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synced 2024-12-01 13:54:35 +03:00
- subscriber model - subscriber app updates - subscriber end points - import/export CSV - added headers to export file - added dynamic email field detection for import - returns stats object after CSV import - mask error message from DB
368 lines
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368 lines
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// # Tag API
// RESTful API for the Tag resource
var Promise = require('bluebird'),
_ = require('lodash'),
fs = require('fs'),
pUnlink = Promise.promisify(fs.unlink),
readline = require('readline'),
dataProvider = require('../models'),
errors = require('../errors'),
utils = require('./utils'),
pipeline = require('../utils/pipeline'),
i18n = require('../i18n'),
docName = 'subscribers',
* ### Subscribers API Methods
* **See:** [API Methods](index.js.html#api%20methods)
subscribers = {
* ## Browse
* @param {{context}} options
* @returns {Promise<Subscriber>} Subscriber Collection
browse: function browse(options) {
var tasks;
* ### Model Query
* Make the call to the Model layer
* @param {Object} options
* @returns {Object} options
function doQuery(options) {
return dataProvider.Subscriber.findPage(options);
// Push all of our tasks into a `tasks` array in the correct order
tasks = [
utils.validate(docName, {opts: utils.browseDefaultOptions}),
// TODO: handlePermissions
// Pipeline calls each task passing the result of one to be the arguments for the next
return pipeline(tasks, options);
* ## Read
* @param {{id}} options
* @return {Promise<Subscriber>} Subscriber
read: function read(options) {
var attrs = ['id'],
* ### Model Query
* Make the call to the Model layer
* @param {Object} options
* @returns {Object} options
function doQuery(options) {
return dataProvider.Subscriber.findOne(options.data, _.omit(options, ['data']));
// Push all of our tasks into a `tasks` array in the correct order
tasks = [
utils.validate(docName, {attrs: attrs}),
// TODO: handlePermissions
// Pipeline calls each task passing the result of one to be the arguments for the next
return pipeline(tasks, options).then(function formatResponse(result) {
if (result) {
return {subscribers: [result.toJSON(options)]};
return Promise.reject(new errors.NotFoundError(i18n.t('errors.api.subscriber.subscriberNotFound')));
* ## Add
* @param {Subscriber} object the subscriber to create
* @returns {Promise(Subscriber)} Newly created Subscriber
add: function add(object, options) {
var tasks;
function cleanError(error) {
if (error.message.toLowerCase().indexOf('unique') !== -1) {
return new errors.DataImportError('Email already exists.');
return error;
* ### Model Query
* Make the call to the Model layer
* @param {Object} options
* @returns {Object} options
function doQuery(options) {
return dataProvider.Subscriber.add(options.data.subscribers[0], _.omit(options, ['data'])).catch(function (error) {
if (error.errno) {
// DB error
return Promise.reject(cleanError(error));
return Promise.reject(error[0]);
// Push all of our tasks into a `tasks` array in the correct order
tasks = [
// TODO: handlePermissions
// Pipeline calls each task passing the result of one to be the arguments for the next
return pipeline(tasks, object, options).then(function formatResponse(result) {
var subscriber = result.toJSON(options);
return {subscribers: [subscriber]};
* ## Edit
* @public
* @param {Subscriber} object Subscriber or specific properties to update
* @param {{id, context, include}} options
* @return {Promise<Subscriber>} Edited Subscriber
edit: function edit(object, options) {
var tasks;
* Make the call to the Model layer
* @param {Object} options
* @returns {Object} options
function doQuery(options) {
return dataProvider.Subscriber.edit(options.data.subscribers[0], _.omit(options, ['data']));
// Push all of our tasks into a `tasks` array in the correct order
tasks = [
utils.validate(docName, {opts: utils.idDefaultOptions}),
// TODO: handlePermissions
// Pipeline calls each task passing the result of one to be the arguments for the next
return pipeline(tasks, object, options).then(function formatResponse(result) {
if (result) {
var subscriber = result.toJSON(options);
return {subscribers: [subscriber]};
return Promise.reject(new errors.NotFoundError(i18n.t('errors.api.subscriber.subscriberNotFound')));
* ## Destroy
* @public
* @param {{id, context}} options
* @return {Promise}
destroy: function destroy(options) {
var tasks;
* ### Delete Subscriber
* Make the call to the Model layer
* @param {Object} options
function doQuery(options) {
return dataProvider.Subscriber.destroy(options).return(null);
// Push all of our tasks into a `tasks` array in the correct order
tasks = [
utils.validate(docName, {opts: utils.idDefaultOptions}),
// TODO: handlePermissions
// Pipeline calls each task passing the result of one to be the arguments for the next
return pipeline(tasks, options);
* ### Export Subscribers
* Generate the CSV to export
* @public
* @param {{context}} options
* @returns {Promise} Ghost Export CSV format
exportCSV: function exportCSV(options) {
var tasks = [];
options = options || {};
function formatCSV(data) {
var fields = ['id', 'email', 'created_at', 'deleted_at'],
csv = fields.join(',') + '\r\n',
for (j = 0; j < data.length; j = j + 1) {
subscriber = data[j];
for (i = 0; i < fields.length; i = i + 1) {
field = fields[i];
csv += subscriber[field] !== null ? subscriber[field] : '';
if (i !== fields.length - 1) {
csv += ',';
csv += '\r\n';
return csv;
// Export data, otherwise send error 500
function exportSubscribers() {
return dataProvider.Subscriber.findPage(options).then(function (data) {
return formatCSV(data.subscribers);
}).catch(function (error) {
return Promise.reject(new errors.InternalServerError(error.message || error));
tasks = [
// TODO: handlePermissions
return pipeline(tasks, options);
* ### Import CSV
* Import subscribers from a CSV file
* @public
* @param {{context}} options
* @returns {Promise} Success
importCSV: function (options) {
var tasks = [];
options = options || {};
function validate(options) {
options.name = options.originalname;
options.type = options.mimetype;
// Check if a file was provided
if (!utils.checkFileExists(options)) {
return Promise.reject(new errors.ValidationError(i18n.t('errors.api.db.selectFileToImport')));
// TODO: check for valid entries
return options;
function importCSV(options) {
return new Promise(function (resolve, reject) {
var filePath = options.path,
importTasks = [],
emailIdx = -1,
firstLine = true,
rl = readline.createInterface({
input: fs.createReadStream(filePath),
terminal: false
rl.on('line', function (line) {
var dataToImport = line.split(',');
if (firstLine) {
emailIdx = _.findIndex(dataToImport, function (columnName) {
if (columnName.match(/email/g)) {
return true;
} else {
return false;
if (emailIdx === -1) {
return reject(new errors.ValidationError('Email column not found'));
firstLine = false;
} else if (emailIdx > -1) {
importTasks.push(function () {
return subscribers.add({
subscribers: [{
email: dataToImport[emailIdx]
]}, {context: options.context});
rl.on('close', function () {
var fulfilled = 0,
duplicates = 0,
invalid = 0;
Promise.all(importTasks.map(function (promise) {
return promise().reflect();
})).each(function (inspection) {
if (inspection.isFulfilled()) {
fulfilled = fulfilled + 1;
} else {
if (inspection.reason().errorType === 'ValidationError') {
invalid = invalid + 1;
} else if (inspection.reason().errorType === 'DataImportError') {
duplicates = duplicates + 1;
}).then(function () {
return resolve({
stats: [{
imported: fulfilled,
duplicates: duplicates,
invalid: invalid
}).catch(function (err) {
return reject(err);
}).finally(function () {
// Remove uploaded file from tmp location
return pUnlink(filePath);
tasks = [
// TODO: handlePermissions
return pipeline(tasks, options);
module.exports = subscribers;