import $ from 'jquery'; import AuthenticatedRoute from 'ghost-admin/routes/authenticated'; import {run} from '@ember/runloop'; import {inject as service} from '@ember/service'; export default AuthenticatedRoute.extend({ config: service(), feature: service(), notifications: service(), router: service(), ui: service(), classNames: ['editor'], beforeModel() { if (!this.config.get('editor.url')) { return this.router.transitionTo('posts'); } }, activate() { this._super(...arguments); this.ui.set('isFullScreen', true); }, deactivate() { this._super(...arguments); this.ui.set('isFullScreen', false); }, actions: { save() { this._blurAndScheduleAction(function () { this.controller.send('save'); }); }, authorizationFailed() { this.controller.send('toggleReAuthenticateModal'); }, willTransition(transition) { // exit early if an upgrade is required because our extended route // class will abort the transition and show an error if (this.get('upgradeStatus.isRequired')) { return this._super(...arguments); } this.controller.willTransition(transition); } }, buildRouteInfoMetadata() { return { titleToken: () => { return this.get('') || 'Editor'; }, bodyClasses: ['gh-body-fullscreen'], mainClasses: ['gh-main-white'] }; }, _blurAndScheduleAction(func) { let selectedElement = $(document.activeElement); // TODO: we should trigger a blur for textareas as well as text inputs if ('input[type="text"]')) { selectedElement.trigger('focusout'); } // wait for actions triggered by the focusout to finish before saving run.scheduleOnce('actions', this, func); } });