// Switch these lines once there are useful utils // const testUtils = require('./utils'); require('./utils'); const path = require('path'); const should = require('should'); const assert = require('assert'); const {InternalServerError, NotFoundError} = require('@tryghost/errors'); const {cacheControlValues} = require('@tryghost/http-cache-utils'); const { prepareError, jsonErrorRenderer, handleHTMLResponse, handleJSONResponse, prepareErrorCacheControl, prepareStack, resourceNotFound, pageNotFound } = require('..'); describe('Prepare Error', function () { it('Correctly prepares a non-Ghost error', function (done) { prepareError(new Error('test!'), {}, { set: () => {} }, (err) => { err.statusCode.should.eql(500); err.name.should.eql('InternalServerError'); err.message.should.eql('An unexpected error occurred, please try again.'); err.context.should.eql('test!'); err.code.should.eql('UNEXPECTED_ERROR'); err.stack.should.startWith('Error: test!'); done(); }); }); it('Correctly prepares a Ghost error', function (done) { prepareError(new InternalServerError({message: 'Handled Error', context: 'Details'}), {}, { set: () => {} }, (err) => { err.statusCode.should.eql(500); err.name.should.eql('InternalServerError'); err.message.should.eql('Handled Error'); err.context.should.eql('Details'); err.stack.should.startWith('InternalServerError: Handled Error'); done(); }); }); it('Correctly prepares a 404 error', function (done) { let error = {message: 'Oh dear', statusCode: 404}; prepareError(error, {}, { set: () => {} }, (err) => { err.statusCode.should.eql(404); err.name.should.eql('NotFoundError'); err.stack.should.startWith('NotFoundError: Resource could not be found'); err.hideStack.should.eql(true); done(); }); }); it('Correctly prepares an error array', function (done) { prepareError([new Error('test!')], {}, { set: () => {} }, (err) => { err.statusCode.should.eql(500); err.name.should.eql('InternalServerError'); err.stack.should.startWith('Error: test!'); done(); }); }); it('Correctly prepares a handlebars error', function (done) { let error = new Error('obscure handlebars message!'); error.stack += '\n'; error.stack += path.join('node_modules', 'handlebars', 'something'); prepareError(error, {}, { set: () => {} }, (err) => { err.statusCode.should.eql(400); err.name.should.eql('IncorrectUsageError'); // TODO: consider if the message should be trusted here err.message.should.eql('obscure handlebars message!'); err.stack.should.startWith('Error: obscure handlebars message!'); done(); }); }); it('Correctly prepares an express-hbs error', function (done) { let error = new Error('obscure express-hbs message!'); error.stack += '\n'; error.stack += path.join('node_modules', 'express-hbs', 'lib'); prepareError(error, {}, { set: () => {} }, (err) => { err.statusCode.should.eql(400); err.name.should.eql('IncorrectUsageError'); err.message.should.eql('obscure express-hbs message!'); err.stack.should.startWith('Error: obscure express-hbs message!'); done(); }); }); }); describe('Prepare Stack', function () { it('Correctly prepares the stack for an error', function (done) { prepareStack(new Error('test!'), {}, {}, (err) => { // Includes "Stack Trace" text prepending human readable trace err.stack.should.startWith('Error: test!\nStack Trace:'); done(); }); }); }); describe('Prepare Error Cache Control', function () { it('Sets private cache control by default', function (done) { const res = { set: sinon.spy() }; prepareErrorCacheControl()(new Error('generic error'), {}, res, () => { assert(res.set.calledOnce); assert(res.set.calledWith({ 'Cache-Control': cacheControlValues.private })); done(); }); }); it('Sets private cache-control header for user-specific 404 responses', function (done) { const req = { method: 'GET', get: (header) => { if (header === 'authorization') { return 'Basic YWxhZGRpbjpvcGVuc2VzYW1l'; } } }; const res = { set: sinon.spy() }; prepareErrorCacheControl()(new NotFoundError(), req, res, () => { assert(res.set.calledOnce); assert(res.set.calledWith({ 'Cache-Control': cacheControlValues.private })); done(); }); }); it('Sets noCache cache-control header for non-user-specific 404 responses', function (done) { const req = { method: 'GET', get: () => { return false; } }; const res = { set: sinon.spy(), get: () => { return false; } }; prepareErrorCacheControl()(new NotFoundError(), req, res, () => { assert(res.set.calledOnce); assert(res.set.calledWith({ 'Cache-Control': cacheControlValues.noCacheDynamic })); done(); }); }); }); describe('Error renderers', function () { it('Renders JSON', function (done) { jsonErrorRenderer(new Error('test!'), {}, { json: (data) => { data.errors.length.should.eql(1); data.errors[0].message.should.eql('test!'); done(); } }, () => {}); }); it('Handles unknown errors when preparing user message', function (done) { jsonErrorRenderer(new RangeError('test!'), { frameOptions: { docName: 'oembed', method: 'read' } }, { json: (data) => { data.errors.length.should.eql(1); data.errors[0].message.should.eql('Unknown error - RangeError, cannot read oembed.'); data.errors[0].context.should.eql('test!'); done(); } }, () => {}); }); it('Uses templates when required', function (done) { jsonErrorRenderer(new InternalServerError({ message: 'test!' }), { frameOptions: { docName: 'blog', method: 'browse' } }, { json: (data) => { data.errors.length.should.eql(1); data.errors[0].message.should.eql('Internal server error, cannot list blog.'); data.errors[0].context.should.eql('test!'); done(); } }, () => {}); }); it('Uses defined message + context when available', function (done) { jsonErrorRenderer(new InternalServerError({ message: 'test!', context: 'Image was too large.' }), { frameOptions: { docName: 'images', method: 'upload' } }, { json: (data) => { data.errors.length.should.eql(1); data.errors[0].message.should.eql('Internal server error, cannot upload image.'); data.errors[0].context.should.eql('test! Image was too large.'); done(); } }, () => {}); }); it('Exports the HTML renderer', function () { const renderer = handleHTMLResponse({ errorHandler: () => {} }); renderer.length.should.eql(4); }); it('Exports the JSON renderer', function () { const renderer = handleJSONResponse({ errorHandler: () => {} }); renderer.length.should.eql(5); }); }); describe('Resource Not Found', function () { it('Returns 404 Not Found Error for a generic case', function (done) { resourceNotFound({}, {}, (error) => { should.equal(error.statusCode, 404); should.equal(error.message, 'Resource not found'); done(); }); }); it('Returns 406 Request Not Acceptable Error for when requested version is behind current version', function (done) { const req = { headers: { 'accept-version': 'v3.9' } }; const res = { locals: { safeVersion: '4.3' } }; resourceNotFound(req, res, (error) => { should.equal(error.statusCode, 406); should.equal(error.message, 'Request could not be served, the endpoint was not found.'); should.equal(error.context, 'Provided client accept-version v3.9 is behind current Ghost version v4.3.'); should.equal(error.help, 'Try upgrading your Ghost API client.'); done(); }); }); it('Returns 406 Request Not Acceptable Error for when requested version is ahead current version', function (done) { const req = { headers: { 'accept-version': 'v4.8' } }; const res = { locals: { safeVersion: '4.3' } }; resourceNotFound(req, res, (error) => { should.equal(error.statusCode, 406); should.equal(error.message, 'Request could not be served, the endpoint was not found.'); should.equal(error.context, 'Provided client accept-version v4.8 is ahead of current Ghost version v4.3.'); should.equal(error.help, 'Try upgrading your Ghost install.'); done(); }); }); it('Returns 404 Not Found Error for when requested version is the same as current version', function (done) { const req = { headers: { 'accept-version': 'v4.3' } }; const res = { locals: { safeVersion: '4.3' } }; resourceNotFound(req, res, (error) => { should.equal(error.statusCode, 404); should.equal(error.message, 'Resource not found'); done(); }); }); describe('pageNotFound', function () { it('returns 404 with special message when message not set', function (done) { pageNotFound({}, {}, (error) => { should.equal(error.statusCode, 404); should.equal(error.message, 'Page not found'); done(); }); }); it('returns 404 with special message even if message is set', function (done) { pageNotFound({message: 'uh oh'}, {}, (error) => { should.equal(error.statusCode, 404); should.equal(error.message, 'Page not found'); done(); }); }); }); });