import Component from '@ember/component'; import moment from 'moment'; import {computed} from '@ember/object'; import {formatNumber} from 'ghost-admin/helpers/format-number'; import {isEmpty} from '@ember/utils'; import {or} from '@ember/object/computed'; import {inject as service} from '@ember/service'; export default Component.extend({ feature: service(), settings: service(), config: service(), session: service(), post: null, saveType: null, // used to set minDate in datepicker _minDate: null, _publishedAtBlogTZ: null, 'data-test-publishmenu-draft': true, showSendEmail: or('session.user.isOwner', 'session.user.isAdmin', 'session.user.isEditor'), disableEmailOption: computed('memberCount', function () { return (this.get('session.user.isOwnerOrAdmin') && this.memberCount === 0); }), disableFreeMemberCheckbox: computed('freeMemberCount', function () { return (this.get('session.user.isOwnerOrAdmin') && this.freeMemberCount === 0); }), disablePaidMemberCheckbox: computed('paidMemberCount', function () { return (this.get('session.user.isOwnerOrAdmin') && this.paidMemberCount === 0); }), freeMemberCountLabel: computed('freeMemberCount', function () { if (this.get('freeMemberCount') !== undefined) { return `(${formatNumber(this.get('freeMemberCount'))})`; } return ''; }), paidMemberCountLabel: computed('freeMemberCount', function () { if (this.get('freeMemberCount') !== undefined) { return `(${formatNumber(this.get('paidMemberCount'))})`; } return ''; }), canSendEmail: computed('feature.labs.members', 'post.{displayName,email}', 'settings.{mailgunApiKey,mailgunDomain,mailgunBaseUrl}', 'config.mailgunIsConfigured', function () { let membersEnabled = this.feature.get('labs.members'); let mailgunIsConfigured = this.get('settings.mailgunApiKey') && this.get('settings.mailgunDomain') && this.get('settings.mailgunBaseUrl') || this.get('config.mailgunIsConfigured'); let isPost = === 'post'; let hasSentEmail = !!; return membersEnabled && mailgunIsConfigured && isPost && !hasSentEmail; }), sendEmailToFreeMembersWhenPublished: computed('sendEmailWhenPublished', function () { return ['free', 'all'].includes(this.sendEmailWhenPublished); }), sendEmailToPaidMembersWhenPublished: computed('sendEmailWhenPublished', function () { return ['paid', 'all'].includes(this.sendEmailWhenPublished); }), didInsertElement() {'publishedAtBlogTZ', this.get('post.publishedAtUTC')); this.send('setSaveType', 'publish'); }, actions: { setSaveType(type) { if (this.saveType !== type) { let hasDateError = !isEmpty(this.get('post.errors').errorsFor('publishedAtBlogDate')); let hasTimeError = !isEmpty(this.get('post.errors').errorsFor('publishedAtBlogTime')); let minDate = this._getMinDate(); this.set('_minDate', minDate); this.setSaveType(type); // when publish: switch to now to avoid validation errors // when schedule: switch to last valid or new minimum scheduled date if (type === 'publish') { if (!hasDateError && !hasTimeError) { this._publishedAtBlogTZ = this.get('post.publishedAtBlogTZ'); } else { this._publishedAtBlogTZ = this.get('post.publishedAtUTC'); }'publishedAtBlogTZ', this.get('post.publishedAtUTC')); } else { if (!this._publishedAtBlogTZ || moment(this._publishedAtBlogTZ).isBefore(minDate)) {'publishedAtBlogTZ', minDate); } else {'publishedAtBlogTZ', this._publishedAtBlogTZ); } }; } }, setDate(date) { let post =; let dateString = moment(date).format('YYYY-MM-DD'); post.set('publishedAtBlogDate', dateString); return post.validate(); }, setTime(time) { let post =; post.set('publishedAtBlogTime', time); return post.validate(); }, toggleSendEmailWhenPublished(type) { let isFree = this.get('sendEmailToFreeMembersWhenPublished'); let isPaid = this.get('sendEmailToPaidMembersWhenPublished'); if (type === 'free') { isFree = !isFree; } else if (type === 'paid') { isPaid = !isPaid; } if (isFree && isPaid) { this.setSendEmailWhenPublished('all'); } else if (isFree && !isPaid) { this.setSendEmailWhenPublished('free'); } else if (!isFree && isPaid) { this.setSendEmailWhenPublished('paid'); } else if (!isFree && !isPaid) { this.setSendEmailWhenPublished('none'); } } }, // scheduled date 5 mins in the future to avoid immediate validation errors _getMinDate() { return moment.utc().add(5, 'minutes'); } // API only accepts dates at least 2 mins in the future, default the });