require('should'); const {agentProvider, fixtureManager, mockManager} = require('../../utils/e2e-framework'); const moment = require('moment'); const ObjectId = require('bson-objectid').default; const models = require('../../../core/server/models'); const sinon = require('sinon'); const assert = require('assert'); let agent; async function sleep(ms) { return new Promise((resolve) => { setTimeout(resolve, ms); }); } async function createPublishedPostEmail() { const post = { title: 'A random test post', status: 'draft', feature_image_alt: 'Testing sending', feature_image_caption: 'Testing feature image caption', created_at: moment().subtract(2, 'days').toISOString(), updated_at: moment().subtract(2, 'days').toISOString(), created_by: ObjectId().toHexString(), updated_by: ObjectId().toHexString() }; const res = await'posts/') .body({posts: [post]}) .expectStatus(201); const id = res.body.posts[0].id; const updatedPost = { status: 'published', updated_at: res.body.posts[0].updated_at }; const newsletterSlug = fixtureManager.get('newsletters', 0).slug; await agent.put(`posts/${id}/?newsletter=${newsletterSlug}`) .body({posts: [updatedPost]}) .expectStatus(200); const emailModel = await models.Email.findOne({ post_id: id }); should.exist(emailModel); return emailModel; } describe('MEGA', function () { let _sendEmailJob; let _mailgunClient; let frontendAgent; beforeEach(function () { mockManager.mockLabsDisabled('emailStability'); }); afterEach(function () { mockManager.restore(); }); describe('sendEmailJob', function () { before(async function () { agent = await agentProvider.getAdminAPIAgent(); await fixtureManager.init('newsletters', 'members:newsletters'); await agent.loginAsOwner(); _sendEmailJob = require('../../../core/server/services/mega/mega')._sendEmailJob; _mailgunClient = require('../../../core/server/services/bulk-email')._mailgunClient; }); it('Can send a scheduled post email', async function () { sinon.stub(_mailgunClient, 'getInstance').returns({}); sinon.stub(_mailgunClient, 'send').callsFake(async () => { return { id: 'stubbed-email-id' }; }); // Prepare a post and email model const emailModel = await createPublishedPostEmail(); // Launch email job await _sendEmailJob({emailId:, options: {}}); await emailModel.refresh(); emailModel.get('status').should.eql('submitted'); }); it('Protects the email job from being run multiple times at the same time', async function () { sinon.stub(_mailgunClient, 'getInstance').returns({}); sinon.stub(_mailgunClient, 'send').callsFake(async () => { return { id: 'stubbed-email-id' }; }); // Prepare a post and email model const emailModel = await createPublishedPostEmail(); // Launch a lot of email jobs in the hope to mimic a possible race condition const promises = []; for (let i = 0; i < 100; i++) { promises.push(_sendEmailJob({emailId:, options: {}})); } await Promise.all(promises); await emailModel.refresh(); assert.equal(emailModel.get('status'), 'submitted'); const batchCount = await emailModel.related('emailBatches').count('id'); assert.equal(batchCount, 1, 'Should only have created one batch'); }); it('Can handle a failed post email', async function () { sinon.stub(_mailgunClient, 'getInstance').returns({}); sinon.stub(_mailgunClient, 'send').callsFake(async () => { throw new Error('Failed to send'); }); // Prepare a post and email model const emailModel = await createPublishedPostEmail(); // Launch email job await _sendEmailJob({emailId:, options: {}}); await emailModel.refresh(); emailModel.get('status').should.eql('failed'); }); }); /** * This is one full E2E test that tests if the tracked links are valid and are working. * More detailed tests don't have to cover the whole flow. But this test is useful because it also tests if the member uuids are correctly added in every link * + it tests if all the pieces glue together correctly */ describe('Link click tracking', function () { before(async function () { const agents = await agentProvider.getAgentsWithFrontend(); agent = agents.adminAgent; frontendAgent = agents.frontendAgent; await fixtureManager.init('newsletters', 'members:newsletters'); await agent.loginAsOwner(); _sendEmailJob = require('../../../core/server/services/mega/mega')._sendEmailJob; _mailgunClient = require('../../../core/server/services/bulk-email')._mailgunClient; }); it('Tracks all the links in an email', async function () { const linkRedirectService = require('../../../core/server/services/link-redirection'); const linkRedirectRepository = linkRedirectService.linkRedirectRepository; const linkTrackingService = require('../../../core/server/services/link-tracking'); const linkClickRepository = linkTrackingService.linkClickRepository; sinon.stub(_mailgunClient, 'getInstance').returns({}); const sendStub = sinon.stub(_mailgunClient, 'send'); sendStub.callsFake(async () => { return { id: 'stubbed-email-id' }; }); // Prepare a post and email model const emailModel = await createPublishedPostEmail(); // Launch email job await _sendEmailJob({emailId:, options: {}}); await emailModel.refresh(); emailModel.get('status').should.eql('submitted'); // Get email data (first argument to sendStub call) const emailData = sendStub.args[0][0]; const recipientData = sendStub.args[0][1]; const replacements = sendStub.args[0][2]; const recipient = recipientData[Object.keys(recipientData)[0]]; // Do the actual replacements for the first member, so we don't have to worry about them anymore replacements.forEach((replacement) => { emailData[replacement.format] = emailData[replacement.format].replace( replacement.regexp, recipient[] ); // Also force Mailgun format emailData[replacement.format] = emailData[replacement.format].replace( new RegExp(`%recipient.${}%`, 'g'), recipient[] ); }); const html = emailData.html; const memberUuid = recipient.unique_id; // Test if all links are replaced and contain the member id const cheerio = require('cheerio'); const $ = cheerio.load(html); const exclude = '%recipient.unsubscribe_url%'; let firstLink; for (const el of $('a').toArray()) { const href = $(el).attr('href'); if (href === exclude) { continue; } // Check if the link is a tracked link assert(href.includes('?m=' + memberUuid), href + ' is not tracked'); // Check if this link is also present in the plaintext version (with the right replacements) assert(emailData.plaintext.includes(href), href + ' is not present in the plaintext version'); if (!firstLink) { firstLink = new URL(href); } } const links = await linkRedirectRepository.getAll({post_id: emailModel.get('post_id')}); const link = links.find(l => l.from.pathname === firstLink.pathname); assert(link, 'Link model not created'); // Mimic a click on a link const path = firstLink.pathname +; await frontendAgent.get(path) .expect('Location', .expect(302); // Since this is all event based, we need to wait a coulple of ms // in the future we should wait for all dispatched events to be completed. await sleep(200); // Check if click was tracked and associated with the correct member const member = await models.Member.findOne({uuid: memberUuid}); const clickEvent = await linkClickRepository.getAll({member_id:, link_id: link.link_id.toHexString()}); assert(clickEvent.length === 1, 'Click event was not tracked'); }); }); });