const tpl = require('@tryghost/tpl'); const logging = require('@tryghost/logging'); const _ = require('lodash'); const {BadRequestError, NoPermissionError, UnauthorizedError} = require('@tryghost/errors'); const errors = require('@tryghost/errors'); const messages = { emailRequired: 'Email is required.', badRequest: 'Bad Request.', notFound: 'Not Found.', offerArchived: 'This offer is archived.', tierArchived: 'This tier is archived.', existingSubscription: 'A subscription exists for this Member.', unableToCheckout: 'Unable to initiate checkout session', inviteOnly: 'This site is invite-only, contact the owner for access.', memberNotFound: 'No member exists with this e-mail address.', memberNotFoundSignUp: 'No member exists with this e-mail address. Please sign up first.' }; module.exports = class RouterController { /** * RouterController * * @param {object} deps * @param {any} deps.offersAPI * @param {any} deps.paymentsService * @param {any} deps.memberRepository * @param {any} deps.StripePrice * @param {() => boolean} deps.allowSelfSignup * @param {any} deps.magicLinkService * @param {import('@tryghost/members-stripe-service')} deps.stripeAPIService * @param {import('@tryghost/member-attribution')} deps.memberAttributionService * @param {any} deps.tokenService * @param {any} deps.sendEmailWithMagicLink * @param {{isSet(name: string): boolean}} deps.labsService */ constructor({ offersAPI, paymentsService, tiersService, memberRepository, StripePrice, allowSelfSignup, magicLinkService, stripeAPIService, tokenService, memberAttributionService, sendEmailWithMagicLink, labsService }) { this._offersAPI = offersAPI; this._paymentsService = paymentsService; this._tiersService = tiersService; this._memberRepository = memberRepository; this._StripePrice = StripePrice; this._allowSelfSignup = allowSelfSignup; this._magicLinkService = magicLinkService; this._stripeAPIService = stripeAPIService; this._tokenService = tokenService; this._sendEmailWithMagicLink = sendEmailWithMagicLink; this._memberAttributionService = memberAttributionService; this.labsService = labsService; } async ensureStripe(_req, res, next) { if (!this._stripeAPIService.configured) { res.writeHead(400); return res.end('Stripe not configured'); } try { await this._stripeAPIService.ready(); next(); } catch (err) { res.writeHead(500); return res.end('There was an error configuring stripe'); } } async createCheckoutSetupSession(req, res) { const identity = req.body.identity; if (!identity) { res.writeHead(400); return res.end(); } let email; try { if (!identity) { email = null; } else { const claims = await this._tokenService.decodeToken(identity); email = claims && claims.sub; } } catch (err) { res.writeHead(401); return res.end('Unauthorized'); } const member = email ? await this._memberRepository.get({email}) : null; if (!member) { res.writeHead(403); return res.end('Bad Request.'); } let customer; if (!req.body.subscription_id) { customer = await this._stripeAPIService.getCustomerForMemberCheckoutSession(member); } else { const subscriptions = await member.related('stripeSubscriptions').fetch(); const subscription = subscriptions.models.find((sub) => { return sub.get('subscription_id') === req.body.subscription_id; }); if (!subscription) { res.writeHead(404, { 'Content-Type': 'text/plain;charset=UTF-8' }); return res.end(`Could not find subscription ${req.body.subscription_id}`); } customer = await this._stripeAPIService.getCustomer(subscription.get('customer_id')); } const session = await this._stripeAPIService.createCheckoutSetupSession(customer, { successUrl: req.body.successUrl, cancelUrl: req.body.cancelUrl, subscription_id: req.body.subscription_id }); const publicKey = this._stripeAPIService.getPublicKey(); const sessionInfo = { sessionId:, publicKey }; res.writeHead(200, { 'Content-Type': 'application/json' }); res.end(JSON.stringify(sessionInfo)); } async createCheckoutSession(req, res) { let ghostPriceId = req.body.priceId; const tierId = req.body.tierId; let cadence = req.body.cadence; const identity = req.body.identity; const offerId = req.body.offerId; const metadata = req.body.metadata ?? {}; if (!ghostPriceId && !offerId && !tierId && !cadence) { throw new BadRequestError({ message: tpl(messages.badRequest) }); } if (offerId && (ghostPriceId || (tierId && cadence))) { throw new BadRequestError({ message: tpl(messages.badRequest) }); } if (ghostPriceId && tierId && cadence) { throw new BadRequestError({ message: tpl(messages.badRequest) }); } if (tierId && !cadence) { throw new BadRequestError({ message: tpl(messages.badRequest) }); } if (cadence && cadence !== 'month' && cadence !== 'year') { throw new BadRequestError({ message: tpl(messages.badRequest) }); } let tier; let offer; let member; let options = {}; if (offerId) { offer = await this._offersAPI.getOffer({id: offerId}); tier = await; cadence = offer.cadence; // Attach offer information to stripe metadata for free trial offers // free trial offers don't have associated stripe coupons metadata.offer =; } else { offer = null; tier = await; } if (tier.status === 'archived') { throw new NoPermissionError({ message: tpl(messages.tierArchived) }); } if (identity) { try { const claims = await this._tokenService.decodeToken(identity); const email = claims && claims.sub; if (email) { member = await this._memberRepository.get({ email }, { withRelated: ['stripeCustomers', 'products'] }); } } catch (err) { throw new UnauthorizedError({err}); } } else if (req.body.customerEmail) { member = await this._memberRepository.get({ email: req.body.customerEmail }, { withRelated: ['stripeCustomers', 'products'] }); } // Don't allow to set the source manually delete metadata.attribution_id; delete metadata.attribution_url; delete metadata.attribution_type; if (metadata.urlHistory) { // The full attribution history doesn't fit in the Stripe metadata (can't store objects + limited to 50 keys and 500 chars values) // So we need to add top-level attributes with string values const urlHistory = metadata.urlHistory; delete metadata.urlHistory; const attribution = await this._memberAttributionService.getAttribution(urlHistory); // Don't set null properties if ( { metadata.attribution_id =; } if (attribution.url) { metadata.attribution_url = attribution.url; } if (attribution.type) { metadata.attribution_type = attribution.type; } if (attribution.referrerSource) { metadata.referrer_source = attribution.referrerSource; } if (attribution.referrerMedium) { metadata.referrer_medium = attribution.referrerMedium; } if (attribution.referrerUrl) { metadata.referrer_url = attribution.referrerUrl; } } options.successUrl = req.body.successUrl; options.cancelUrl = req.body.cancelUrl; = req.body.customerEmail; if (!member && req.body.customerEmail && !req.body.successUrl) { options.successUrl = await this._magicLinkService.getMagicLink({ tokenData: { email: req.body.customerEmail, attribution: { id: metadata.attribution_id ?? null, type: metadata.attribution_type ?? null, url: metadata.attribution_url ?? null } }, type: 'signup' }); } const restrictCheckout = member?.get('status') === 'paid'; if (restrictCheckout) { if (!identity && req.body.customerEmail) { try { await this._sendEmailWithMagicLink({email: req.body.customerEmail, requestedType: 'signin'}); } catch (err) { logging.warn(err); } } throw new NoPermissionError({ message: messages.existingSubscription, code: 'CANNOT_CHECKOUT_WITH_EXISTING_SUBSCRIPTION' }); } try { const paymentLink = await this._paymentsService.getPaymentLink({ tier, cadence, offer, member, metadata, options }); res.writeHead(200, { 'Content-Type': 'application/json' }); return res.end(JSON.stringify({url: paymentLink})); } catch (err) { throw new BadRequestError({ err, message: tpl(messages.unableToCheckout) }); } } async sendMagicLink(req, res) { const {email, autoRedirect} = req.body; let {emailType, redirect} = req.body; let referer = req.get('referer'); if (autoRedirect === false){ referer = null; } if (redirect) { try { // Validate URL referer = new URL(redirect).href; } catch (e) { logging.warn(e); } } if (!email) { throw new errors.BadRequestError({ message: tpl(messages.emailRequired) }); } if (!emailType) { // Default to subscribe form that also allows to login (safe fallback for older clients) if (!this._allowSelfSignup()) { emailType = 'signin'; } else { emailType = 'subscribe'; } } if (!['signin', 'signup', 'subscribe'].includes(emailType)) { res.writeHead(400); return res.end('Bad Request.'); } try { if (emailType === 'signup' || emailType === 'subscribe') { if (!this._allowSelfSignup()) { throw new errors.BadRequestError({ message: tpl(messages.inviteOnly) }); } // Someone tries to signup with a user that already exists // -> doesn't really matter: we'll send a login link const tokenData = _.pick(req.body, ['labels', 'name', 'newsletters']); if (req.ip) { tokenData.reqIp = req.ip; } // Save attribution data in the tokenData tokenData.attribution = await this._memberAttributionService.getAttribution(req.body.urlHistory); await this._sendEmailWithMagicLink({email, tokenData, requestedType: emailType, referrer: referer}); res.writeHead(201); return res.end('Created.'); } // Signin const member = await this._memberRepository.get({email}); if (member) { const tokenData = {}; await this._sendEmailWithMagicLink({email, tokenData, requestedType: emailType, referrer: referer}); res.writeHead(201); return res.end('Created.'); } throw new errors.BadRequestError({ message: this._allowSelfSignup() ? tpl(messages.memberNotFoundSignUp) : tpl(messages.memberNotFound) }); } catch (err) { if (err.code === 'EENVELOPE') { logging.error(err); res.writeHead(400); return res.end('Bad Request.'); } // Let the normal error middleware handle this error throw err; } } };