import Component from '@ember/component'; import layout from '../templates/components/koenig-slash-menu'; import {CARD_MENU} from '../options/cards'; import {computed, set} from '@ember/object'; import {copy} from '@ember/object/internals'; import {htmlSafe} from '@ember/string'; import {isEmpty} from '@ember/utils'; import {run} from '@ember/runloop'; const ROW_LENGTH = 3; export default Component.extend({ layout, // public attrs classNames: 'absolute', attributeBindings: ['style'], editor: null, editorRange: null, // public properties showMenu: false, top: 0, itemSections: null, // private properties _openRange: null, _query: '', _onWindowMousedownHandler: null, // closure actions replaceWithCardSection() {}, // computed properties style: computed('top', function () { return htmlSafe(`top: ${}px`); }), // create a 2-dimensional array of items based on the ROW_LENGTH, eg // [ // [item1, item1, item3] // [item4, item5], // [item6, item7, item8] // [item9] // ] // - used for arrow key movement of selected item itemMap: computed('itemSections', function () { let map = []; this.itemSections.forEach((section) => { let iterations = Math.ceil(section.items.length / ROW_LENGTH); for (let i = 0; i < iterations; i++) { let startIndex = i * ROW_LENGTH; map.push(section.items.slice(startIndex, startIndex + ROW_LENGTH)); } }); return map; }), didReceiveAttrs() { this._super(...arguments); // re-register the / text input handler if the editor changes such as // when a "New story" is clicked from the sidebar or a different post // is loaded via search if (this.editor !== this._lastEditor) { this.editor.onTextInput({ name: 'slash_menu', text: '/', run: run.bind(this, this._showMenu) }); } this._lastEditor = this.editor; // re-position the menu and update the query if necessary when the // cursor position changes let editorRange = this.editorRange; if (editorRange !== this._lastEditorRange) { this._handleCursorChange(editorRange); } this._lastEditorRange = editorRange; }, willDestroyElement() { this._super(...arguments); window.removeEventListener('mousedown', this._onMousedownHandler); }, actions: { itemClicked(item, event) { let range = this._openRange.head.section.toRange(); let [, ...params] = this._query.split(/\s/); let payload; // make sure the click doesn't propagate and get picked up by the // newly inserted card which can then remove itself because it // looks like a click outside of an empty card if (event) { event.preventDefault(); event.stopImmediatePropagation(); } // params are order-dependent and listed in CARD_MENU for each card if (!isEmpty(item.params) && !isEmpty(params)) { payload = {}; item.params.forEach((param, i) => { payload[param] = params[i]; }); } if (item.type === 'card') { this.replaceWithCardSection(item.replaceArg, range, payload); } this._hideMenu(); } }, _handleCursorChange(editorRange) { // update menu position to match cursor position this._positionMenu(editorRange); if (this.showMenu && editorRange) { let {head: {section}} = editorRange; // close the menu if we're on a non-slash section (eg, when / is deleted) if (section && (section.text || section.text === '') && section.text.indexOf('/') !== 0) { this._hideMenu(); return; } // update the query when the menu is open and cursor is in our open range if (section === this._openRange.head.section) { let query = section.text.substring( this._openRange.head.offset, editorRange.head.offset ); this._updateQuery(query); } } }, _updateQuery(query) { this._query = query; // match everything before a space to a card. Keeps the relevant // card selected when providing attributes to a card, eg: // /twitter let card = query.split(/\s/)[0]; let matchedItems = => { // show all items before anything is typed if (!card) { return section; } // show icons where there's a match of the begining of one of the // "item.matches" strings let matches = section.items.filter(item => item.matches.any(match => match.indexOf(card) === 0)); if (matches.length > 0) { return {title: section.title, items: matches}; } }).compact(); // we need a copy to avoid modifying the object references let sections = copy(matchedItems, true); if (sections.length) { set(sections[0].items[0], 'selected', true); } this.set('itemSections', sections); }, _showMenu() { let editorRange = this.editorRange; let {head: {section}} = editorRange; // only show the menu if the slash is on an otherwise empty paragraph if (!this.showMenu && editorRange.isCollapsed && section && !section.isListItem && section.text === '/') { this.set('showMenu', true); // ensure all items are shown before we have a query filter this._updateQuery(''); // store a ref to the range when the menu was triggered so that we // can query text after the slash this._openRange = this.editorRange; // set up key handlers for selection & closing this._registerKeyboardNavHandlers(); // watch the window for mousedown events so that we can close the // menu when we detect a click outside. This is preferable to // watching the range because the range will change and remove the // menu before click events on the buttons are registered this._onWindowMousedownHandler = run.bind(this, (event) => { this._handleWindowMousedown(event); }); window.addEventListener('mousedown', this._onWindowMousedownHandler); } }, _hideMenu() { if (this.showMenu) { this.set('showMenu', false); this._unregisterKeyboardNavHandlers(); window.removeEventListener('mousedown', this._onWindowMousedownHandler); } }, _handleWindowMousedown(event) { // clicks outside the menu should always close if (!`#${this.elementId}`)) { this._hideMenu(); // clicks on the menu but not on a button should be ignored so that the // cursor position isn't lost } else if (!'[data-kg="cardmenu-card"]')) { event.preventDefault(); } }, _positionMenu(range) { if (!range) { return; } let {head: {section}} = range; if (section && section.renderNode.element) { let containerRect = this.element.parentNode.getBoundingClientRect(); let selectedElement = section.renderNode.element; let selectedElementRect = selectedElement.getBoundingClientRect(); let top = + selectedElementRect.height -; this.set('top', top); } }, _registerKeyboardNavHandlers() { // ESC = close menu // ARROWS = selection let editor = this.editor; editor.registerKeyCommand({ str: 'ESC', name: 'slash-menu', run: run.bind(this, this._hideMenu) }); editor.registerKeyCommand({ str: 'ENTER', name: 'slash-menu', run: run.bind(this, this._performAction) }); editor.registerKeyCommand({ str: 'UP', name: 'slash-menu', run: run.bind(this, this._moveSelection, 'up') }); editor.registerKeyCommand({ str: 'DOWN', name: 'slash-menu', run: run.bind(this, this._moveSelection, 'down') }); editor.registerKeyCommand({ str: 'LEFT', name: 'slash-menu', run: run.bind(this, this._moveSelection, 'left') }); editor.registerKeyCommand({ str: 'RIGHT', name: 'slash-menu', run: run.bind(this, this._moveSelection, 'right') }); }, _performAction() { let selectedItem = this._getSelectedItem(); if (selectedItem) { this.send('itemClicked', selectedItem); } }, _getSelectedItem() { let sections = this.itemSections; if (sections.length <= 0) { return; } for (let section of sections) { let item = section.items.find(item => item.selected); if (item) { return item; } } }, _moveSelection(direction) { let itemMap = this.itemMap; if (isEmpty(itemMap)) { return; } let selectedItem = this._getSelectedItem(); let selectedRow = itemMap.find(row => row.includes(selectedItem)); let selectedRowIndex = itemMap.indexOf(selectedRow); let selectedItemIndex = selectedRow.indexOf(selectedItem); let lastRowIndex = itemMap.length - 1; let lastItemIndex = selectedRow.length - 1; set(selectedItem, 'selected', false); if (direction === 'right') { selectedItemIndex += 1; if (selectedItemIndex > lastItemIndex) { if (selectedRowIndex < lastRowIndex) { selectedRowIndex += 1; } else { selectedRowIndex = 0; } selectedItemIndex = 0; } } else if (direction === 'left') { selectedItemIndex -= 1; if (selectedItemIndex < 0) { if (selectedRowIndex > 0) { selectedRowIndex -= 1; } else { selectedRowIndex = itemMap.length - 1; } selectedItemIndex = itemMap[selectedRowIndex].length - 1; } } else if (direction === 'up') { selectedRowIndex -= 1; if (selectedRowIndex < 0) { selectedRowIndex = lastRowIndex; } } else if (direction === 'down') { selectedRowIndex += 1; if (selectedRowIndex > lastRowIndex) { selectedRowIndex = 0; } } if (selectedItemIndex > itemMap[selectedRowIndex].length - 1) { selectedItemIndex = itemMap[selectedRowIndex].length - 1; } set(itemMap[selectedRowIndex][selectedItemIndex], 'selected', true); }, _unregisterKeyboardNavHandlers() { let editor = this.editor; editor.unregisterKeyCommands('slash-menu'); } });