import Service, {inject as service} from '@ember/service'; import fetch from 'fetch'; import {assign} from '@ember/polyfills'; import {isEmpty} from '@ember/utils'; import {or} from '@ember/object/computed'; import {reject, resolve} from 'rsvp'; import {task, taskGroup, timeout} from 'ember-concurrency'; const API_URL = ''; const API_VERSION = 'v1'; const DEBOUNCE_MS = 600; export default Service.extend({ config: service(), settings: service(), columnCount: 3, columns: null, error: '', photos: null, searchTerm: '', _columnHeights: null, _pagination: null, applicationId: '8672af113b0a8573edae3aa3713886265d9bb741d707f6c01a486cde8c278980', isLoading: or('_search.isRunning', '_loadingTasks.isRunning'), init() { this._super(...arguments); this._reset(); }, loadNew() { this._reset(); return this.get('_loadNew').perform(); }, loadNextPage() { // protect against scroll trigger firing when the photos are reset if (this.get('_search.isRunning')) { return; } if (isEmpty(this.get('photos'))) { return this.get('_loadNew').perform(); } if ( { return this.get('_loadNextPage').perform(); } // TODO: return error? return reject(); }, retryLastRequest() { return this.get('_retryLastRequest').perform(); }, changeColumnCount(newColumnCount) { if (newColumnCount !== this.get('columnCount')) { this.set('columnCount', newColumnCount); this._resetColumns(); } }, // let Unsplash know that the photo was inserted // triggerDownload(photo) { if (photo.links.download_location) { this._makeRequest(photo.links.download_location, {ignoreErrors: true}); } }, actions: { updateSearch(term) { if (term === this.get('searchTerm')) { return; } this.set('searchTerm', term); this._reset(); if (term) { return this.get('_search').perform(term); } else { return this.get('_loadNew').perform(); } } }, _loadingTasks: taskGroup().drop(), _loadNew: task(function* () { let url = `${API_URL}/photos?per_page=30`; yield this._makeRequest(url); }).group('_loadingTasks'), _loadNextPage: task(function* () { yield this._makeRequest(; }).group('_loadingTasks'), _retryLastRequest: task(function* () { yield this._makeRequest(this._lastRequestUrl); }).group('_loadingTasks'), _search: task(function* (term) { yield timeout(DEBOUNCE_MS); let url = `${API_URL}/search/photos?query=${term}&per_page=30`; yield this._makeRequest(url); }).restartable(), _addPhotosFromResponse(response) { let photos = response.results || response; photos.forEach(photo => this._addPhoto(photo)); }, _addPhoto(photo) { // pre-calculate ratio for later use photo.ratio = photo.height / photo.width; // add to general photo list this.get('photos').pushObject(photo); // add to least populated column this._addPhotoToColumns(photo); }, _addPhotoToColumns(photo) { let min = Math.min(...this._columnHeights); let columnIndex = this._columnHeights.indexOf(min); // use a fixed width when calculating height to compensate for different // overall image sizes this._columnHeights[columnIndex] += 300 * photo.ratio; this.get('columns')[columnIndex].pushObject(photo); }, _reset() { this.set('photos', []); this._pagination = {}; this._resetColumns(); }, _resetColumns() { let columns = []; let columnHeights = []; // pre-fill column arrays based on columnCount for (let i = 0; i < this.get('columnCount'); i += 1) { columns[i] = []; columnHeights[i] = 0; } this.set('columns', columns); this._columnHeights = columnHeights; if (!isEmpty(this.get('photos'))) { this.get('photos').forEach((photo) => { this._addPhotoToColumns(photo); }); } }, _makeRequest(url, _options = {}) { let defaultOptions = {ignoreErrors: false}; let headers = {}; let options = {}; assign(options, defaultOptions, _options); // clear any previous error this.set('error', ''); // store the url so it can be retried if needed this._lastRequestUrl = url; headers.Authorization = `Client-ID ${this.get('applicationId')}`; headers['Accept-Version'] = API_VERSION; headers['App-Pragma'] = 'no-cache'; headers['X-Unsplash-Cache'] = true; return fetch(url, {headers}) .then(response => this._checkStatus(response)) .then(response => this._extractPagination(response)) .then(response => response.json()) .then(response => this._addPhotosFromResponse(response)) .catch(() => { // if the error text isn't already set then we've get a connection error from `fetch` if (!options.ignoreErrors && !this.get('error')) { this.set('error', 'Uh-oh! Trouble reaching the Unsplash API, please check your connection'); } }); }, _checkStatus(response) { // successful request if (response.status >= 200 && response.status < 300) { return resolve(response); } let errorText = ''; let responseTextPromise = resolve(); if (['content-type'] === 'application/json') { responseTextPromise = response.json().then(json => json.errors[0]); } else if (['content-type'] === 'text/xml') { responseTextPromise = response.text(); } return responseTextPromise.then((responseText) => { if (response.status === 403 &&['x-ratelimit-remaining'] === '0') { // we've hit the ratelimit on the API errorText = 'Unsplash API rate limit reached, please try again later.'; } errorText = errorText || responseText || `Error ${response.status}: Uh-oh! Trouble reaching the Unsplash API`; // set error text for display in UI this.set('error', errorText); // throw error to prevent further processing let error = new Error(errorText); error.response = response; throw error; }); }, _extractPagination(response) { let pagination = {}; let linkRegex = new RegExp('<(.*)>; rel="(.*)"'); let {link} =; if (link) { link.split(',').forEach((link) => { let [, url, rel] = linkRegex.exec(link); pagination[rel] = url; }); } this._pagination = pagination; return response; } });