const assert = require('assert/strict'); const { agentProvider, fixtureManager, mockManager, matchers } = require('../../utils/e2e-framework'); const { anyContentVersion, anyEtag, anyErrorId, anyLocationFor, anyObjectId, anyISODateTime, anyISODateTimeWithTZ, anyNumber, anyLocalURL, anyString } = matchers; const matchCollection = { id: anyObjectId, created_at: anyISODateTime, updated_at: anyISODateTime }; const matchCollectionPost = { id: anyObjectId, url: anyLocalURL, created_at: anyISODateTimeWithTZ, updated_at: anyISODateTimeWithTZ, published_at: anyISODateTimeWithTZ }; /** * * @param {number} postCount */ const buildMatcher = (postCount, opts = {}) => { let obj = { id: anyObjectId }; if (opts.withSortOrder) { obj.sort_order = anyNumber; } return { ...matchCollection, posts: Array(postCount).fill(obj) }; }; describe('Collections API', function () { let agent; before(async function () { mockManager.mockLabsEnabled('collections'); agent = await agentProvider.getAdminAPIAgent(); await fixtureManager.init('users', 'posts'); await agent.loginAsOwner(); }); afterEach(function () { mockManager.restore(); }); it('Can add a Collection', async function () { const collection = { title: 'Test Collection', description: 'Test Collection Description' }; await agent .post('/collections/') .body({ collections: [collection] }) .expectStatus(201) .matchHeaderSnapshot({ 'content-version': anyContentVersion, etag: anyEtag, location: anyLocationFor('collections') }) .matchBodySnapshot({ collections: [matchCollection] }); }); describe('Browse', function () { it('Can browse Collections', async function () { await agent .get('/collections/') .expectStatus(200) .matchHeaderSnapshot({ 'content-version': anyContentVersion, etag: anyEtag }) .matchBodySnapshot({ collections: [ buildMatcher(13, {withSortOrder: true}), buildMatcher(2, {withSortOrder: true}), buildMatcher(0) ] }); }); }); describe('Browse Posts', function () { it('Can browse Collections Posts', async function () { const collections = await agent.get('/collections/'); const latestCollection = collections.body.collections.find(c => c.slug === 'latest'); await agent .get(`/collections/${}/posts/`) .expectStatus(200) .matchHeaderSnapshot({ 'content-version': anyContentVersion, etag: anyEtag }) .matchBodySnapshot({ collection_posts: Array(13).fill(matchCollectionPost) }); }); it('Can browse Collections Posts using paging parameters', async function () { const collections = await agent.get('/collections/'); const indexCollection = collections.body.collections.find(c => c.slug === 'latest'); await agent .get(`/collections/${}/posts/?limit=2&page=2`) .expectStatus(200) .matchHeaderSnapshot({ 'content-version': anyContentVersion, etag: anyEtag }) .matchBodySnapshot({ collection_posts: Array(2).fill(matchCollectionPost) }); }); it('Can browse Collections Posts using collection slug', async function () { await agent .get(`/collections/latest/posts/`) .expectStatus(200) .matchHeaderSnapshot({ 'content-version': anyContentVersion, etag: anyEtag }) .matchBodySnapshot({ collection_posts: Array(13).fill(matchCollectionPost) }); }); }); it('Can read a Collection', async function () { const collection = { title: 'Test Collection to Read' }; const addResponse = await agent .post('/collections/') .body({ collections: [collection] }) .expectStatus(201) .matchHeaderSnapshot({ 'content-version': anyContentVersion, etag: anyEtag, location: anyLocationFor('collections') }) .matchBodySnapshot({ collections: [matchCollection] }); const collectionId = addResponse.body.collections[0].id; const readResponse = await agent .get(`/collections/${collectionId}/`) .expectStatus(200) .matchHeaderSnapshot({ 'content-version': anyContentVersion, etag: anyEtag }) .matchBodySnapshot({ collections: [matchCollection] }); assert.equal(readResponse.body.collections[0].title, 'Test Collection to Read'); await agent .delete(`/collections/${collectionId}/`) .expectStatus(204); }); describe('Edit', function () { let collectionToEdit; before(async function () { const collection = { title: 'Test Collection to Edit' }; const addResponse = await agent .post('/collections/') .body({ collections: [collection] }) .expectStatus(201); collectionToEdit = addResponse.body.collections[0]; }); it('Can edit a Collection', async function () { const editResponse = await agent .put(`/collections/${}/`) .body({ collections: [{ title: 'Test Collection Edited' }] }) .expectStatus(200) .matchHeaderSnapshot({ 'content-version': anyContentVersion, etag: anyEtag }) .matchBodySnapshot({ collections: [matchCollection] }); assert.equal(editResponse.body.collections[0].title, 'Test Collection Edited'); }); it('Fails to edit unexistent Collection', async function () { const unexistentID = '5951f5fca366002ebd5dbef7'; await agent .put(`/collections/${unexistentID}/`) .body({ collections: [{ id: unexistentID, title: 'Editing unexistent Collection' }] }) .expectStatus(404) .matchBodySnapshot({ errors: [{ id: anyErrorId }] }) .matchHeaderSnapshot({ 'content-version': anyContentVersion, etag: anyEtag }); }); }); it('Can delete a Collection', async function () { const collection = { title: 'Test Collection to Delete' }; const addResponse = await agent .post('/collections/') .body({ collections: [collection] }) .expectStatus(201) .matchHeaderSnapshot({ 'content-version': anyContentVersion, etag: anyEtag, location: anyLocationFor('collections') }) .matchBodySnapshot({ collections: [matchCollection] }); const collectionId = addResponse.body.collections[0].id; await agent .delete(`/collections/${collectionId}/`) .expectStatus(204) .matchHeaderSnapshot({ 'content-version': anyContentVersion, etag: anyEtag }) .matchBodySnapshot(); await agent .get(`/collections/${collectionId}/`) .expectStatus(404) .matchHeaderSnapshot({ 'content-version': anyContentVersion, etag: anyEtag }) .matchBodySnapshot({ errors: [{ id: anyErrorId }] }); }); it('Cannot delete a built in collection', async function () { const builtInCollection = await agent .get('/collections/?filter=slug:featured') .expectStatus(200); assert.ok(builtInCollection.body.collections); assert.equal(builtInCollection.body.collections.length, 1); await agent .delete(`/collections/${builtInCollection.body.collections[0].id}/`) .expectStatus(405) .matchHeaderSnapshot({ 'content-version': anyContentVersion, etag: anyEtag }) .matchBodySnapshot({ errors: [{ id: anyErrorId, context: anyString }] }); }); describe('Automatic Collection Filtering', function () { it('Creates an automatic Collection with a featured filter', async function () { const collection = { title: 'Test Featured Collection', description: 'Test Collection Description', type: 'automatic', filter: 'featured:true' }; await agent .post('/collections/') .body({ collections: [collection] }) .expectStatus(201) .matchHeaderSnapshot({ 'content-version': anyContentVersion, etag: anyEtag, location: anyLocationFor('collections') }) .matchBodySnapshot({ collections: [buildMatcher(2)] }); }); it('Creates an automatic Collection with a published_at filter', async function () { const collection = { title: 'Test Collection with published_at filter', description: 'Test Collection Description with published_at filter', type: 'automatic', // should return all available posts filter: 'published_at:>=2022-05-25' }; await agent .post('/collections/') .body({ collections: [collection] }) .expectStatus(201) .matchHeaderSnapshot({ 'content-version': anyContentVersion, etag: anyEtag, location: anyLocationFor('collections') }) .matchBodySnapshot({ collections: [buildMatcher(9)] }); }); it('Creates an automatic Collection with a tag filter', async function () { const collection = { title: 'Test Collection with tag filter', slug: 'bacon', description: 'BACON!', type: 'automatic', filter: 'tags:[\'bacon\']' }; await agent .post('/collections/') .body({ collections: [collection] }) .expectStatus(201) .matchHeaderSnapshot({ 'content-version': anyContentVersion, etag: anyEtag, location: anyLocationFor('collections') }) .matchBodySnapshot({ collections: [buildMatcher(2)] }); await agent .get('/collections/bacon/posts/') .expectStatus(200) .matchHeaderSnapshot({ 'content-version': anyContentVersion, etag: anyEtag }) .matchBodySnapshot({ collection_posts: [ matchCollectionPost, matchCollectionPost ] }); }); }); });