const {agentProvider, fixtureManager, matchers} = require('../../utils/e2e-framework'); const {anyContentVersion, anyEtag, anyObjectId, anyLocationFor, anyErrorId, anyISODateTime} = matchers; const should = require('should'); const models = require('../../../core/server/models'); const sinon = require('sinon'); const logging = require('@tryghost/logging'); let agent; async function getPaidProduct() { return await models.Product.findOne({type: 'paid'}); } async function getFreeProduct() { return await models.Product.findOne({type: 'free'}); } describe('Offers API', function () { let defaultTier; let savedOffer; let trialOffer; before(async function () { agent = await agentProvider.getAdminAPIAgent(); await fixtureManager.init(); await agent.loginAsOwner(); defaultTier = await getPaidProduct(); }); this.afterEach(function () { sinon.restore(); }); it('Has no initial offers', async function () { await agent .get(`offers/`) .expectStatus(200) .matchHeaderSnapshot({ 'content-version': anyContentVersion, etag: anyEtag }) .matchBodySnapshot(); }); it('Can add a new offer', async function () { const newOffer = { name: 'Black Friday', code: 'black-friday', display_title: 'Black Friday Sale!', display_description: '10% off on yearly plan', type: 'percent', cadence: 'year', amount: 12, duration: 'once', duration_in_months: null, currency_restriction: false, currency: null, status: 'active', redemption_count: 0, tier: { id: } }; const {body} = await agent .post(`offers/`) .body({offers: [newOffer]}) .expectStatus(200) .matchHeaderSnapshot({ 'content-version': anyContentVersion, etag: anyEtag, location: anyLocationFor('offers') }) .matchBodySnapshot({ offers: [{ id: anyObjectId, tier: { id: anyObjectId }, created_at: anyISODateTime }] }); savedOffer = body.offers[0]; }); it('Can add a new offer with minimal fields', async function () { const newOffer = { name: 'Easter Sales', code: 'easter', cadence: 'month', amount: 50, duration: 'once', type: 'percent', tier: { id: } }; await agent .post(`offers/`) .body({offers: [newOffer]}) .expectStatus(200) .matchHeaderSnapshot({ 'content-version': anyContentVersion, etag: anyEtag, location: anyLocationFor('offers') }) .matchBodySnapshot({ offers: [{ id: anyObjectId, tier: { id: anyObjectId }, created_at: anyISODateTime }] }); }); it('Slugifies offer codes', async function () { const newOffer = { name: 'Summer Sale', code: 'Summer sale', cadence: 'year', amount: 20, duration: 'once', type: 'percent', tier: { id: } }; await agent .post(`offers/`) .body({offers: [newOffer]}) .expectStatus(200) .matchHeaderSnapshot({ 'content-version': anyContentVersion, etag: anyEtag, location: anyLocationFor('offers') }) .matchBodySnapshot({ offers: [{ id: anyObjectId, tier: { id: anyObjectId }, created_at: anyISODateTime }] }) .expect(({body}) => { body.offers[0].code.should.eql('summer-sale'); }); }); it('Can add a fixed offer', async function () { const newOffer = { name: 'Fourth of July Sales', code: '4th', cadence: 'year', amount: 100, duration: 'once', type: 'fixed', currency: 'USD', tier: { id: } }; await agent .post(`offers/`) .body({offers: [newOffer]}) .expectStatus(200) .matchHeaderSnapshot({ 'content-version': anyContentVersion, etag: anyEtag, location: anyLocationFor('offers') }) .matchBodySnapshot({ offers: [{ id: anyObjectId, tier: { id: anyObjectId }, created_at: anyISODateTime }] }); }); it('Can add a trial offer', async function () { const newOffer = { name: 'Fourth of July Sales trial', code: '4th-trial', cadence: 'year', amount: 20, duration: 'trial', type: 'trial', currency: 'USD', tier: { id: } }; const {body} = await agent .post(`offers/`) .body({offers: [newOffer]}) .expectStatus(200) .matchHeaderSnapshot({ 'content-version': anyContentVersion, etag: anyEtag, location: anyLocationFor('offers') }) .matchBodySnapshot({ offers: [{ id: anyObjectId, tier: { id: anyObjectId }, created_at: anyISODateTime }] }); trialOffer = body.offers[0]; }); it('Cannot create offer with same code', async function () { sinon.stub(logging, 'error'); const newOffer = { name: 'Fourth of July', code: '4th', cadence: 'year', amount: 200, duration: 'once', type: 'fixed', currency: 'USD', tier: { id: } }; await agent .post(`offers/`) .body({offers: [newOffer]}) .expectStatus(400) .matchHeaderSnapshot({ 'content-version': anyContentVersion, etag: anyEtag }) .matchBodySnapshot({ errors: [{ id: anyErrorId }] }); }); it('Cannot create offer with same slugified code', async function () { sinon.stub(logging, 'error'); const newOffer = { name: 'Another Black Friday Sale', code: 'black friday', cadence: 'year', amount: 200, duration: 'once', type: 'fixed', currency: 'USD', tier: { id: } }; await agent .post(`offers/`) .body({offers: [newOffer]}) .expectStatus(400) .matchHeaderSnapshot({ 'content-version': anyContentVersion, etag: anyEtag }) .matchBodySnapshot({ errors: [{ id: anyErrorId }] }); }); it('Cannot create offer with same name', async function () { sinon.stub(logging, 'error'); const newOffer = { name: 'Fourth of July Sales', code: 'july4', cadence: 'year', amount: 150, duration: 'once', type: 'fixed', currency: 'USD', tier: { id: } }; await agent .post(`offers/`) .body({offers: [newOffer]}) .expectStatus(400) .matchHeaderSnapshot({ 'content-version': anyContentVersion, etag: anyEtag }) .matchBodySnapshot({ errors: [{ id: anyErrorId }] }); }); it('Can browse', async function () { await agent .get(`offers/`) .expectStatus(200) .matchHeaderSnapshot({ 'content-version': anyContentVersion, etag: anyEtag }) .matchBodySnapshot({ offers: new Array(5).fill({ id: anyObjectId, tier: { id: anyObjectId }, created_at: anyISODateTime }) }); }); it('Can get a single offer', async function () { await agent .get(`offers/${}/`) .expectStatus(200) .matchHeaderSnapshot({ 'content-version': anyContentVersion, etag: anyEtag }) .matchBodySnapshot({ offers: new Array(1).fill({ id: anyObjectId, tier: { id: anyObjectId }, created_at: anyISODateTime }) }); }); it('Can get a trial offer', async function () { await agent .get(`offers/${}/`) .expectStatus(200) .matchHeaderSnapshot({ 'content-version': anyContentVersion, etag: anyEtag }) .matchBodySnapshot({ offers: new Array(1).fill({ id: anyObjectId, type: 'trial', duration: 'trial', tier: { id: anyObjectId }, created_at: anyISODateTime }) }); }); it('Can edit an offer', async function () { // We can change all fields except discount related fields let updatedOffer = { name: 'Cyber Monday', code: 'cyber monday', display_title: 'Cyber Monday Sale!', display_description: '10% off on yearly plan, only today' }; await agent .put(`offers/${}/`) .body({offers: [updatedOffer]}) .expectStatus(200) .matchHeaderSnapshot({ 'content-version': anyContentVersion, etag: anyEtag }) .matchBodySnapshot({ offers: new Array(1).fill({ id: anyObjectId, tier: { id: anyObjectId }, created_at: anyISODateTime }) }) .expect(({body}) => { // Test if all the changes were applied, and that the code has been slugified body.offers[0].should.match({...updatedOffer, code: 'cyber-monday'}); }); }); it('Cannot update offer code to one that exists', async function () { sinon.stub(logging, 'error'); // We can change all fields except discount related fields let updatedOffer = { code: '4th' }; await agent .put(`offers/${}/`) .body({offers: [updatedOffer]}) .expectStatus(400) .matchHeaderSnapshot({ 'content-version': anyContentVersion, etag: anyEtag }) .matchBodySnapshot({ errors: new Array(1).fill({ id: anyErrorId }) }); }); it('Cannot update offer code to one that exists after it is slugified', async function () { sinon.stub(logging, 'error'); // We can change all fields except discount related fields let updatedOffer = { code: 'Summer sale' }; await agent .put(`offers/${}/`) .body({offers: [updatedOffer]}) .expectStatus(400) .matchHeaderSnapshot({ 'content-version': anyContentVersion, etag: anyEtag }) .matchBodySnapshot({ errors: new Array(1).fill({ id: anyErrorId }) }); }); it('Cannot update offer name to one that exists', async function () { sinon.stub(logging, 'error'); // We can change all fields except discount related fields let updatedOffer = { name: 'Easter Sales' }; await agent .put(`offers/${}/`) .body({offers: [updatedOffer]}) .expectStatus(400) .matchHeaderSnapshot({ 'content-version': anyContentVersion, etag: anyEtag }) .matchBodySnapshot({ errors: new Array(1).fill({ id: anyErrorId }) }); }); it('Can archive an offer', async function () { // We can change all fields except discount related fields let updatedOffer = { status: 'archived' }; await agent .put(`offers/${}/`) .body({offers: [updatedOffer]}) .expectStatus(200) .matchHeaderSnapshot({ 'content-version': anyContentVersion, etag: anyEtag }) .matchBodySnapshot({ offers: new Array(1).fill({ id: anyObjectId, tier: { id: anyObjectId }, created_at: anyISODateTime }) }) .expect(({body}) => { body.offers[0].should.match(updatedOffer); }); }); it('Can browse archived', async function () { const filter = encodeURIComponent(`status:archived`); await agent .get(`offers/?filter=${filter}`) .expectStatus(200) .matchHeaderSnapshot({ 'content-version': anyContentVersion, etag: anyEtag }) .matchBodySnapshot({ offers: new Array(1).fill({ id: anyObjectId, tier: { id: anyObjectId }, created_at: anyISODateTime }) }); }); it('Can browse active', async function () { const filter = encodeURIComponent(`status:active`); await agent .get(`offers/?filter=${filter}`) .expectStatus(200) .matchHeaderSnapshot({ 'content-version': anyContentVersion, etag: anyEtag }) .matchBodySnapshot({ offers: new Array(4).fill({ id: anyObjectId, tier: { id: anyObjectId }, created_at: anyISODateTime }) }); }); it('Cannot update offer cadence', async function () { // We can change all fields except discount related fields let updatedOffer = { cadence: 'month' }; await agent .put(`offers/${}/`) .body({offers: [updatedOffer]}) .expectStatus(200) .matchHeaderSnapshot({ 'content-version': anyContentVersion, etag: anyEtag }) .matchBodySnapshot({ offers: new Array(1).fill({ id: anyObjectId, tier: { id: anyObjectId }, created_at: anyISODateTime }) }) .expect(({body}) => { body.offers[0].cadence.should.eql('year'); }); }); it('Cannot update offer amount', async function () { // We can change all fields except discount related fields let updatedOffer = { amount: 20 }; // No validation errors are thrown at the moment await agent .put(`offers/${}/`) .body({offers: [updatedOffer]}) .expectStatus(200) .matchHeaderSnapshot({ 'content-version': anyContentVersion, etag: anyEtag }) .matchBodySnapshot({ offers: new Array(1).fill({ id: anyObjectId, tier: { id: anyObjectId }, created_at: anyISODateTime }) }) .expect(({body}) => { body.offers[0].amount.should.eql(12); }); }); it('Cannot update offer tier', async function () { // We can change all fields except discount related fields const freeTier = await getFreeProduct(); let updatedOffer = { tier: { id: } }; // No validation errors are thrown at the moment await agent .put(`offers/${}/`) .body({offers: [updatedOffer]}) .expectStatus(200) .matchHeaderSnapshot({ 'content-version': anyContentVersion, etag: anyEtag }) .matchBodySnapshot({ offers: new Array(1).fill({ id: anyObjectId, tier: { id: anyObjectId }, created_at: anyISODateTime }) }) .expect(({body}) => { body.offers[0]; }); }); });