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synced 2024-12-22 18:31:57 +03:00
refs 82ed10473b
refs https://github.com/TryGhost/Team/issues/1869
- getDefaultProduct has unified logic across different places (see refed commit). It is recommended to use instead of writing custom queries prone to mistakes.
- Also added more readable name to the possible error message thrown by setComplimentarySubscription
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1530 lines
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const _ = require('lodash');
const errors = require('@tryghost/errors');
const logging = require('@tryghost/logging');
const tpl = require('@tryghost/tpl');
const DomainEvents = require('@tryghost/domain-events');
const {MemberCreatedEvent, SubscriptionCreatedEvent, MemberSubscribeEvent, SubscriptionCancelledEvent} = require('@tryghost/member-events');
const ObjectId = require('bson-objectid').default;
const {NotFoundError} = require('@tryghost/errors');
const messages = {
noStripeConnection: 'Cannot {action} without a Stripe Connection',
moreThanOneProduct: 'A member cannot have more than one Product',
addProductWithActiveSubscription: 'Cannot add comped Products to a Member with active Subscriptions',
deleteProductWithActiveSubscription: 'Cannot delete a non-comped Product from a Member, because it has an active Subscription for the same product',
memberNotFound: 'Could not find Member {id}',
subscriptionNotFound: 'Could not find Subscription {id}',
productNotFound: 'Could not find Product {id}',
bulkActionRequiresFilter: 'Cannot perform {action} without a filter or all=true',
tierArchived: 'Cannot use archived Tiers'
* @typedef {object} ITokenService
* @prop {(token: string) => Promise<import('jsonwebtoken').JwtPayload>} decodeToken
module.exports = class MemberRepository {
* @param {object} deps
* @param {any} deps.Member
* @param {any} deps.MemberCancelEvent
* @param {any} deps.MemberSubscribeEventModel
* @param {any} deps.MemberEmailChangeEvent
* @param {any} deps.MemberPaidSubscriptionEvent
* @param {any} deps.MemberStatusEvent
* @param {any} deps.MemberProductEvent
* @param {any} deps.StripeCustomer
* @param {any} deps.StripeCustomerSubscription
* @param {any} deps.OfferRedemption
* @param {import('../../services/stripe-api')} deps.stripeAPIService
* @param {any} deps.labsService
* @param {any} deps.productRepository
* @param {any} deps.offerRepository
* @param {ITokenService} deps.tokenService
* @param {any} deps.newslettersService
}) {
this._Member = Member;
this._MemberCancelEvent = MemberCancelEvent;
this._MemberSubscribeEvent = MemberSubscribeEventModel;
this._MemberEmailChangeEvent = MemberEmailChangeEvent;
this._MemberPaidSubscriptionEvent = MemberPaidSubscriptionEvent;
this._MemberStatusEvent = MemberStatusEvent;
this._MemberProductEvent = MemberProductEvent;
this._StripeCustomer = StripeCustomer;
this._StripeCustomerSubscription = StripeCustomerSubscription;
this._stripeAPIService = stripeAPIService;
this._productRepository = productRepository;
this._offerRepository = offerRepository;
this.tokenService = tokenService;
this._newslettersService = newslettersService;
this._labsService = labsService;
DomainEvents.subscribe(SubscriptionCreatedEvent, async function (event) {
if (!event.data.offerId) {
await OfferRedemption.add({
member_id: event.data.memberId,
subscription_id: event.data.subscriptionId,
offer_id: event.data.offerId
dispatchEvent(event, options) {
if (options?.transacting) {
// Only dispatch the event after the transaction has finished
options.transacting.executionPromise.then(async () => {
}).catch(() => {
// catches transaction errors/rollback to not dispatch event
} else {
isActiveSubscriptionStatus(status) {
return ['active', 'trialing', 'unpaid', 'past_due'].includes(status);
isComplimentarySubscription(subscription) {
return subscription.plan && subscription.plan.nickname && subscription.plan.nickname.toLowerCase() === 'complimentary';
* Maps the framework context to members_*.source table record value
* @param {Object} context instance of ghost framework context object
* @returns {'import' | 'system' | 'api' | 'admin' | 'member'}
_resolveContextSource(context) {
let source;
if (context.import || context.importer) {
source = 'import';
} else if (context.internal) {
source = 'system';
} else if (context.api_key) {
source = 'api';
} else if (context.user) {
source = 'admin';
} else {
source = 'member';
return source;
getMRR({interval, amount, status = null, canceled = false, discount = null}) {
if (status === 'trialing') {
return 0;
if (status === 'incomplete') {
return 0;
if (status === 'incomplete_expired') {
return 0;
if (status === 'canceled') {
return 0;
if (canceled) {
return 0;
let amountWithDiscount = amount;
if (discount && discount.end === null && discount.coupon && discount.coupon.duration === 'forever') {
// Discounts should only get applied when they are 'forever' discounts / they don't have an end date
if (discount.coupon.amount_off !== null) {
amountWithDiscount = Math.max(0, amountWithDiscount - discount.coupon.amount_off);
} else {
amountWithDiscount = Math.round((amountWithDiscount * (100 - discount.coupon.percent_off)) / 100);
if (interval === 'year') {
return Math.floor(amountWithDiscount / 12);
if (interval === 'month') {
return amountWithDiscount;
if (interval === 'week') {
return amountWithDiscount * 4;
if (interval === 'day') {
return amountWithDiscount * 30;
async get(data, options) {
if (data.customer_id) {
const customer = await this._StripeCustomer.findOne({
customer_id: data.customer_id
}, {
withRelated: ['member']
if (customer) {
return customer.related('member');
return null;
return this._Member.findOne(data, options);
async getByToken(token, options) {
const data = await this.tokenService.decodeToken(token);
return this.get({
email: data.sub
}, options);
* Create a member
* @param {Object} data
* @param {string} data.email
* @param {string} [data.name]
* @param {string} [data.note]
* @param {(string|Object)[]} [data.labels]
* @param {boolean} [data.subscribed] (deprecated)
* @param {string} [data.geolocation]
* @param {Date} [data.created_at]
* @param {Object[]} [data.products]
* @param {Object[]} [data.newsletters]
* @param {Object} [data.stripeCustomer]
* @param {string} [data.offerId]
* @param {import('@tryghost/member-attribution/lib/attribution').AttributionResource} [data.attribution]
* @param {*} options
* @returns
async create(data, options) {
if (!options) {
options = {};
const {labels, stripeCustomer, offerId, attribution} = data;
if (labels) {
labels.forEach((label, index) => {
if (typeof label === 'string') {
labels[index] = {name: label};
const memberData = _.pick(data, ['email', 'name', 'note', 'subscribed', 'geolocation', 'created_at', 'products', 'newsletters']);
if (memberData.products && memberData.products.length > 1) {
throw new errors.BadRequestError({message: tpl(messages.moreThanOneProduct)});
if (memberData.products) {
for (const productData of memberData.products) {
const product = await this._productRepository.get(productData);
if (product.get('active') !== true) {
throw new errors.BadRequestError({message: tpl(messages.tierArchived)});
const memberStatusData = {
status: 'free'
if (memberData.products && memberData.products.length === 1) {
memberStatusData.status = 'comped';
// Subscribe member to default newsletters
if (memberData.subscribed !== false && !memberData.newsletters) {
const browseOptions = _.pick(options, 'transacting');
memberData.newsletters = await this.getSubscribeOnSignupNewsletters(browseOptions);
const withRelated = options.withRelated ? options.withRelated : [];
if (!withRelated.includes('labels')) {
if (!withRelated.includes('newsletters')) {
const member = await this._Member.add({
}, {...options, withRelated});
for (const product of member.related('products').models) {
await this._MemberProductEvent.add({
member_id: member.id,
product_id: product.id,
action: 'added'
}, options);
const context = options && options.context || {};
const source = this._resolveContextSource(context);
const eventData = _.pick(data, ['created_at']);
if (!eventData.created_at) {
eventData.created_at = member.get('created_at');
await this._MemberStatusEvent.add({
member_id: member.id,
from_status: null,
to_status: member.get('status'),
}, options);
const newsletters = member.related('newsletters').models;
for (const newsletter of newsletters) {
await this._MemberSubscribeEvent.add({
member_id: member.id,
newsletter_id: newsletter.id,
subscribed: true,
}, options);
if (newsletters && newsletters.length > 0) {
memberId: member.id,
source: source
}, eventData.created_at), options);
// For paid members created via stripe checkout webhook event, link subscription
if (stripeCustomer) {
await this.upsertCustomer({
member_id: member.id,
customer_id: stripeCustomer.id,
name: stripeCustomer.name,
email: stripeCustomer.email
for (const subscription of stripeCustomer.subscriptions.data) {
try {
await this.linkSubscription({
id: member.id,
} catch (err) {
if (err.code !== 'ER_DUP_ENTRY' && err.code !== 'SQLITE_CONSTRAINT') {
throw err;
throw new errors.ConflictError({
memberId: member.id,
attribution: data.attribution,
}, eventData.created_at), options);
return member;
async getSubscribeOnSignupNewsletters(browseOptions) {
// By default subscribe to all active auto opt-in newsletters with members visibility
//TODO: Will mostly need to be updated later for paid-only newsletters
browseOptions.filter = 'status:active+subscribe_on_signup:true+visibility:members';
const newsletters = await this._newslettersService.browse(browseOptions);
return newsletters || [];
async update(data, options) {
const sharedOptions = {
transacting: options.transacting
if (!options) {
options = {};
const withRelated = options.withRelated ? options.withRelated : [];
if (!withRelated.includes('labels')) {
if (!withRelated.includes('newsletters')) {
const memberData = _.pick(data, [
// Trim whitespaces from expertise
if (memberData.expertise) {
memberData.expertise = memberData.expertise.trim();
// Determine if we need to fetch the initial member with relations
const needsProducts = this._stripeAPIService.configured && data.products;
const needsNewsletters = memberData.newsletters || typeof memberData.subscribed === 'boolean';
// Build list for withRelated
const requiredRelations = [];
if (needsProducts) {
if (needsNewsletters) {
// Fetch the member with relations if required
let initialMember = null;
if (requiredRelations.length > 0) {
initialMember = await this._Member.findOne({
id: options.id
}, {...sharedOptions, withRelated: requiredRelations});
// Make sure we throw the right error if it doesn't exist
if (!initialMember) {
throw new NotFoundError({message: tpl(messages.memberNotFound, {id: options.id})});
const memberStatusData = {};
let productsToAdd = [];
let productsToRemove = [];
if (needsProducts) {
const existingProducts = initialMember.related('products').models;
const existingProductIds = existingProducts.map(product => product.id);
const incomingProductIds = data.products.map(product => product.id);
if (incomingProductIds.length > 1 && incomingProductIds.length > existingProductIds.length) {
throw new errors.BadRequestError({message: tpl(messages.moreThanOneProduct)});
productsToAdd = _.differenceWith(incomingProductIds, existingProductIds);
productsToRemove = _.differenceWith(existingProductIds, incomingProductIds);
const productsToModify = productsToAdd.concat(productsToRemove);
if (productsToModify.length !== 0) {
// Load active subscriptions information
await initialMember.load(
], sharedOptions);
const exisitingSubscriptions = initialMember.related('stripeSubscriptions')?.models ?? [];
if (productsToRemove.length > 0) {
// Only allow to delete comped products without a subscription attached to them
// Other products should be removed by canceling them via the related stripe subscription
const dontAllowToRemoveProductsIds = exisitingSubscriptions
.filter(sub => this.isActiveSubscriptionStatus(sub.get('status')))
.map(sub => sub.related('stripePrice')?.related('stripeProduct')?.get('product_id'));
for (const deleteId of productsToRemove) {
if (dontAllowToRemoveProductsIds.includes(deleteId)) {
throw new errors.BadRequestError({message: tpl(messages.deleteProductWithActiveSubscription)});
if (incomingProductIds.length === 0) {
// CASE: We are removing all (comped) products from a member & there were no active subscriptions - the member is "free"
memberStatusData.status = 'free';
if (productsToAdd.length > 0) {
// Don't allow to add complimentary subscriptions (= creating a new product) when the member already has an active
// subscription
const existingActiveSubscriptions = exisitingSubscriptions.filter((subscription) => {
return this.isActiveSubscriptionStatus(subscription.get('status'));
if (existingActiveSubscriptions.length) {
throw new errors.BadRequestError({message: tpl(messages.addProductWithActiveSubscription)});
// CASE: We are changing products & there were not active stripe subscriptions - the member is "comped"
memberStatusData.status = 'comped';
for (const productId of productsToAdd) {
const product = await this._productRepository.get({id: productId}, sharedOptions);
if (product.get('active') !== true) {
throw new errors.BadRequestError({message: tpl(messages.tierArchived)});
// Keep track of the newsletters that were added and removed of a member so we can generate the corresponding events
let newslettersToAdd = [];
let newslettersToRemove = [];
if (needsNewsletters) {
const existingNewsletters = initialMember.related('newsletters').models;
// This maps the old subscribed property to the new newsletters field
if (!memberData.newsletters) {
if (memberData.subscribed === false) {
memberData.newsletters = [];
} else if (memberData.subscribed === true && !existingNewsletters.find(n => n.status === 'active')) {
const browseOptions = _.pick(options, 'transacting');
memberData.newsletters = await this.getSubscribeOnSignupNewsletters(browseOptions);
if (memberData.newsletters) {
const existingNewsletterIds = existingNewsletters.map(newsletter => newsletter.id);
const incomingNewsletterIds = memberData.newsletters.map(newsletter => newsletter.id);
newslettersToAdd = _.differenceWith(incomingNewsletterIds, existingNewsletterIds);
newslettersToRemove = _.differenceWith(existingNewsletterIds, incomingNewsletterIds);
const member = await this._Member.edit({
}, {...options, withRelated});
for (const productToAdd of productsToAdd) {
await this._MemberProductEvent.add({
member_id: member.id,
product_id: productToAdd,
action: 'added'
}, options);
for (const productToRemove of productsToRemove) {
await this._MemberProductEvent.add({
member_id: member.id,
product_id: productToRemove,
action: 'removed'
}, options);
// Add subscribe events for all (un)subscribed newsletters
const context = options && options.context || {};
const source = this._resolveContextSource(context);
for (const newsletterToAdd of newslettersToAdd) {
await this._MemberSubscribeEvent.add({
member_id: member.id,
newsletter_id: newsletterToAdd,
subscribed: true,
}, sharedOptions);
for (const newsletterToRemove of newslettersToRemove) {
await this._MemberSubscribeEvent.add({
member_id: member.id,
newsletter_id: newsletterToRemove,
subscribed: false,
}, sharedOptions);
if (newslettersToAdd.length > 0 || newslettersToRemove.length > 0) {
memberId: member.id,
source: source
}, member.updated_at), sharedOptions);
if (member.attributes.email !== member._previousAttributes.email) {
await this._MemberEmailChangeEvent.add({
member_id: member.id,
from_email: member._previousAttributes.email,
to_email: member.get('email')
}, sharedOptions);
if (member.attributes.status !== member._previousAttributes.status) {
await this._MemberStatusEvent.add({
member_id: member.id,
from_status: member._previousAttributes.status,
to_status: member.get('status')
}, sharedOptions);
if (this._stripeAPIService.configured && member._changed.email) {
await member.related('stripeCustomers').fetch();
const customers = member.related('stripeCustomers');
for (const customer of customers.models) {
await this._stripeAPIService.updateCustomerEmail(
return member;
async list(options) {
return this._Member.findPage(options);
async destroy(data, options) {
const member = await this._Member.findOne(data, options);
if (!member) {
// throw error?
if (this._stripeAPIService.configured && options.cancelStripeSubscriptions) {
await member.related('stripeSubscriptions').fetch();
const subscriptions = member.related('stripeSubscriptions');
for (const subscription of subscriptions.models) {
if (subscription.get('status') !== 'canceled') {
const updatedSubscription = await this._stripeAPIService.cancelSubscription(
await this._StripeCustomerSubscription.upsert({
status: updatedSubscription.status,
mrr: 0
}, {
subscription_id: updatedSubscription.id
await this._MemberPaidSubscriptionEvent.add({
member_id: member.id,
source: 'stripe',
subscription_id: subscription.id,
from_plan: subscription.get('plan_id'),
to_plan: null,
currency: subscription.get('plan_currency'),
mrr_delta: -1 * subscription.get('mrr')
}, options);
return this._Member.destroy({
id: data.id
}, options);
async bulkDestroy(options) {
const {all, filter, search} = options;
if (!filter && !search && (!all || all !== true)) {
throw new errors.IncorrectUsageError({
message: tpl(messages.bulkActionRequiresFilter, {action: 'bulk delete'})
const filterOptions = _.pick(options, ['transacting', 'context']);
if (all !== true) {
// Include mongoTransformer to apply subscribed:{true|false} => newsletter relation mapping
Object.assign(filterOptions, _.pick(options, ['filter', 'search', 'mongoTransformer']));
const memberRows = await this._Member.getFilteredCollectionQuery(filterOptions)
const memberIds = memberRows.map(row => row.id);
const bulkDestroyResult = await this._Member.bulkDestroy(memberIds);
bulkDestroyResult.unsuccessfulIds = bulkDestroyResult.unsuccessfulData;
delete bulkDestroyResult.unsuccessfulData;
return bulkDestroyResult;
async bulkEdit(data, options) {
const {all, filter, search} = options;
if (!['unsubscribe', 'addLabel', 'removeLabel'].includes(data.action)) {
throw new errors.IncorrectUsageError({
message: 'Unsupported bulk action'
if (!filter && !search && (!all || all !== true)) {
throw new errors.IncorrectUsageError({
message: tpl(messages.bulkActionRequiresFilter, {action: 'bulk edit'})
const filterOptions = _.pick(options, ['transacting', 'context']);
if (all !== true) {
// Include mongoTransformer to apply subscribed:{true|false} => newsletter relation mapping
Object.assign(filterOptions, _.pick(options, ['filter', 'search', 'mongoTransformer']));
const memberRows = await this._Member.getFilteredCollectionQuery(filterOptions)
const memberIds = memberRows.map(row => row.id);
if (data.action === 'unsubscribe') {
return await this._Member.bulkDestroy(memberIds, 'members_newsletters', {column: 'member_id'});
if (data.action === 'removeLabel') {
const membersLabelsRows = await this._Member.getLabelRelations({
labelId: data.meta.label.id,
const membersLabelsIds = membersLabelsRows.map(row => row.id);
return this._Member.bulkDestroy(membersLabelsIds, 'members_labels');
if (data.action === 'addLabel') {
const relations = memberIds.map((id) => {
return {
member_id: id,
label_id: data.meta.label.id,
id: ObjectId().toHexString()
return this._Member.bulkAdd(relations, 'members_labels');
async upsertCustomer(data) {
return await this._StripeCustomer.upsert({
customer_id: data.customer_id,
member_id: data.member_id,
name: data.name,
email: data.email
async linkStripeCustomer(data, options) {
if (!this._stripeAPIService.configured) {
throw new errors.BadRequestError({message: tpl(messages.noStripeConnection, {action: 'link Stripe Customer'})});
const customer = await this._stripeAPIService.getCustomer(data.customer_id);
if (!customer) {
// Add instead of upsert ensures that we do not link existing customer
await this._StripeCustomer.add({
customer_id: data.customer_id,
member_id: data.member_id,
name: customer.name,
email: customer.email
}, options);
for (const subscription of customer.subscriptions.data) {
await this.linkSubscription({
id: data.member_id,
}, options);
async getSubscriptionByStripeID(id, options) {
const subscription = await this._StripeCustomerSubscription.findOne({
subscription_id: id
}, options);
return subscription;
* @param {Object} data
* @param {String} data.id - member ID
* @param {Object} data.subscription
* @param {String} data.offerId
* @param {import('@tryghost/member-attribution/lib/attribution').AttributionResource} [data.attribution]
* @param {*} options
* @returns
async linkSubscription(data, options = {}) {
if (!this._stripeAPIService.configured) {
throw new errors.BadRequestError({message: tpl(messages.noStripeConnection, {action: 'link Stripe Subscription'})});
if (!options.transacting) {
return this._Member.transaction((transacting) => {
return this.linkSubscription(data, {
const member = await this._Member.findOne({
id: data.id
}, {...options, forUpdate: true});
const customer = await member.related('stripeCustomers').query({
where: {
customer_id: data.subscription.customer
if (!customer) {
// Maybe just link the customer?
throw new errors.NotFoundError({message: tpl(messages.subscriptionNotFound)});
const subscription = await this._stripeAPIService.getSubscription(data.subscription.id);
let paymentMethodId;
if (!subscription.default_payment_method) {
paymentMethodId = null;
} else if (typeof subscription.default_payment_method === 'string') {
paymentMethodId = subscription.default_payment_method;
} else {
paymentMethodId = subscription.default_payment_method.id;
const paymentMethod = paymentMethodId ? await this._stripeAPIService.getCardPaymentMethod(paymentMethodId) : null;
const model = await this.getSubscriptionByStripeID(subscription.id, {...options, forUpdate: true});
const subscriptionPriceData = _.get(subscription, 'items.data[0].price');
let ghostProduct;
try {
ghostProduct = await this._productRepository.get({stripe_product_id: subscriptionPriceData.product}, {...options, forUpdate: true});
// Use first Ghost product as default product in case of missing link
if (!ghostProduct) {
ghostProduct = await this._productRepository.getDefaultProduct({
forUpdate: true,
// Link Stripe Product & Price to Ghost Product
if (ghostProduct) {
await this._productRepository.update({
id: ghostProduct.get('id'),
name: ghostProduct.get('name'),
stripe_prices: [
stripe_price_id: subscriptionPriceData.id,
stripe_product_id: subscriptionPriceData.product,
active: subscriptionPriceData.active,
nickname: subscriptionPriceData.nickname,
currency: subscriptionPriceData.currency,
amount: subscriptionPriceData.unit_amount,
type: subscriptionPriceData.type,
interval: (subscriptionPriceData.recurring && subscriptionPriceData.recurring.interval) || null
}, options);
} else {
// Log error if no Ghost products found
logging.error(`There was an error linking subscription - ${subscription.id}, no Products exist.`);
} catch (e) {
logging.error(`Failed to handle prices and product for - ${subscription.id}.`);
let stripeCouponId = subscription.discount && subscription.discount.coupon ? subscription.discount.coupon.id : null;
// For trial offers, offer id is passed from metadata as there is no stripe coupon
let offerId = data.offerId || null;
let offer = null;
if (stripeCouponId) {
// Get the offer from our database
offer = await this._offerRepository.getByStripeCouponId(stripeCouponId, {transacting: options.transacting});
if (offer) {
offerId = offer.id;
} else {
logging.error(`Received an unknown stripe coupon id (${stripeCouponId}) for subscription - ${subscription.id}.`);
} else if (offerId) {
offer = await this._offerRepository.getById(offerId, {transacting: options.transacting});
const subscriptionData = {
customer_id: subscription.customer,
subscription_id: subscription.id,
status: subscription.status,
cancel_at_period_end: subscription.cancel_at_period_end,
cancellation_reason: subscription.metadata && subscription.metadata.cancellation_reason || null,
current_period_end: new Date(subscription.current_period_end * 1000),
start_date: new Date(subscription.start_date * 1000),
default_payment_card_last4: paymentMethod && paymentMethod.card && paymentMethod.card.last4 || null,
stripe_price_id: subscriptionPriceData.id,
plan_id: subscriptionPriceData.id,
// trial start and end are returned as Stripe timestamps and need coversion
trial_start_at: subscription.trial_start ? new Date(subscription.trial_start * 1000) : null,
trial_end_at: subscription.trial_end ? new Date(subscription.trial_end * 1000) : null,
// NOTE: Defaulting to interval as migration to nullable field
// turned out to be much bigger problem.
// Ideally, would need nickname field to be nullable on the DB level
// condition can be simplified once this is done
plan_nickname: subscriptionPriceData.nickname || _.get(subscriptionPriceData, 'recurring.interval'),
plan_interval: _.get(subscriptionPriceData, 'recurring.interval', ''),
plan_amount: subscriptionPriceData.unit_amount,
plan_currency: subscriptionPriceData.currency,
mrr: this.getMRR({
interval: _.get(subscriptionPriceData, 'recurring.interval', ''),
amount: subscriptionPriceData.unit_amount,
status: subscription.status,
canceled: subscription.cancel_at_period_end,
discount: subscription.discount
offer_id: offerId
let eventData = {};
if (model) {
// CASE: Offer is already mapped against sub, don't overwrite it with NULL
// Needed for trial offers, which don't have a stripe coupon/discount attached to sub
if (!subscriptionData.offer_id) {
delete subscriptionData.offer_id;
const updated = await this._StripeCustomerSubscription.edit(subscriptionData, {
id: model.id
if (model.get('mrr') !== updated.get('mrr') || model.get('plan_id') !== updated.get('plan_id') || model.get('status') !== updated.get('status') || model.get('cancel_at_period_end') !== updated.get('cancel_at_period_end')) {
const originalMrrDelta = model.get('mrr');
const updatedMrrDelta = updated.get('mrr');
const getStatus = (modelToCheck) => {
const status = modelToCheck.get('status');
const canceled = modelToCheck.get('cancel_at_period_end');
if (status === 'canceled') {
return 'expired';
if (canceled) {
return 'canceled';
if (this.isActiveSubscriptionStatus(status)) {
return 'active';
return 'inactive';
const getEventName = (originalStatus, updatedStatus) => {
if (originalStatus === updatedStatus) {
return 'updated';
if (originalStatus === 'canceled' && updatedStatus === 'active') {
return 'reactivated';
return updatedStatus;
const originalStatus = getStatus(model);
const updatedStatus = getStatus(updated);
const mrrDelta = updatedMrrDelta - originalMrrDelta;
await this._MemberPaidSubscriptionEvent.add({
member_id: member.id,
source: 'stripe',
type: getEventName(originalStatus, updatedStatus),
subscription_id: updated.id,
from_plan: model.get('plan_id'),
to_plan: updated.get('status') === 'canceled' ? null : updated.get('plan_id'),
currency: subscriptionPriceData.currency,
mrr_delta: mrrDelta
}, options);
} else {
eventData.created_at = new Date(subscription.start_date * 1000);
const subscriptionModel = await this._StripeCustomerSubscription.add(subscriptionData, options);
await this._MemberPaidSubscriptionEvent.add({
member_id: member.id,
subscription_id: subscriptionModel.id,
type: 'created',
source: 'stripe',
from_plan: null,
to_plan: subscriptionPriceData.id,
currency: subscriptionPriceData.currency,
mrr_delta: subscriptionModel.get('mrr'),
}, options);
const context = options?.context || {};
const source = this._resolveContextSource(context);
const event = SubscriptionCreatedEvent.create({
tierId: ghostProduct?.get('id'),
memberId: member.id,
subscriptionId: subscriptionModel.get('id'),
offerId: data.offerId,
attribution: data.attribution
this.dispatchEvent(event, options);
let memberProducts = (await member.related('products').fetch(options)).toJSON();
const oldMemberProducts = member.related('products').toJSON();
let status = memberProducts.length === 0 ? 'free' : 'comped';
if (this.isActiveSubscriptionStatus(subscription.status)) {
if (this.isComplimentarySubscription(subscription)) {
status = 'comped';
} else {
status = 'paid';
if (this._labsService.isSet('compExpiring')) {
// This is an active subscription! Update member to have only this product
if (ghostProduct) {
memberProducts = [ghostProduct.toJSON()];
} else {
// This is an active subscription! Add the product
if (ghostProduct) {
if (model) {
if (model.get('stripe_price_id') !== subscriptionData.stripe_price_id) {
// The subscription has changed plan - we may need to update the products
const subscriptions = await member.related('stripeSubscriptions').fetch(options);
const changedProduct = await this._productRepository.get({
stripe_price_id: model.get('stripe_price_id')
}, options);
let activeSubscriptionForChangedProduct = false;
for (const subscriptionModel of subscriptions.models) {
if (this.isActiveSubscriptionStatus(subscriptionModel.get('status'))) {
try {
const subscriptionProduct = await this._productRepository.get({stripe_price_id: subscriptionModel.get('stripe_price_id')}, options);
if (subscriptionProduct && changedProduct && subscriptionProduct.id === changedProduct.id) {
activeSubscriptionForChangedProduct = true;
} catch (e) {
logging.error(`Failed to attach products to member - ${data.id}`);
if (!activeSubscriptionForChangedProduct) {
memberProducts = memberProducts.filter((product) => {
return product.id !== changedProduct.id;
} else {
const subscriptions = await member.related('stripeSubscriptions').fetch(options);
let activeSubscriptionForGhostProduct = false;
for (const subscriptionModel of subscriptions.models) {
if (this.isActiveSubscriptionStatus(subscriptionModel.get('status'))) {
status = 'paid';
try {
const subscriptionProduct = await this._productRepository.get({stripe_price_id: subscriptionModel.get('stripe_price_id')}, options);
if (subscriptionProduct && ghostProduct && subscriptionProduct.id === ghostProduct.id) {
activeSubscriptionForGhostProduct = true;
} catch (e) {
logging.error(`Failed to attach products to member - ${data.id}`);
if (!activeSubscriptionForGhostProduct) {
memberProducts = memberProducts.filter((product) => {
return product.id !== ghostProduct.id;
if (memberProducts.length === 0) {
status = 'free';
let updatedMember;
try {
// Remove duplicate products from the list
memberProducts = _.uniqBy(memberProducts, function (e) {
return e.id;
// Edit member with updated products assoicated
updatedMember = await this._Member.edit({status: status, products: memberProducts}, {...options, id: data.id});
} catch (e) {
logging.error(`Failed to update member - ${data.id} - with related products`);
updatedMember = await this._Member.edit({status: status}, {...options, id: data.id});
const newMemberProductIds = memberProducts.map(product => product.id);
const oldMemberProductIds = oldMemberProducts.map(product => product.id);
const productsToAdd = _.differenceWith(newMemberProductIds, oldMemberProductIds);
const productsToRemove = _.differenceWith(oldMemberProductIds, newMemberProductIds);
for (const productToAdd of productsToAdd) {
await this._MemberProductEvent.add({
member_id: member.id,
product_id: productToAdd,
action: 'added'
}, options);
for (const productToRemove of productsToRemove) {
await this._MemberProductEvent.add({
member_id: member.id,
product_id: productToRemove,
action: 'removed'
}, options);
if (updatedMember.attributes.status !== updatedMember._previousAttributes.status) {
await this._MemberStatusEvent.add({
member_id: data.id,
from_status: updatedMember._previousAttributes.status,
to_status: updatedMember.get('status'),
}, options);
async getSubscription(data, options) {
if (!this._stripeAPIService.configured) {
throw new errors.BadRequestError({message: tpl(messages.noStripeConnection, {action: 'get Stripe Subscription'})});
const member = await this._Member.findOne({
email: data.email
const subscription = await member.related('stripeSubscriptions').query({
where: {
subscription_id: data.subscription.subscription_id
if (!subscription) {
throw new errors.NotFoundError({message: tpl(messages.subscriptionNotFound, {id: data.subscription.subscription_id})});
return subscription.toJSON();
async cancelSubscription(data, options) {
const sharedOptions = {
transacting: options ? options.transacting : null
if (!this._stripeAPIService.configured) {
throw new errors.BadRequestError({message: tpl(messages.noStripeConnection, {action: 'update Stripe Subscription'})});
let findQuery = null;
if (data.id) {
findQuery = {id: data.id};
} else if (data.email) {
findQuery = {email: data.email};
if (!findQuery) {
throw new errors.NotFoundError({message: tpl(messages.subscriptionNotFound)});
const member = await this._Member.findOne(findQuery);
const subscription = await member.related('stripeSubscriptions').query({
where: {
subscription_id: data.subscription.subscription_id
if (!subscription) {
throw new errors.NotFoundError({message: tpl(messages.subscriptionNotFound, {id: data.subscription.subscription_id})});
const updatedSubscription = await this._stripeAPIService.cancelSubscription(data.subscription.subscription_id);
await this.linkSubscription({
id: member.id,
subscription: updatedSubscription
}, options);
await this._MemberCancelEvent.add({
member_id: member.id,
from_plan: subscription.get('plan_id')
}, sharedOptions);
async updateSubscription(data, options) {
const sharedOptions = {
transacting: options ? options.transacting : null
if (!this._stripeAPIService.configured) {
throw new errors.BadRequestError({message: tpl(messages.noStripeConnection, {action: 'update Stripe Subscription'})});
let findQuery = null;
if (data.id) {
findQuery = {id: data.id};
} else if (data.email) {
findQuery = {email: data.email};
if (!findQuery) {
throw new errors.NotFoundError({message: tpl(messages.subscriptionNotFound)});
const member = await this._Member.findOne(findQuery);
const subscriptionModel = await member.related('stripeSubscriptions').query({
where: {
subscription_id: data.subscription.subscription_id
if (!subscriptionModel) {
throw new errors.NotFoundError({message: tpl(messages.subscriptionNotFound, {id: data.subscription.subscription_id})});
let updatedSubscription;
if (data.subscription.price) {
const subscription = await this._stripeAPIService.getSubscription(
const subscriptionItem = subscription.items.data[0];
if (data.subscription.price !== subscription.price) {
updatedSubscription = await this._stripeAPIService.updateSubscriptionItemPrice(
updatedSubscription = await this._stripeAPIService.removeCouponFromSubscription(subscription.id);
if (data.subscription.cancel_at_period_end !== undefined) {
if (data.subscription.cancel_at_period_end) {
updatedSubscription = await this._stripeAPIService.cancelSubscriptionAtPeriodEnd(
await this._MemberCancelEvent.add({
member_id: member.id,
from_plan: subscriptionModel.get('plan_id')
}, sharedOptions);
} else {
updatedSubscription = await this._stripeAPIService.continueSubscriptionAtPeriodEnd(
if (updatedSubscription) {
await this.linkSubscription({
id: member.id,
subscription: updatedSubscription
}, options);
// Dispatch cancellation event
if (data.subscription.cancel_at_period_end) {
const stripeProductId = _.get(updatedSubscription, 'items.data[0].price.product');
let ghostProduct;
try {
ghostProduct = await this._productRepository.get(
{stripe_product_id: stripeProductId},
{...sharedOptions, forUpdate: true}
} catch (e) {
ghostProduct = null;
const context = options?.context || {};
const source = this._resolveContextSource(context);
const cancellationTimestamp = updatedSubscription.canceled_at
? new Date(updatedSubscription.canceled_at * 1000)
: new Date();
const cancelEventData = {
memberId: member.id,
subscriptionId: subscriptionModel.get('id'),
tierId: ghostProduct?.get('id')
this.dispatchEvent(SubscriptionCancelledEvent.create(cancelEventData, cancellationTimestamp), options);
async createSubscription(data, options) {
if (!this._stripeAPIService.configured) {
throw new errors.BadRequestError({message: tpl(messages.noStripeConnection, {action: 'create Stripe Subscription'})});
const member = await this._Member.findOne({
id: data.id
}, options);
let stripeCustomer;
await member.related('stripeCustomers').fetch(options);
for (const customer of member.related('stripeCustomers').models) {
try {
const fetchedCustomer = await this._stripeAPIService.getCustomer(customer.get('customer_id'));
stripeCustomer = fetchedCustomer;
} catch (err) {
logging.info('Ignoring error for fetching customer for checkout');
if (!stripeCustomer) {
stripeCustomer = await this._stripeAPIService.createCustomer({
email: member.get('email')
await this._StripeCustomer.add({
customer_id: stripeCustomer.id,
member_id: data.id,
email: stripeCustomer.email,
name: stripeCustomer.name
}, options);
const subscription = await this._stripeAPIService.createSubscription(stripeCustomer.id, data.subscription.stripe_price_id);
await this.linkSubscription({
id: member.id,
}, options);
* @param {Object} data
* @param {String} data.id - member ID
* @param {Object} options
* @param {Object} [options.transacting]
async setComplimentarySubscription(data, options = {}) {
if (!options.transacting) {
return this._Member.transaction((transacting) => {
return this.setComplimentarySubscription(data, {
if (!this._stripeAPIService.configured) {
throw new errors.BadRequestError({message: tpl(messages.noStripeConnection, {action: 'create Complimentary Subscription'})});
const member = await this._Member.findOne({
id: data.id
}, options);
const subscriptions = await member.related('stripeSubscriptions').fetch(options);
const activeSubscriptions = subscriptions.models.filter((subscription) => {
return this.isActiveSubscriptionStatus(subscription.get('status'));
const ghostProductModel = await this._productRepository.getDefaultProduct({
withRelated: ['stripePrices'],
const defaultProduct = ghostProductModel?.toJSON();
if (!defaultProduct) {
throw new errors.NotFoundError({
message: tpl(messages.productNotFound, {id: '"default"'})
const zeroValuePrices = defaultProduct.stripePrices.filter((price) => {
return price.amount === 0;
if (activeSubscriptions.length) {
for (const subscription of activeSubscriptions) {
const price = await subscription.related('stripePrice').fetch(options);
let zeroValuePrice = zeroValuePrices.find((p) => {
return p.currency.toLowerCase() === price.get('currency').toLowerCase();
if (!zeroValuePrice) {
const product = (await this._productRepository.update({
id: defaultProduct.id,
name: defaultProduct.name,
description: defaultProduct.description,
stripe_prices: [{
nickname: 'Complimentary',
currency: price.get('currency'),
type: 'recurring',
interval: 'year',
amount: 0
}, options)).toJSON();
zeroValuePrice = product.stripePrices.find((p) => {
return p.currency.toLowerCase() === price.get('currency').toLowerCase() && p.amount === 0;
const stripeSubscription = await this._stripeAPIService.getSubscription(
const subscriptionItem = stripeSubscription.items.data[0];
const updatedSubscription = await this._stripeAPIService.updateSubscriptionItemPrice(
await this.linkSubscription({
id: member.id,
subscription: updatedSubscription
}, options);
} else {
const stripeCustomer = await this._stripeAPIService.createCustomer({
email: member.get('email')
await this._StripeCustomer.upsert({
customer_id: stripeCustomer.id,
member_id: data.id,
email: stripeCustomer.email,
name: stripeCustomer.name
}, options);
let zeroValuePrice = zeroValuePrices[0];
if (!zeroValuePrice) {
const product = (await this._productRepository.update({
id: defaultProduct.id,
name: defaultProduct.name,
description: defaultProduct.description,
stripe_prices: [{
nickname: 'Complimentary',
currency: 'USD',
type: 'recurring',
interval: 'year',
amount: 0
}, options)).toJSON();
zeroValuePrice = product.stripePrices.find((price) => {
return price.currency.toLowerCase() === 'usd' && price.amount === 0;
const subscription = await this._stripeAPIService.createSubscription(
await this.linkSubscription({
id: member.id,
}, options);
* @param {Object} data
* @param {String} data.id - member ID
* @param {Object} options
* @param {Object} [options.transacting]
async cancelComplimentarySubscription({id}, options) {
if (!this._stripeAPIService.configured) {
throw new errors.BadRequestError({message: tpl(messages.noStripeConnection, {action: 'cancel Complimentary Subscription'})});
const member = await this._Member.findOne({
id: id
const subscriptions = await member.related('stripeSubscriptions').fetch();
for (const subscription of subscriptions.models) {
if (subscription.get('status') !== 'canceled') {
try {
const updatedSubscription = await this._stripeAPIService.cancelSubscription(
// Only needs to update `status`
await this.linkSubscription({
id: id,
subscription: updatedSubscription
}, options);
} catch (err) {
logging.error(`There was an error cancelling subscription ${subscription.get('subscription_id')}`);
return true;