Settings {{svg-jar "arrow-right-small"}} General


Publication info

Title & description

The details used to identify your publication around the web

{{#liquid-if this.pubInfoOpen}}

The name of your site

Used in your theme, meta data and search results


Site timezone

Set the time and date of your publication, used for all published posts

{{#liquid-if this.timezoneOpen}}

Publication Language

Set the language/locale which is used on your site

{{#liquid-if this.langOpen}}

Default: English (en); you can add translation files to your theme for any language


Site meta settings

Meta data

Extra content for search engines

{{#liquid-if this.metaDataOpen}}

Recommended: 70 characters. You’ve used {{gh-count-down-characters this.settings.metaTitle 70}}

Recommended: 156 characters. You’ve used {{gh-count-down-characters this.settings.metaDescription 156}}

{{svg-jar "google"}}
{{or this.settings.metaTitle this.settings.title}}
{{truncate (or this.settings.metaDescription this.settings.description) 159}}

Twitter card

Customize structured data of your site for Twitter

{{#liquid-if this.twitterCardOpen}}
{{svg-jar "social-twitter" class="social-icon"}}
{{or this.settings.metaTitle this.settings.title}} 12 hrs

Facebook card

Customize structured data of your site

{{#liquid-if this.facebookCardOpen}}
{{svg-jar "social-facebook" class="social-icon"}}
{{or this.settings.metaTitle this.settings.title}}
12 hrs
{{#if this.settings.ogImage}}
{{!-- Ensures description is hidden if title exceeds one line --}}
{{truncate (or this.settings.ogTitle this.settings.title)}}
{{truncate (or this.settings.ogDescription this.settings.description)}}
{{svg-jar "facebook-like" class="z-999"}}{{svg-jar "facebook-heart" class="nl1"}}182 7 comments 2 shares

Social accounts

Link your social accounts for full structured data and rich card support

{{#liquid-if this.socialOpen}}

URL of your publication's Facebook Page

URL of your publication's Twitter profile


Advanced settings

Make this site private

Enable protection with a simple shared password. All search engine optimization and social features will be disabled.

{{#if this.settings.isPrivate}}
A private RSS feed is available at {{this.privateRSSUrl}}

Set the password for this site
