const debug = require('@tryghost/debug')('services:routing:static-routes-router'); const events = require('../../../server/lib/common/events'); const errors = require('@tryghost/errors'); const urlUtils = require('../../../shared/url-utils'); const RSSRouter = require('./RSSRouter'); const controllers = require('./controllers'); const middlewares = require('./middlewares'); const ParentRouter = require('./ParentRouter'); /** * @description Template routes allow you to map individual URLs to specific template files within a Ghost theme */ class StaticRoutesRouter extends ParentRouter { constructor(mainRoute, object) { super('StaticRoutesRouter'); this.route = {value: mainRoute}; this.templates = object.templates || []; = || {query: {}, router: {}}; this.routerName = mainRoute === '/' ? 'index' : mainRoute.replace(/\//g, ''); debug(this.route.value, this.templates); // CASE 1: Route is channel (controller: channel) - a stream of posts // CASE 2: Route is just a static page e.g. landing page if (this.isChannel(object)) { this.templates = this.templates.reverse(); this.rss = object.rss !== false; this.filter = object.filter; this.limit = object.limit; this.order = object.order; this.controller = object.controller; debug(this.route.value, this.templates, this.filter,; this._registerChannelRoutes(); } else { this.contentType = object.content_type; debug(this.route.value, this.templates); this._registerStaticRoute(); } } /** * @description Register all channel routes of this router (...if the router is a channel) * @private */ _registerChannelRoutes() { // REGISTER: prepare context object this.router().use(this._prepareChannelContext.bind(this)); // REGISTER: is rss enabled? if (this.rss) { this.rssRouter = new RSSRouter(); this.mountRouter(this.route.value, this.rssRouter.router()); } // REGISTER: channel route this.mountRoute(this.route.value, controllers[this.controller]); // REGISTER: pagination this.router().param('page', middlewares.pageParam); this.mountRoute(urlUtils.urlJoin(this.route.value, 'page', ':page(\\d+)'), controllers[this.controller]); events.emit('router.created', this); } /** * @description Prepare channel context for further middlewares/controllers. * @param {Object} req * @param {Object} res * @param {Function} next * @private */ _prepareChannelContext(req, res, next) { res.routerOptions = { type: this.controller, name: this.routerName, context: [this.routerName], filter: this.filter, limit: this.limit, order: this.order, data:, templates: this.templates }; next(); } /** * @description Register all static routes of this router (...if the router is just a static route) * @private */ _registerStaticRoute() { // REGISTER: prepare context object this.router().use(this._prepareStaticRouteContext.bind(this)); // REGISTER: static route this.mountRoute(this.route.value, controllers.static); events.emit('router.created', this); } /** * @description Prepare static route context for further middlewares/controllers. * @param {Object} req * @param {Object} res * @param {Function} next * @private */ _prepareStaticRouteContext(req, res, next) { res.routerOptions = { type: 'custom', templates: this.templates, defaultTemplate: () => { throw new errors.IncorrectUsageError({ message: `Missing template ${ => `${x}.hbs`).join(', ')} for route "${req.originalUrl}".` }); }, data:, context: [this.routerName], contentType: this.contentType }; next(); } /** * @description Helper function to figure out if this router is a channel. * @param {Object} object * @returns {boolean} */ isChannel(object) { if (object && object.controller && object.controller === 'channel') { return true; } return this.controller === 'channel'; } } module.exports = StaticRoutesRouter;