import assert from 'assert/strict'; import DomainEvents from '@tryghost/domain-events'; import { CollectionsService, CollectionsRepositoryInMemory, PostDeletedEvent, PostAddedEvent, PostEditedEvent, TagDeletedEvent } from '../src/index'; import { PostsBulkDestroyedEvent, PostsBulkUnpublishedEvent, PostsBulkFeaturedEvent, PostsBulkUnfeaturedEvent } from '@tryghost/post-events'; import {PostsRepositoryInMemory} from './fixtures/PostsRepositoryInMemory'; import {posts as postFixtures} from './fixtures/posts'; import {CollectionPost} from '../src/CollectionPost'; const initPostsRepository = async (posts: any): Promise => { const postsRepository = new PostsRepositoryInMemory(); for (const post of posts) { const collectionPost = { id:, title: post.title, slug: post.slug, featured: post.featured, published_at: post.published_at?.toISOString(), tags: post.tags, deleted: false }; await as CollectionPost & {deleted: false}); } return postsRepository; }; describe('CollectionsService', function () { let collectionsService: CollectionsService; let postsRepository: PostsRepositoryInMemory; beforeEach(async function () { const collectionsRepository = new CollectionsRepositoryInMemory(); postsRepository = await initPostsRepository(postFixtures); collectionsService = new CollectionsService({ collectionsRepository, postsRepository, DomainEvents, slugService: { async generate(input) { return input.replace(/\s+/g, '-').toLowerCase(); } } }); }); it('Instantiates a CollectionsService', function () { assert.ok(collectionsService, 'CollectionsService should initialize'); }); it('Can do CRUD operations on a collection', async function () { const savedCollection = await collectionsService.createCollection({ title: 'testing collections', description: 'testing collections description', type: 'manual', filter: null }); const createdCollection = await collectionsService.getById(; assert.ok(createdCollection, 'Collection should be saved'); assert.ok(, 'Collection should have an id'); assert.equal(createdCollection.title, 'testing collections', 'Collection title should match'); const allCollections = await collectionsService.getAll(); assert.equal(, 1, 'There should be one collection'); await collectionsService.destroy(; const deletedCollection = await collectionsService.getById(; assert.equal(deletedCollection, null, 'Collection should be deleted'); }); it('Can retrieve a collection by slug', async function () { const savedCollection = await collectionsService.createCollection({ title: 'slug test', slug: 'get-me-by-slug', type: 'manual', filter: null }); const retrievedCollection = await collectionsService.getBySlug('get-me-by-slug'); assert.ok(retrievedCollection, 'Collection should be saved'); assert.ok(retrievedCollection.slug, 'Collection should have a slug'); assert.equal(savedCollection.title, 'slug test', 'Collection title should match'); const nonExistingCollection = await collectionsService.getBySlug('i-do-not-exist'); assert.equal(nonExistingCollection, null, 'Collection should not exist'); }); it('Throws when built in collection is attempted to be deleted', async function () { const collection = await collectionsService.createCollection({ title: 'Featured Posts', slug: 'featured', description: 'Collection of featured posts', type: 'automatic', deletable: false, filter: 'featured:true' }); await assert.rejects(async () => { await collectionsService.destroy(; }, (err: any) => { assert.equal(err.message, 'Cannot delete builtin collection', 'Error message should match'); assert.equal(err.context, `The collection ${} is a builtin collection and cannot be deleted`, 'Error context should match'); return true; }); }); describe('getCollectionsForPost', function () { it('Can get collections for a post', async function () { const collection = await collectionsService.createCollection({ title: 'testing collections', slug: 'testing-collections', type: 'manual' }); const collection2 = await collectionsService.createCollection({ title: 'testing collections 1', slug: '1-testing-collections', type: 'manual' }); await collectionsService.addPostToCollection(, postFixtures[0]); await collectionsService.addPostToCollection(, postFixtures[0]); const collections = await collectionsService.getCollectionsForPost(postFixtures[0].id); assert.equal(collections.length, 2, 'There should be one collection'); assert.equal(collections[0].id,, 'Collections should be sorted by slug'); assert.equal(collections[1].id,, 'Collections should be sorted by slug'); }); }); describe('addPostToCollection', function () { it('Can add a Post to a Collection', async function () { const collection = await collectionsService.createCollection({ title: 'testing collections', description: 'testing collections description', type: 'manual' }); const editedCollection = await collectionsService.addPostToCollection(, postFixtures[0]); assert.equal(editedCollection?.posts.length, 1, 'Collection should have one post'); assert.equal(editedCollection?.posts[0].id, postFixtures[0].id, 'Collection should have the correct post'); }); it('Does not error when trying to add a post to a collection that does not exist', async function () { const editedCollection = await collectionsService.addPostToCollection('fake id', postFixtures[0]); assert(editedCollection === null); }); }); describe('edit', function () { it('Can edit existing collection', async function () { const savedCollection = await collectionsService.createCollection({ title: 'testing collections', description: 'testing collections description', type: 'manual' }); const editedCollection = await collectionsService.edit({ id:, title: 'Edited title', description: 'Edited description', feature_image: '/assets/images/edited.jpg', slug: 'changed' }); assert.equal(editedCollection?.title, 'Edited title', 'Collection title should be edited'); assert.equal(editedCollection?.slug, 'changed', 'Collection slug should be edited'); assert.equal(editedCollection?.description, 'Edited description', 'Collection description should be edited'); assert.equal(editedCollection?.feature_image, '/assets/images/edited.jpg', 'Collection feature_image should be edited'); assert.equal(editedCollection?.type, 'manual', 'Collection type should not be edited'); }); it('Resolves to null when editing unexistend collection', async function () { const editedCollection = await collectionsService.edit({ id: '12345' }); assert.equal(editedCollection, null, 'Collection should be null'); }); it('Adds a Post to a Collection', async function () { const collection = await collectionsService.createCollection({ title: 'testing collections', description: 'testing collections description', type: 'manual' }); const editedCollection = await collectionsService.edit({ id:, posts: [{ id: postFixtures[0].id }] }); assert.equal(editedCollection?.posts.length, 1, 'Collection should have one post'); assert.equal(editedCollection?.posts[0].id, postFixtures[0].id, 'Collection should have the correct post'); assert.equal(editedCollection?.posts[0].sort_order, 0, 'Collection should have the correct post sort order'); }); it('Removes a Post from a Collection', async function () { const collection = await collectionsService.createCollection({ title: 'testing collections', description: 'testing collections description', type: 'manual' }); let editedCollection = await collectionsService.edit({ id:, posts: [{ id: postFixtures[0].id }, { id: postFixtures[1].id }] }); assert.equal(editedCollection?.posts.length, 2, 'Collection should have two posts'); editedCollection = await collectionsService.removePostFromCollection(, postFixtures[0].id); assert.equal(editedCollection?.posts.length, 1, 'Collection should have one posts'); }); it('Returns null when removing post from non existing collection', async function () { const collection = await collectionsService.removePostFromCollection('i-do-not-exist', postFixtures[0].id); assert.equal(collection, null, 'Collection should be null'); }); }); describe('Automatic Collections', function () { it('Can create an automatic collection', async function () { const collection = await collectionsService.createCollection({ title: 'I am automatic', description: 'testing automatic collection', type: 'automatic', filter: 'featured:true' }); assert.equal(collection.type, 'automatic', 'Collection should be automatic'); assert.equal(collection.filter, 'featured:true', 'Collection should have the correct filter'); assert.equal(collection.posts.length, 2, 'Collection should have two posts'); }); it('Updates the automatic collection posts when the filter is changed', async function () { let collection = await collectionsService.createCollection({ title: 'I am automatic', description: 'testing automatic collection', type: 'automatic', filter: 'featured:true' }); assert.equal(collection?.type, 'automatic', 'Collection should be automatic'); assert.equal(collection?.posts.length, 2, 'Collection should have two featured post'); assert.equal(collection?.posts[0].id, 'post-3-featured', 'Collection should have the correct post'); assert.equal(collection?.posts[1].id, 'post-4-featured', 'Collection should have the correct post'); let updatedCollection = await collectionsService.edit({ id:, filter: 'id:post-3-featured' }); assert.equal(updatedCollection?.posts.length, 1, 'Collection should have one post'); assert.equal(updatedCollection?.posts[0].id, 'post-3-featured', 'Collection should have the correct post'); }); describe('updateCollections', function () { let automaticFeaturedCollection: any; let automaticNonFeaturedCollection: any; let manualCollection: any; beforeEach(async function () { automaticFeaturedCollection = await collectionsService.createCollection({ title: 'Featured Collection', description: 'testing automatic collection', type: 'automatic', filter: 'featured:true' }); automaticNonFeaturedCollection = await collectionsService.createCollection({ title: 'Non-Featured Collection', description: 'testing automatic collection', type: 'automatic', filter: 'featured:false' }); manualCollection = await collectionsService.createCollection({ title: 'Manual Collection', description: 'testing manual collection', type: 'manual' }); await collectionsService.addPostToCollection(, postFixtures[0]); await collectionsService.addPostToCollection(, postFixtures[1]); }); afterEach(async function () { await collectionsService.destroy(; await collectionsService.destroy(; await collectionsService.destroy(; }); it('Updates all automatic collections when a tag is deleted', async function () { const collectionsRepository = new CollectionsRepositoryInMemory(); postsRepository = await initPostsRepository([ { id: 'post-1', url: 'http://localhost:2368/post-1/', title: 'Post 1', slug: 'post-1', featured: false, tags: [{slug: 'to-be-deleted'}, {slug: 'other-tag'}], created_at: new Date('2023-03-15T07:19:07.447Z'), updated_at: new Date('2023-03-15T07:19:07.447Z'), published_at: new Date('2023-03-15T07:19:07.447Z') }, { id: 'post-2', url: 'http://localhost:2368/post-2/', title: 'Post 2', slug: 'post-2', featured: false, tags: [{slug: 'to-be-deleted'}, {slug: 'other-tag'}], created_at: new Date('2023-04-05T07:20:07.447Z'), updated_at: new Date('2023-04-05T07:20:07.447Z'), published_at: new Date('2023-04-05T07:20:07.447Z') } ]); collectionsService = new CollectionsService({ collectionsRepository, postsRepository, DomainEvents, slugService: { async generate(input) { return input.replace(/\s+/g, '-').toLowerCase(); } } }); const automaticCollectionWithTag = await collectionsService.createCollection({ title: 'Automatic Collection with Tag', description: 'testing automatic collection with tag', type: 'automatic', filter: 'tags:to-be-deleted' }); const automaticCollectionWithoutTag = await collectionsService.createCollection({ title: 'Automatic Collection without Tag', description: 'testing automatic collection without tag', type: 'automatic', filter: 'tags:other-tag' }); assert.equal((await collectionsService.getById(, 2); assert.equal((await collectionsService.getById(, 2); collectionsService.subscribeToEvents(); const tagDeletedEvent = TagDeletedEvent.create({ id: 'to-be-deleted' }); const posts = await postsRepository.getAll(); for (const post of posts) { post.tags = post.tags.filter(tag => tag.slug !== 'to-be-deleted'); await; } DomainEvents.dispatch(tagDeletedEvent); await DomainEvents.allSettled(); assert.equal((await collectionsService.getById(, 0); assert.equal((await collectionsService.getById(, 2); }); it('Updates all collections when post is deleted', async function () { assert.equal((await collectionsService.getById(, 2); assert.equal((await collectionsService.getById(, 2); assert.equal((await collectionsService.getById(, 2); collectionsService.subscribeToEvents(); const postDeletedEvent = PostDeletedEvent.create({ id: postFixtures[0].id }); DomainEvents.dispatch(postDeletedEvent); await DomainEvents.allSettled(); assert.equal((await collectionsService.getById(, 2); assert.equal((await collectionsService.getById(, 1); assert.equal((await collectionsService.getById(, 1); }); it('Updates all collections when posts are deleted in bulk', async function () { assert.equal((await collectionsService.getById(, 2); assert.equal((await collectionsService.getById(, 2); assert.equal((await collectionsService.getById(, 2); collectionsService.subscribeToEvents(); const postDeletedEvent = PostsBulkDestroyedEvent.create([ postFixtures[0].id, postFixtures[1].id ]); DomainEvents.dispatch(postDeletedEvent); await DomainEvents.allSettled(); assert.equal((await collectionsService.getById(, 2); assert.equal((await collectionsService.getById(, 0); assert.equal((await collectionsService.getById(, 0); }); it('Updates collections with publish filter when PostsBulkUnpublishedEvent event is produced', async function () { const publishedPostsCollection = await collectionsService.createCollection({ title: 'Published Posts', slug: 'published-posts', type: 'automatic', filter: 'published_at:>=2023-05-00T00:00:00.000Z' }); assert.equal((await collectionsService.getById(, 2, 'Only two post fixtures are published on the 5th month of 2023'); assert.equal((await collectionsService.getById(, 2); assert.equal((await collectionsService.getById(, 2); assert.equal((await collectionsService.getById(, 2); collectionsService.subscribeToEvents(); await[2], { published_at: null })); const postsBulkUnpublishedEvent = PostsBulkUnpublishedEvent.create([ postFixtures[2].id ]); DomainEvents.dispatch(postsBulkUnpublishedEvent); await DomainEvents.allSettled(); assert.equal((await collectionsService.getById(, 1, 'Only one post left as published on the 5th month of 2023'); assert.equal((await collectionsService.getById(, 2, 'There should be no change to the featured filter collection'); assert.equal((await collectionsService.getById(, 2, 'There should be no change to the non-featured filter collection'); assert.equal((await collectionsService.getById(, 2, 'There should be no change to the manual collection'); }); it('Updates collections with publish filter when PostsBulkFeaturedEvent/PostsBulkUnfeaturedEvent events are produced', async function () { assert.equal((await collectionsService.getById(, 2); assert.equal((await collectionsService.getById(, 2); assert.equal((await collectionsService.getById(, 2); collectionsService.subscribeToEvents(); const featuredPost = await postsRepository.getById(postFixtures[0].id); if (featuredPost) { featuredPost.featured = true; } await as CollectionPost & {deleted: false}); const postsBulkFeaturedEvent = PostsBulkFeaturedEvent.create([ postFixtures[0].id ]); DomainEvents.dispatch(postsBulkFeaturedEvent); await DomainEvents.allSettled(); assert.equal((await collectionsService.getById(, 3, 'There should be one extra post in the featured filter collection'); assert.equal((await collectionsService.getById(, 1, 'There should be one less posts in the non-featured filter collection'); assert.equal((await collectionsService.getById(, 2, 'There should be no change to the manual collection'); const unFeaturedPost2 = await postsRepository.getById(postFixtures[2].id); if (unFeaturedPost2) { unFeaturedPost2.featured = false; } await as CollectionPost & {deleted: false}); const unFeaturedPost3 = await postsRepository.getById(postFixtures[3].id); if (unFeaturedPost3) { unFeaturedPost3.featured = false; } await as CollectionPost & {deleted: false}); const postsBulkUnfeaturedEvent = PostsBulkUnfeaturedEvent.create([ postFixtures[2].id, postFixtures[3].id ]); DomainEvents.dispatch(postsBulkUnfeaturedEvent); await DomainEvents.allSettled(); assert.equal((await collectionsService.getById(, 1, 'There should be two less posts in the featured filter collection'); assert.equal((await collectionsService.getById(, 3, 'There should be two extra posts in the non-featured filter collection'); assert.equal((await collectionsService.getById(, 2, 'There should be no change to the manual collection'); }); it('Updates only index collection when a non-featured post is added', async function () { assert.equal((await collectionsService.getById(, 2); assert.equal((await collectionsService.getById(, 2); assert.equal((await collectionsService.getById(, 2); collectionsService.subscribeToEvents(); const postAddedEvent = PostAddedEvent.create({ id: 'non-featured-post', featured: false }); DomainEvents.dispatch(postAddedEvent); await DomainEvents.allSettled(); assert.equal((await collectionsService.getById(, 2); assert.equal((await collectionsService.getById(, 3); assert.equal((await collectionsService.getById(, 2); }); it('Moves post from featured to non featured collection when the featured attribute is changed', async function () { collectionsService.subscribeToEvents(); const newFeaturedPost: CollectionPost & {deleted: false} = { id: 'post-featured', featured: false, published_at: new Date('2023-03-16T07:19:07.447Z'), tags: [], deleted: false }; await; const updateCollectionEvent = PostEditedEvent.create({ id:, current: { id:, featured: false }, previous: { id:, featured: true } }); DomainEvents.dispatch(updateCollectionEvent); await DomainEvents.allSettled(); assert.equal((await collectionsService.getById(, 2); assert.equal((await collectionsService.getById(, 3); assert.equal((await collectionsService.getById(, 2); // change featured back to true const updateCollectionEventBackToFeatured = PostEditedEvent.create({ id:, current: { id:, featured: true }, previous: { id:, featured: false } }); DomainEvents.dispatch(updateCollectionEventBackToFeatured); await DomainEvents.allSettled(); assert.equal((await collectionsService.getById(, 3); assert.equal((await collectionsService.getById(, 2); assert.equal((await collectionsService.getById(, 2); }); }); }); });