const {EmailDeliveredEvent, EmailOpenedEvent, EmailBouncedEvent, SpamComplaintEvent, EmailUnsubscribedEvent, EmailTemporaryBouncedEvent} = require('@tryghost/email-events'); async function waitForEvent() { return new Promise((resolve) => { setTimeout(resolve, 70); }); } /** * @typedef EmailIdentification * @property {string} email * @property {string} providerId * @property {string} [emailId] Optional email id */ /** * @typedef EmailRecipientInformation * @property {string} emailRecipientId * @property {string} memberId * @property {string} emailId */ /** * @typedef EmailEventStorage * @property {(event: EmailDeliveredEvent) => Promise} handleDelivered * @property {(event: EmailOpenedEvent) => Promise} handleOpened * @property {(event: EmailBouncedEvent) => Promise} handlePermanentFailed * @property {(event: EmailTemporaryBouncedEvent) => Promise} handleTemporaryFailed * @property {(event: EmailUnsubscribedEvent) => Promise} handleUnsubscribed * @property {(event: SpamComplaintEvent) => Promise} handleComplained */ /** * WARNING: this class is used in a separate thread (an offloaded job). Be careful when working with settings and models. */ class EmailEventProcessor { #domainEvents; #db; #eventStorage; constructor({domainEvents, db, eventStorage}) { this.#domainEvents = domainEvents; this.#db = db; this.#eventStorage = eventStorage; // Avoid having to query email_batch by provider_id for every event this.providerIdEmailIdMap = {}; } /** * @param {EmailIdentification} emailIdentification * @param {Date} timestamp */ async handleDelivered(emailIdentification, timestamp) { const recipient = await this.getRecipient(emailIdentification); if (recipient) { const event = EmailDeliveredEvent.create({ email:, emailRecipientId: recipient.emailRecipientId, memberId: recipient.memberId, emailId: recipient.emailId, timestamp }); await this.#eventStorage.handleDelivered(event); this.#domainEvents.dispatch(event); } return recipient; } /** * @param {EmailIdentification} emailIdentification * @param {Date} timestamp */ async handleOpened(emailIdentification, timestamp) { const recipient = await this.getRecipient(emailIdentification); if (recipient) { const event = EmailOpenedEvent.create({ email:, emailRecipientId: recipient.emailRecipientId, memberId: recipient.memberId, emailId: recipient.emailId, timestamp }); await this.#eventStorage.handleOpened(event); this.#domainEvents.dispatch(event); await waitForEvent(); // Avoids knex connection pool to run dry } return recipient; } /** * @param {EmailIdentification} emailIdentification * @param {{id: string, timestamp: Date, error: {code: number; message: string; enhandedCode: string|number} | null}} event */ async handleTemporaryFailed(emailIdentification, {timestamp, error, id}) { const recipient = await this.getRecipient(emailIdentification); if (recipient) { const event = EmailTemporaryBouncedEvent.create({ id, error, email:, memberId: recipient.memberId, emailId: recipient.emailId, emailRecipientId: recipient.emailRecipientId, timestamp }); await this.#eventStorage.handleTemporaryFailed(event); this.#domainEvents.dispatch(event); } return recipient; } /** * @param {EmailIdentification} emailIdentification * @param {{id: string, timestamp: Date, error: {code: number; message: string; enhandedCode: string|number} | null}} event */ async handlePermanentFailed(emailIdentification, {timestamp, error, id}) { const recipient = await this.getRecipient(emailIdentification); if (recipient) { const event = EmailBouncedEvent.create({ id, error, email:, memberId: recipient.memberId, emailId: recipient.emailId, emailRecipientId: recipient.emailRecipientId, timestamp }); await this.#eventStorage.handlePermanentFailed(event); this.#domainEvents.dispatch(event); await waitForEvent(); // Avoids knex connection pool to run dry } return recipient; } /** * @param {EmailIdentification} emailIdentification * @param {Date} timestamp */ async handleUnsubscribed(emailIdentification, timestamp) { const recipient = await this.getRecipient(emailIdentification); if (recipient) { const event = EmailUnsubscribedEvent.create({ email:, memberId: recipient.memberId, emailId: recipient.emailId, timestamp }); await this.#eventStorage.handleUnsubscribed(event); this.#domainEvents.dispatch(event); } return recipient; } /** * @param {EmailIdentification} emailIdentification * @param {Date} timestamp */ async handleComplained(emailIdentification, timestamp) { const recipient = await this.getRecipient(emailIdentification); if (recipient) { const event = SpamComplaintEvent.create({ email:, memberId: recipient.memberId, emailId: recipient.emailId, timestamp }); await this.#eventStorage.handleComplained(event); this.#domainEvents.dispatch(event); await waitForEvent(); // Avoids knex connection pool to run dry } return recipient; } /** * @private * @param {EmailIdentification} emailIdentification * @returns {Promise} */ async getRecipient(emailIdentification) { if (!emailIdentification.emailId && !emailIdentification.providerId) { // Protection if both are null or undefined return; } // With the provider_id and email address we can look for the EmailRecipient const emailId = emailIdentification.emailId ?? await this.getEmailId(emailIdentification.providerId); if (!emailId) { // Invalid return; } const {id: emailRecipientId, member_id: memberId} = await this.#db.knex('email_recipients') .select('id', 'member_id') .where('member_email', .where('email_id', emailId) .first() || {}; if (emailRecipientId && memberId) { return { emailRecipientId, memberId, emailId }; } } /** * @private * @param {string} providerId * @returns {Promise} */ async getEmailId(providerId) { if (this.providerIdEmailIdMap[providerId]) { return this.providerIdEmailIdMap[providerId]; } const {emailId} = await this.#db.knex('email_batches') .select('email_id as emailId') .where('provider_id', providerId) .first() || {}; if (!emailId) { return; } this.providerIdEmailIdMap[providerId] = emailId; return emailId; } } module.exports = EmailEventProcessor;