import Route from 'ember-route'; import {htmlSafe} from 'ember-string'; import injectService from 'ember-service/inject'; import run from 'ember-runloop'; import {isEmberArray} from 'ember-array/utils'; import observer from 'ember-metal/observer'; import $ from 'jquery'; import {isUnauthorizedError} from 'ember-ajax/errors'; import AuthConfiguration from 'ember-simple-auth/configuration'; import ApplicationRouteMixin from 'ember-simple-auth/mixins/application-route-mixin'; import ShortcutsRoute from 'ghost-admin/mixins/shortcuts-route'; import ctrlOrCmd from 'ghost-admin/utils/ctrl-or-cmd'; import windowProxy from 'ghost-admin/utils/window-proxy'; import RSVP from 'rsvp'; function K() { return this; } let shortcuts = {}; shortcuts.esc = {action: 'closeMenus', scope: 'all'}; shortcuts[`${ctrlOrCmd}+s`] = {action: 'save', scope: 'all'}; export default Route.extend(ApplicationRouteMixin, ShortcutsRoute, { shortcuts, routeAfterAuthentication: 'posts', config: injectService(), feature: injectService(), dropdown: injectService(), lazyLoader: injectService(), notifications: injectService(), settings: injectService(), upgradeNotification: injectService(), beforeModel() { return this.get('config').fetch(); }, afterModel(model, transition) { this._super(...arguments); if (this.get('session.isAuthenticated')) { this.set('appLoadTransition', transition); transition.send('loadServerNotifications'); transition.send('checkForOutdatedDesktopApp'); // trigger a background refresh of the access token to enable // "infinite" sessions. We also trigger a logout if the refresh // token is invalid to prevent attackers with only the access token // from loading the admin let session = this.get('session.session'); let authenticator = session._lookupAuthenticator(session.authenticator); if (authenticator && authenticator.onOnline) { authenticator.onOnline(); } let featurePromise = this.get('feature').fetch().then(() => { if (this.get('feature.nightShift')) { return this._setAdminTheme(); } }); let settingsPromise = this.get('settings').fetch(); // return the feature/settings load promises so that we block until // they are loaded to enable synchronous access everywhere return RSVP.all([ featurePromise, settingsPromise ]); } }, title(tokens) { return `${tokens.join(' - ')} - ${this.get('config.blogTitle')}`; }, sessionAuthenticated() { if (this.get('session.skipAuthSuccessHandler')) { return; } // standard ESA post-sign-in redirect this._super(...arguments); // trigger post-sign-in background behaviour this.get('session.user').then((user) => { this.send('signedIn', user); }); }, sessionInvalidated() { let transition = this.get('appLoadTransition'); if (transition) { transition.send('authorizationFailed'); } else { run.scheduleOnce('routerTransitions', this, function () { this.send('authorizationFailed'); }); } }, _nightShift: observer('feature.nightShift', function () { this._setAdminTheme(); }), _setAdminTheme() { let nightShift = this.get('feature.nightShift'); return this.get('lazyLoader').loadStyle('dark', 'assets/ghost-dark.css', true).then(() => { $('link[title=dark]').prop('disabled', !nightShift); $('link[title=light]').prop('disabled', nightShift); }); }, actions: { openMobileMenu() { this.controller.set('showMobileMenu', true); }, openSettingsMenu() { this.controller.set('showSettingsMenu', true); }, closeMenus() { this.get('dropdown').closeDropdowns(); this.controller.setProperties({ showSettingsMenu: false, showMobileMenu: false }); }, didTransition() { this.set('appLoadTransition', null); this.send('closeMenus'); }, signedIn() { this.get('notifications').clearAll(); this.send('loadServerNotifications', true); if (this.get('feature.nightShift')) { this._setAdminTheme(); } }, invalidateSession() { this.get('session').invalidate().catch((error) => { this.get('notifications').showAlert(error.message, {type: 'error', key: 'session.invalidate.failed'}); }); }, authorizationFailed() { windowProxy.replaceLocation(AuthConfiguration.baseURL); }, loadServerNotifications(isDelayed) { if (this.get('session.isAuthenticated')) { this.get('session.user').then((user) => { if (!user.get('isAuthor') && !user.get('isEditor')) {'notification', {reload: true}).then((serverNotifications) => { serverNotifications.forEach((notification) => { if (notification.get('type') === 'upgrade') { this.get('upgradeNotification').set('content', notification.get('message')); } else { this.get('notifications').handleNotification(notification, isDelayed); } }); }); } }); } }, checkForOutdatedDesktopApp() { // Check if the user is running an older version of Ghost Desktop // that needs to be manually updated // (yes, the desktop team is deeply ashamed of these lines 😢) let ua = navigator && navigator.userAgent ? navigator.userAgent : null; if (ua && ua.includes && ua.includes('ghost-desktop')) { let updateCheck = /ghost-desktop\/0\.((5\.0)|((4|2)\.0)|((3\.)(0|1)))/; let link = 'click here'; let msg = `Your version of Ghost Desktop needs to be manually updated. Please ${link} to get started.`; if (updateCheck.test(ua)) { this.get('notifications').showAlert(htmlSafe(msg), { type: 'warn', key: 'desktop.manual.upgrade' }); } } }, toggleMarkdownHelpModal() { this.get('controller').toggleProperty('showMarkdownHelpModal'); }, // noop default for unhandled save (used from shortcuts) save: K, error(error, transition) { // unauthoirized errors are already handled in the ajax service if (isUnauthorizedError(error)) { return false; } if (error && isEmberArray(error.errors)) { switch (error.errors[0].errorType) { case 'NotFoundError': { if (transition) { transition.abort(); } let routeInfo = transition.handlerInfos[transition.handlerInfos.length - 1]; let router = this.get('router'); let params = []; for (let key of Object.keys(routeInfo.params)) { params.push(routeInfo.params[key]); } return this.transitionTo('error404', router.generate(, ...params).replace('/ghost/', '').replace(/^\//g, '')); } case 'VersionMismatchError': { if (transition) { transition.abort(); } this.get('upgradeStatus').requireUpgrade(); return false; } case 'Maintenance': { if (transition) { transition.abort(); } this.get('upgradeStatus').maintenanceAlert(); return false; } default: { this.get('notifications').showAPIError(error); // don't show the 500 page if we weren't navigating if (!transition) { return false; } } } } // fallback to 500 error page return true; } } });