import Component from '@glimmer/component'; import {action} from '@ember/object'; export default class SettingsDefaultEmailRecipientsComponent extends Component { get options() { return [{ name: 'Whoever has access to the post', description: 'Free posts to everyone, premium posts sent to paid members', value: 'visibility', icon: 'members-post', icon_color: 'green' }, { name: 'All members', description: 'Everyone who is subscribed to newsletter updates, whether free or paid members', value: 'all-members', icon: 'members-all', icon_color: 'blue' }, { name: 'Paid-members only', description: 'People who have a premium subscription', value: 'paid-only', icon: 'members-paid', icon_color: 'pink' }, { name: 'Specific people', description: 'Only people with any of the selected tiers or labels', value: 'segment', icon: 'members-segment', icon_color: 'yellow' }, { name: 'Usually nobody', description: 'Newsletters are off for new posts, but can be enabled when needed', value: 'none', icon: 'no-members', icon_color: 'midlightgrey-d2' }]; } get selectedOption() { return this.options.find(o => o.value === this.args.recipients); } @action setRecipients(option) { this.args.onRecipientsChange(option.value); } }