/* jshint expr:true */ import { describe, it, beforeEach, afterEach } from 'mocha'; import {expect} from 'chai'; import startApp from '../helpers/start-app'; import destroyApp from '../helpers/destroy-app'; import {invalidateSession, authenticateSession} from 'ghost-admin/tests/helpers/ember-simple-auth'; import Mirage from 'ember-cli-mirage'; import sinon from 'sinon'; import testSelector from 'ember-test-selectors'; describe('Acceptance: Editor', function() { let application; beforeEach(function() { application = startApp(); }); afterEach(function() { destroyApp(application); }); it('redirects to signin when not authenticated', function () { server.create('user'); // necessray for post-author association server.create('post'); invalidateSession(application); visit('/editor/1'); andThen(function() { expect(currentURL(), 'currentURL').to.equal('/signin'); }); }); it('does not redirect to team page when authenticated as author', function () { let role = server.create('role', {name: 'Author'}); server.create('user', {roles: [role], slug: 'test-user'}); server.create('post'); authenticateSession(application); visit('/editor/1'); andThen(() => { expect(currentURL(), 'currentURL').to.equal('/editor/1'); }); }); it('does not redirect to team page when authenticated as editor', function () { let role = server.create('role', {name: 'Editor'}); server.create('user', {roles: [role], slug: 'test-user'}); server.create('post'); authenticateSession(application); visit('/editor/1'); andThen(() => { expect(currentURL(), 'currentURL').to.equal('/editor/1'); }); }); it('displays 404 when post does not exist', function () { let role = server.create('role', {name: 'Editor'}); server.create('user', {roles: [role], slug: 'test-user'}); authenticateSession(application); visit('/editor/1'); andThen(() => { expect(currentPath()).to.equal('error404'); expect(currentURL()).to.equal('/editor/1'); }); }); describe('when logged in', function () { beforeEach(function () { let role = server.create('role', {name: 'Administrator'}); server.create('user', {roles: [role]}); server.loadFixtures('settings'); return authenticateSession(application); }); it('renders the editor correctly, PSM Publish Date and Save Button', function () { server.createList('post', 2); let plusTenMinPacific = moment().tz('Pacific/Kwajalein').add(10, 'minutes').format('DD MMM YY @ HH:mm').toString(); let plusTwoMinPacific = moment().tz('Pacific/Kwajalein').add(2, 'minutes').format('DD MMM YY @ HH:mm').toString(); // post id 1 is a draft, checking for draft behaviour now visit('/editor/1'); andThen(() => { expect(currentURL(), 'currentURL') .to.equal('/editor/1'); }); // should error, if the date input is in a wrong format fillIn('input[name="post-setting-date"]', 'testdate'); triggerEvent('input[name="post-setting-date"]', 'blur'); andThen(() => { expect(find('.ember-view.response').text().trim(), 'inline error response for invalid date') .to.equal('Published Date must be a valid date with format: DD MMM YY @ HH:mm (e.g. 6 Dec 14 @ 15:00)'); }); // saves the post with the new date fillIn('input[name="post-setting-date"]', '10 May 16 @ 10:00'); triggerEvent('input[name="post-setting-date"]', 'blur'); // saving click('.gh-btn.gh-btn-sm.js-publish-button'); andThen(() => { expect(find('input[name="post-setting-date"]').val(), 'date after saving') .to.equal('10 May 16 @ 10:00'); }); // should not do anything if the input date is not different fillIn('input[name="post-setting-date"]', '10 May 16 @ 10:00'); triggerEvent('input[name="post-setting-date"]', 'blur'); andThen(() => { expect(find('input[name="post-setting-date"]').val(), 'date didn\'t change') .to.equal('10 May 16 @ 10:00'); }); // checking the flow of the saving button for a draft andThen(() => { expect(find('.gh-btn.gh-btn-sm.js-publish-button').hasClass('gh-btn-red'), 'no red button expected') .to.be.false; expect(find('.gh-btn.gh-btn-sm.js-publish-button').text().trim(), 'text in save button') .to.equal('Save Draft'); expect(find('.post-save-draft').hasClass('active'), 'highlights the default active button state for a draft') .to.be.true; }); // click on publish now click('.post-save-publish a'); andThen(() => { expect(find('.post-save-publish').hasClass('active'), 'highlights the selected active button state') .to.be.true; expect(find('.gh-btn.gh-btn-sm.js-publish-button').hasClass('gh-btn-red'), 'red button to change from draft to published') .to.be.true; expect(find('.gh-btn.gh-btn-sm.js-publish-button').text().trim(), 'text in save button after click on \'publish now\'') .to.equal('Publish Now'); }); // Publish the post click('.gh-btn.gh-btn-sm.js-publish-button'); andThen(() => { expect(find('.gh-btn.gh-btn-sm.js-publish-button').text().trim(), 'text in save button after publishing') .to.equal('Update Post'); expect(find('.post-save-publish').hasClass('active'), 'highlights the default active button state for a published post') .to.be.true; expect(find('.gh-btn.gh-btn-sm.js-publish-button').hasClass('gh-btn-red'), 'no red button expected') .to.be.false; }); // post id 2 is a published post, checking for published post behaviour now visit('/editor/2'); andThen(() => { expect(currentURL(), 'currentURL').to.equal('/editor/2'); expect(find('input[name="post-setting-date"]').val()).to.equal('19 Dec 15 @ 16:25'); }); // should reset the date if the input field is blank fillIn('input[name="post-setting-date"]', ''); triggerEvent('input[name="post-setting-date"]', 'blur'); andThen(() => { expect(find('input[name="post-setting-date"]').val(), 'empty date input') .to.equal(''); }); // saving click('.gh-btn.gh-btn-sm.js-publish-button'); andThen(() => { expect(find('input[name="post-setting-date"]').val(), 'date value restored') .to.equal('19 Dec 15 @ 16:25'); }); // saves the post with a new date fillIn('input[name="post-setting-date"]', '10 May 16 @ 10:00'); triggerEvent('input[name="post-setting-date"]', 'blur'); // saving click('.gh-btn.gh-btn-sm.js-publish-button'); andThen(() => { expect(find('input[name="post-setting-date"]').val(), 'new date after saving') .to.equal('10 May 16 @ 10:00'); }); // go to settings to change the timezone visit('/settings/general'); click(testSelector('toggle-timezone')); andThen(() => { expect(currentURL(), 'currentURL for settings') .to.equal('/settings/general'); expect(find('#activeTimezone option:selected').text().trim(), 'default timezone') .to.equal('(GMT) UTC'); // select a new timezone find('#activeTimezone option[value="Pacific/Kwajalein"]').prop('selected', true); }); triggerEvent('#activeTimezone', 'change'); // save the settings click('.gh-btn.gh-btn-blue'); andThen(() => { expect(find('#activeTimezone option:selected').text().trim(), 'new timezone after saving') .to.equal('(GMT +12:00) International Date Line West'); }); // and now go back to the editor visit('/editor/2'); andThen(() => { expect(currentURL(), 'currentURL in editor') .to.equal('/editor/2'); expect(find('input[name="post-setting-date"]').val(), 'date with blog timezone') .to.equal('10 May 16 @ 22:00'); }); // should not do anything if the input date is not different fillIn('input[name="post-setting-date"]', '10 May 16 @ 22:00'); triggerEvent('input[name="post-setting-date"]', 'blur'); andThen(() => { expect(find('input[name="post-setting-date"]').val(), 'date didn\'t change') .to.equal('10 May 16 @ 22:00'); }); // click on unpublish click('.post-save-draft a'); andThen(() => { expect(find('.post-save-draft').hasClass('active'), 'highlights the active button state for a draft') .to.be.true; expect(find('.gh-btn.gh-btn-sm.js-publish-button').hasClass('gh-btn-red'), 'red button to change from published to draft') .to.be.true; expect(find('.gh-btn.gh-btn-sm.js-publish-button').text().trim(), 'text in save button for post to unpublish') .to.equal('Unpublish'); }); // Unpublish the post click('.gh-btn.gh-btn-sm.js-publish-button'); andThen(() => { expect(find('.gh-btn.gh-btn-sm.js-publish-button').text().trim(), 'text in save button for draft') .to.equal('Save Draft'); expect(find('.post-save-draft').hasClass('active'), 'highlights the default active button state for a draft') .to.be.true; expect(find('.gh-btn.gh-btn-sm.js-publish-button').hasClass('gh-btn-red'), 'no red button expected') .to.be.false; }); // Set the publish date 2 minute to the future to find an error message fillIn('input[name="post-setting-date"]', plusTwoMinPacific); triggerEvent('input[name="post-setting-date"]', 'blur'); andThen(() => { andThen(() => { expect(find('.ember-view.response').text().trim(), 'inline error response for invalid date in future') .to.equal('Must be at least 2 minutes from now.'); }); }); // Set the publish date into the future (best to have it 10 minutes from now in the future) fillIn('input[name="post-setting-date"]', plusTenMinPacific); triggerEvent('input[name="post-setting-date"]', 'blur'); andThen(() => { expect(find('label[for="post-setting-date"]').text().trim(), 'label changes to \'Scheduled Date\'') .to.equal('Scheduled Date'); }); // click on 'Schedule Post' click('.post-save-schedule a'); // button should show 'schedule post' andThen(() => { expect(find('.post-save-schedule').hasClass('active'), 'highlights the active button state for a draft') .to.be.true; expect(find('.gh-btn.gh-btn-sm.js-publish-button').hasClass('gh-btn-red'), 'red button to change from published to draft') .to.be.true; expect(find('.gh-btn.gh-btn-sm.js-publish-button').text().trim(), 'text in save button for post to schedule') .to.equal('Schedule Post'); }); // click on schedule post and save click('.gh-btn.gh-btn-sm.js-publish-button'); andThen(() => { // Dropdown menu should be 'Update Post' and 'Unschedule' expect(find('.gh-btn.gh-btn-sm.js-publish-button').text().trim(), 'text in save button for scheduled post') .to.equal('Update Post'); expect(find('.post-save-schedule').hasClass('active'), 'highlights the default active button state for a scheduled post') .to.be.true; expect(find('.post-save-draft').text().trim(), 'not active option should say \'Unschedule\'') .to.equal('Unschedule'); expect(find('.gh-btn.gh-btn-sm.js-publish-button').hasClass('gh-btn-red'), 'no red button expected') .to.be.false; // expect countdown to show warning, that post will be published in x minutes expect(find('.gh-notification.gh-notification-schedule').text().trim(), 'notification countdown') .to.contain('Post will be published in'); }); // click on 'Unschedule' click('.post-save-draft a'); andThen(() => { expect(find('.gh-btn.gh-btn-sm.js-publish-button').text().trim(), 'text in save button to unscheduled post') .to.equal('Unschedule'); expect(find('.post-save-draft').hasClass('active'), 'highlights the default active button state for a scheduled post') .to.be.true; expect(find('.gh-btn.gh-btn-sm.js-publish-button').hasClass('gh-btn-red'), 'red button expected due to status change') .to.be.true; }); // click on unschedule post and save click('.gh-btn.gh-btn-sm.js-publish-button'); andThen(() => { expect(find('.gh-btn.gh-btn-sm.js-publish-button').text().trim(), 'text in save button for a draft') .to.equal('Save Draft'); expect(find('.post-save-draft').hasClass('active'), 'highlights the default active button state for a draft post') .to.be.true; expect(find('.gh-btn.gh-btn-sm.js-publish-button').hasClass('gh-btn-red'), 'red button expected due to status change') .to.be.false; // expect no countdown notification after unscheduling expect(find('.gh-notification.gh-notification-schedule').text().trim(), 'notification countdown') .to.equal(''); }); }); it('handles validation errors when scheduling', function () { let saveCount = 0; server.put('/posts/:id/', function ({posts}, {params}) { // we have three saves occurring here :-( // 1. Auto-save of draft // 2. Change of publish time // 3. Pressing the Schedule button saveCount++; if (saveCount === 3) { return new Mirage.Response(422, {}, { errors: [{ errorType: 'ValidationError', message: 'Error test' }] }); } else { let attrs = this.normalizedRequestAttrs(); return posts.find(params.id).update(attrs); } }); let post = server.create('post', 1); let plusTenMin = moment().add(10, 'minutes').format('DD MMM YY @ HH:mm').toString(); visit(`/editor/${post.id}`); fillIn('input[name="post-setting-date"]', plusTenMin); triggerEvent('input[name="post-setting-date"]', 'blur'); click('.post-save-schedule a'); click('.gh-btn.gh-btn-sm.js-publish-button'); andThen(() => { expect( find('.gh-alert').length, 'number of alerts after failed schedule' ).to.equal(1); expect( find('.gh-alert').text(), 'alert text after failed schedule' ).to.match(/Scheduling failed: Error test/); }); }); it('handles title validation errors correctly', function () { server.createList('post', 1); // post id 1 is a draft, checking for draft behaviour now visit('/editor/1'); andThen(() => { expect(currentURL(), 'currentURL') .to.equal('/editor/1'); }); // Test title validation fillIn('input[id="entry-title"]', Array(160).join('a')); triggerEvent('input[id="entry-title"]', 'blur'); click('.gh-btn.gh-btn-sm.js-publish-button'); andThen(() => { expect( find('.gh-alert').length, 'number of alerts after invalid title' ).to.equal(1); expect( find('.gh-alert').text(), 'alert text after invalid title' ).to.match(/Title cannot be longer than 150 characters/); }); }); it('renders first countdown notification before scheduled time', function () { let clock = sinon.useFakeTimers(moment().valueOf()); let compareDate = moment().tz('Etc/UTC').add(4, 'minutes').format('DD MMM YY @ HH:mm').toString(); server.create('post', {publishedAt: moment.utc().add(4, 'minutes'), status: 'scheduled'}); server.create('setting', {activeTimezone: 'Europe/Dublin'}); clock.restore(); visit('/editor/1'); andThen(() => { expect(currentURL(), 'currentURL') .to.equal('/editor/1'); expect(find('input[name="post-setting-date"]').val(), 'scheduled date') .to.equal(compareDate); // Dropdown menu should be 'Update Post' and 'Unschedule' expect(find('.gh-btn.gh-btn-sm.js-publish-button').text().trim(), 'text in save button for scheduled post') .to.equal('Update Post'); expect(find('.post-save-schedule').hasClass('active'), 'highlights the default active button state for a scheduled post') .to.be.true; expect(find('.post-save-draft').text().trim(), 'not active option should say \'Unschedule\'') .to.equal('Unschedule'); expect(find('.gh-btn.gh-btn-sm.js-publish-button').hasClass('gh-btn-red'), 'no red button expected') .to.be.false; // expect countdown to show warning, that post will be published in x minutes expect(find('.gh-notification.gh-notification-schedule').text().trim(), 'notification countdown') .to.contain('Post will be published in'); }); }); it('only shows option to unschedule post 2 minutes before scheduled time', function () { let clock = sinon.useFakeTimers(moment().valueOf()); server.create('post', {publishedAt: moment.utc().add(2, 'minutes'), status: 'scheduled'}); server.create('setting', {activeTimezone: 'Europe/Dublin'}); clock.restore(); visit('/editor/1'); andThen(() => { // Save button should say 'Unschedule' expect(find('.gh-btn.gh-btn-sm.js-publish-button').text().trim(), 'text in save button for scheduled post in status freeze mode') .to.equal('Unschedule'); // expect countdown to show warning, that post will be published in x minutes expect(find('.gh-notification.gh-notification-schedule').text().trim(), 'notification countdown') .to.contain('Post will be published in'); // no dropdown menu expect(find('.gh-btn.gh-btn-sm.dropdown-toggle').hasClass('active'), 'no dropdown menu') .to.be.false; }); }); it.skip('lets user unschedule the post shortly before scheduled date', function () { let clock = sinon.useFakeTimers(moment().valueOf()); server.create('post', {publishedAt: moment.utc().add(1, 'minute'), status: 'scheduled'}); server.create('setting', {activeTimezone: 'Europe/Dublin'}); clock.restore(); visit('/editor/1'); // change some text fillIn('.markdown-editor', 'Let\'s make some markdown changes'); andThen(() => { // Save button should say 'Unschedule' expect(find('.gh-btn.gh-btn-sm.js-publish-button').text().trim(), 'text in save button for scheduled post in status freeze mode') .to.equal('Unschedule'); // expect countdown to show warning, that post will be published in x minutes expect(find('.gh-notification.gh-notification-schedule').text().trim(), 'notification countdown') .to.contain('Post will be published in'); // no dropdown menu expect(find('.gh-btn.gh-btn-sm.dropdown-toggle').hasClass('active'), 'no dropdown menu') .to.be.false; }); // click on Unschedule click('.gh-btn.gh-btn-sm.js-publish-button'); andThen(() => { expect(find('.markdown-editor').val(), 'changed text in markdown editor') .to.equal('Let\'s make some markdown changes'); expect(find('.gh-btn.gh-btn-sm.js-publish-button').text().trim(), 'text in save button for a draft') .to.equal('Save Draft'); expect(find('.post-save-draft').hasClass('active'), 'highlights the default active button state for a draft post') .to.be.true; expect(find('.gh-btn.gh-btn-sm.js-publish-button').hasClass('gh-btn-red'), 'red button expected due to status change') .to.be.false; // expect no countdown notification after unscheduling expect(find('.gh-notification.gh-notification-schedule').text().trim(), 'notification countdown') .to.equal(''); }); }); it('shows author list and allows switching of author in PSM', function () { server.create('post', {authorId: 1}); let role = server.create('role', {name: 'Author'}); let author = server.create('user', {name: 'Waldo', roles: [role]}); visit('/editor/1'); andThen(() => { expect(currentURL(), 'currentURL') .to.equal('/editor/1'); }); click('button.post-settings'); andThen(() => { expect(find('select[name="post-setting-author"]').val()).to.equal('1'); expect(find('select[name="post-setting-author"] option[value="2"]')).to.be.ok; }); fillIn('select[name="post-setting-author"]', '2'); andThen(() => { expect(find('select[name="post-setting-author"]').val()).to.equal('2'); expect(server.db.posts[0].authorId).to.equal(author.id); }); }); }); });