • {{else}}
    {{sub.price.nickname}} – {{#if sub.cancel_at_period_end}} Has access until {{sub.validUntil}} Cancelled {{else}} Renews {{sub.validUntil}} Active {{/if}}
    {{#if sub.cancellationReason}}
    Cancellation reason: {{sub.cancellationReason}}
    Created on {{sub.startDate}}
    {{sub.price.currencySymbol}} {{sub.price.nonDecimalAmount}}
    {{if (eq sub.price.interval "year") "yearly" "monthly"}}
    {{svg-jar "dotdotdot"}}
  • View Stripe customer
  • View Stripe subscription
  • {{#if sub.cancel_at_period_end}} {{else}} {{/if}}
  • {{/if}} {{/each}} {{#if (and (feature "multipleProducts") (eq product.subscriptions.length 0))}}
    Complimentary Active
    Created on
    $ 0
    {{svg-jar "dotdotdot"}}
  • {{/if}} {{#if (not (feature "multipleProducts"))}} {{#if this.isAddComplimentaryAllowed}} {{/if}} {{/if}}
    {{/each}} {{#if (feature "multipleProducts")}} {{#if (and this.products this.isAddComplimentaryAllowed)}} {{/if}} {{/if}}
    {{#if (eq @member.emailCount 0)}}
    {{svg-jar "no-data-line-chart"}}

    Email engagement

    This member hasn't received a newsletter yet. Once they do, we'll show their engagement here.

    Emails received
    Emails opened
    Avg. open rate
    {{#if (is-empty @member.emailOpenRate)}} This metric is calculated once a member has received 5 newsletters. {{else}} {{@member.emailOpenRate}}% {{/if}}
    {{#if this.showMemberProductModal}} {{/if}}