import Component from '@glimmer/component'; import config from 'ghost-admin/config/environment'; import { ICON_EXTENSIONS, ICON_MIME_TYPES, IMAGE_EXTENSIONS, IMAGE_MIME_TYPES } from 'ghost-admin/components/gh-image-uploader'; import {action} from '@ember/object'; import {htmlSafe} from '@ember/template'; import {inject as service} from '@ember/service'; import {task} from 'ember-concurrency-decorators'; import {timeout} from 'ember-concurrency'; export default class GhBrandSettingsFormComponent extends Component { @service ajax; @service config; @service ghostPaths; @service settings; @service frontend; iconExtensions = ICON_EXTENSIONS; iconMimeTypes = ICON_MIME_TYPES; imageExtensions = IMAGE_EXTENSIONS; imageMimeTypes = IMAGE_MIME_TYPES; get accentColor() { const color = this.settings.get('accentColor'); if (color && color[0] === '#') { return color.slice(1); } return color; } get accentColorPickerValue() { return this.settings.get('accentColor') || '#ffffff'; } get accentColorBgStyle() { return htmlSafe(`background-color: ${this.accentColorPickerValue}`); } get previewData() { const params = new URLSearchParams(); params.append('c', this.accentColorPickerValue); params.append('icon', this.settings.get('icon')); params.append('logo', this.settings.get('logo')); params.append('cover', this.settings.get('coverImage')); return params.toString(); } constructor() { super(...arguments); this.updatePreviewTask.perform(); } willDestroy() { super.willDestroy?.(...arguments); this.settings.errors.remove('accentColor'); this.settings.rollbackAttributes(); } @action triggerFileDialog({target}) { target.closest('.gh-setting-action')?.querySelector('input[type="file"]')?.click(); } @action async imageUploaded(property, results) { if (results[0]) { this.settings.set(property, results[0].url); this.updatePreviewTask.perform(); } } @action async removeImage(imageName) { this.settings.set(imageName, ''); this.updatePreviewTask.perform(); } @action blurElement(event) { event.preventDefault();; } @action async updateAccentColor(event) { let newColor =; const oldColor = this.settings.get('accentColor'); // reset errors and validation this.settings.errors.remove('accentColor'); this.settings.hasValidated.removeObject('accentColor'); if (newColor === '') { if (newColor === oldColor) { return; } // Don't allow empty accent color this.settings.errors.add('accentColor', 'Please select an accent color'); this.settings.hasValidated.pushObject('accentColor'); return; } // accentColor will be null unless the user has input something if (!newColor) { newColor = oldColor; } if (newColor[0] !== '#') { newColor = `#${newColor}`; } if (newColor.match(/#[0-9A-Fa-f]{6}$/)) { if (newColor === oldColor) { return; } this.settings.set('accentColor', newColor); this.updatePreviewTask.perform(); } else { this.settings.errors.add('accentColor', 'Please enter a color in hex format'); this.settings.hasValidated.pushObject('accentColor'); } } @task({restartable: true}) *debounceUpdateAccentColor(event) { yield timeout(500); this.updateAccentColor(event); } @task *updatePreviewTask() { // skip during testing because we don't have mocks for the front-end if (config.environment === 'test') { return; } const previewResponse = yield this.frontend.fetch('/', { method: 'POST', headers: { 'Content-Type': 'text/html;charset=utf-8', 'x-ghost-preview': this.previewData, Accept: 'text/plain' } }); const previewContents = yield previewResponse.text(); // inject extra CSS to disable navigation and prevent clicks const injectedCss = `html { pointer-events: none; }`; const domParser = new DOMParser(); const htmlDoc = domParser.parseFromString(previewContents, 'text/html'); const stylesheet = htmlDoc.querySelector('style'); const originalCSS = stylesheet.innerHTML; stylesheet.innerHTML = `${originalCSS}\n\n${injectedCss}`; const doctype = new XMLSerializer().serializeToString(htmlDoc.doctype); const html = doctype + htmlDoc.documentElement.outerHTML; // replace the iframe contents with the doctored preview html this.args.replacePreviewContents(html); } }