import Component from '@glimmer/component'; import {action} from '@ember/object'; import {inject as service} from '@ember/service'; import {tracked} from '@glimmer/tracking'; export default class GhSiteIframeComponent extends Component { @service config; @tracked isInvisible = this.args.invisibleUntilLoaded; willDestroy() { this.args.onDestroyed?.(); } get srcUrl() { return this.args.src || `${this.config.get('blogUrl')}/`; } @action resetSrcAttribute(iframe) { // reset the src attribute and force reload each time the guid changes // - allows for a click on the navigation item to reset back to the homepage // or a portal preview modal to force a reload so it can fetch server-side data if (this.args.guid !== this._lastGuid) { if (iframe) { if (this.args.invisibleUntilLoaded) { this.isInvisible = true; } if (iframe.contentWindow.location.href !== this.srcUrl) { iframe.contentWindow.location = this.srcUrl; } else { iframe.contentWindow.location.reload(); } } } this._lastGuid = this.args.guid; } @action onLoad(event) { if (this.args.invisibleUntilLoaded) { this.isInvisible = false; } this.args.onLoad?.(event); } }