Fabien "egg" O'Carroll 0d7f98f4d1 Supported adding/removing post to collection via Posts API
We've got some fairly simple diffing logic here to update the collections which
a post is in, the bulk of the changes here are to support the return of a DTO
rather than Bookshelf Model. This also helps improve the architecture because
we are step closer to removing infrastructure concerns (HTTP Response Headers)
from the business logic layer.

For now there is a crappy EventString which can be passed back to the
controller which can then handle any HTTP related concerns, although long term
these should be actual events like PostPublished or PostUpdated.
2023-06-16 09:28:19 +02:00

560 lines
20 KiB

const should = require('should');
const {agentProvider, fixtureManager, mockManager, matchers} = require('../../utils/e2e-framework');
const {anyArray, anyContentVersion, anyEtag, anyErrorId, anyLocationFor, anyObject, anyObjectId, anyISODateTime, anyString, anyStringNumber, anyUuid, stringMatching} = matchers;
const models = require('../../../core/server/models');
const escapeRegExp = require('lodash/escapeRegExp');
const tierSnapshot = {
id: anyObjectId,
created_at: anyISODateTime,
updated_at: anyISODateTime
const matchPostShallowIncludes = {
id: anyObjectId,
uuid: anyUuid,
comment_id: anyString,
url: anyString,
authors: anyArray,
primary_author: anyObject,
tags: anyArray,
primary_tag: anyObject,
tiers: Array(2).fill(tierSnapshot),
created_at: anyISODateTime,
updated_at: anyISODateTime,
published_at: anyISODateTime,
post_revisions: anyArray
function testCleanedSnapshot(text, ignoreReplacements) {
for (const {match, replacement} of ignoreReplacements) {
if (match instanceof RegExp) {
text = text.replace(match, replacement);
} else {
text = text.replace(new RegExp(escapeRegExp(match), 'g'), replacement);
const createLexical = (text) => {
return JSON.stringify({
root: {
children: [
children: [
detail: 0,
format: 0,
mode: 'normal',
style: '',
type: 'text',
version: 1
direction: 'ltr',
format: '',
indent: 0,
type: 'paragraph',
version: 1
direction: 'ltr',
format: '',
indent: 0,
type: 'root',
version: 1
const createMobiledoc = (text) => {
return JSON.stringify({
version: '0.3.1',
ghostVersion: '4.0',
markups: [],
atoms: [],
cards: [],
sections: [
[1, 'p', [
[0, [], 0, text]
describe('Posts API', function () {
let agent;
before(async function () {
agent = await agentProvider.getAdminAPIAgent();
await fixtureManager.init('posts');
await agent.loginAsOwner();
afterEach(function () {
it('Can browse', async function () {
await agent.get('posts/?limit=2')
'content-version': anyContentVersion,
etag: anyEtag
posts: new Array(2).fill(matchPostShallowIncludes)
it('Can browse with formats', async function () {
await agent.get('posts/?formats=mobiledoc,lexical,html,plaintext&limit=2')
'content-version': anyContentVersion,
etag: anyEtag
posts: new Array(2).fill(matchPostShallowIncludes)
describe('Export', function () {
it('Can export', async function () {
const {text} = await agent.get('posts/export')
'content-version': anyContentVersion,
etag: anyEtag,
'content-disposition': stringMatching(/^Attachment; filename="post-analytics.\d{4}-\d{2}-\d{2}.csv"$/)
// body snapshot doesn't work with text/csv
testCleanedSnapshot(text, [
match: /\d{4}-\d{2}-\d{2}T\d{2}:\d{2}:\d{2}\.000Z/g,
replacement: '2050-01-01T00:00:00.000Z'
it('Can export with order', async function () {
const {text} = await agent.get('posts/export?order=published_at%20ASC')
'content-version': anyContentVersion,
etag: anyEtag,
'content-disposition': stringMatching(/^Attachment; filename="post-analytics.\d{4}-\d{2}-\d{2}.csv"$/)
// body snapshot doesn't work with text/csv
testCleanedSnapshot(text, [
match: /\d{4}-\d{2}-\d{2}T\d{2}:\d{2}:\d{2}\.000Z/g,
replacement: '2050-01-01T00:00:00.000Z'
it('Can export with limit', async function () {
const {text} = await agent.get('posts/export?limit=1')
'content-version': anyContentVersion,
etag: anyEtag,
'content-disposition': stringMatching(/^Attachment; filename="post-analytics.\d{4}-\d{2}-\d{2}.csv"$/)
// body snapshot doesn't work with text/csv
testCleanedSnapshot(text, [
match: /\d{4}-\d{2}-\d{2}T\d{2}:\d{2}:\d{2}\.000Z/g,
replacement: '2050-01-01T00:00:00.000Z'
it('Can export with filter', async function () {
const {text} = await agent.get('posts/export?filter=featured:true')
'content-version': anyContentVersion,
etag: anyEtag,
'content-disposition': stringMatching(/^Attachment; filename="post-analytics.\d{4}-\d{2}-\d{2}.csv"$/)
// body snapshot doesn't work with text/csv
testCleanedSnapshot(text, [
match: /\d{4}-\d{2}-\d{2}T\d{2}:\d{2}:\d{2}\.000Z/g,
replacement: '2050-01-01T00:00:00.000Z'
describe('Create', function () {
it('Can create a post with mobiledoc', async function () {
const post = {
title: 'Mobiledoc test',
mobiledoc: createMobiledoc('Testing post creation with mobiledoc'),
lexical: null
await agent
.post('/posts/?formats=mobiledoc,lexical,html', {
headers: {
'content-type': 'application/json'
.body({posts: [post]})
posts: [Object.assign({}, matchPostShallowIncludes, {published_at: null})]
'content-version': anyContentVersion,
etag: anyEtag,
location: anyLocationFor('posts')
it('Can create a post with lexical', async function () {
const lexical = createLexical('Testing post creation with lexical');
const post = {
title: 'Lexical test',
mobiledoc: null,
const {body} = await agent
.body({posts: [post]})
posts: [Object.assign({}, matchPostShallowIncludes, {published_at: null})]
'content-version': anyContentVersion,
etag: anyEtag,
location: anyLocationFor('posts')
const [postResponse] = body.posts;
// post revision is created
const postRevisions = await models.PostRevision
.orderBy('created_at_ts', 'desc')
// mobiledoc revision is not created
const mobiledocRevisions = await models.MobiledocRevision
.orderBy('created_at_ts', 'desc')
it('Errors if both mobiledoc and lexical are present', async function () {
const post = {
title: 'Mobiledoc+lexical test',
mobiledoc: createMobiledoc('Testing post creation with mobiledoc'),
lexical: createLexical('Testing post creation with lexical')
await agent
.body({posts: [post]})
errors: [{
id: anyErrorId
'content-version': anyContentVersion,
etag: anyEtag
it('Errors with an invalid lexical state object', async function () {
const post = {
title: 'Invalid lexical state',
lexical: JSON.stringify({
notLexical: true
await agent
.body({posts: [post]})
errors: [{
id: anyErrorId,
context: stringMatching(/Invalid lexical structure\..*/)
etag: anyEtag,
'content-version': anyContentVersion,
'content-length': anyStringNumber
describe('Update', function () {
it('Can update a post with mobiledoc', async function () {
const originalMobiledoc = createMobiledoc('Original text');
const updatedMobiledoc = createMobiledoc('Updated text');
const {body: postBody} = await agent
.body({posts: [{
title: 'Mobiledoc update test',
mobiledoc: originalMobiledoc
posts: [Object.assign({}, matchPostShallowIncludes, {published_at: null})]
'content-version': anyContentVersion,
etag: anyEtag,
location: anyLocationFor('posts')
const [postResponse] = postBody.posts;
await agent
.body({posts: [Object.assign({}, postResponse, {mobiledoc: updatedMobiledoc})]})
posts: [Object.assign({}, matchPostShallowIncludes, {published_at: null})]
'content-version': anyContentVersion,
etag: anyEtag,
'x-cache-invalidate': anyString
// mobiledoc revisions are created
const mobiledocRevisions = await models.MobiledocRevision
.orderBy('created_at_ts', 'desc')
// post revisions are not created
const postRevisions = await models.PostRevision
.orderBy('created_at_ts', 'desc')
it('Can update a post with lexical', async function () {
const originalLexical = createLexical('Original text');
const updatedLexical = createLexical('Updated text');
const {body: postBody} = await agent
.body({posts: [{
title: 'Lexical update test',
lexical: originalLexical
posts: [Object.assign({}, matchPostShallowIncludes, {published_at: null})]
'content-version': anyContentVersion,
etag: anyEtag,
location: anyLocationFor('posts')
const [postResponse] = postBody.posts;
await agent
.body({posts: [Object.assign({}, postResponse, {lexical: updatedLexical})]})
posts: [Object.assign({}, matchPostShallowIncludes, {published_at: null})]
'content-version': anyContentVersion,
etag: anyEtag,
'x-cache-invalidate': anyString
// post revisions are created
const postRevisions = await models.PostRevision
.orderBy('created_at_ts', 'desc')
// mobiledoc revisions are not created
const mobiledocRevisions = await models.MobiledocRevision
.orderBy('created_at_ts', 'desc')
it('Can add and remove collections', async function () {
const {body: postBody} = await agent
posts: [{
title: 'Collection update test'
posts: [Object.assign({}, matchPostShallowIncludes, {published_at: null})]
'content-version': anyContentVersion,
etag: anyEtag,
location: anyLocationFor('posts')
const [postResponse] = postBody.posts;
const {body: {
collections: [collectionToAdd]
}} = await agent
collections: [{
title: 'Collection to add.'
const {body: {
collections: [collectionToRemove]
}} = await agent
collections: [{
title: 'Collection to remove.'
const collectionMatcher = {
id: anyObjectId,
created_at: stringMatching(/\d{4}-\d{2}-\d{2}T\d{2}:\d{2}:\d{2}\.\d{3}Z/),
updated_at: stringMatching(/\d{4}-\d{2}-\d{2}T\d{2}:\d{2}:\d{2}\.\d{3}Z/),
posts: [{
id: anyObjectId
await agent.put(`/posts/${}/`)
.body({posts: [Object.assign({}, postResponse, {collections: []})]})
posts: [Object.assign({}, matchPostShallowIncludes, {published_at: null}, {collections: [collectionMatcher]})]
'content-version': anyContentVersion,
etag: anyEtag,
'x-cache-invalidate': stringMatching(/\/p\/[0-9a-f]{8}-[0-9a-f]{4}-[0-9a-f]{4}-[0-9a-f]{4}-[0-9a-f]{12}/)
await agent.put(`/posts/${}/`)
.body({posts: [Object.assign({}, postResponse, {collections: []})]})
posts: [Object.assign({}, matchPostShallowIncludes, {published_at: null}, {collections: [collectionMatcher]})]
'content-version': anyContentVersion,
etag: anyEtag,
'x-cache-invalidate': stringMatching(/\/p\/[0-9a-f]{8}-[0-9a-f]{4}-[0-9a-f]{4}-[0-9a-f]{4}-[0-9a-f]{12}/)
describe('Delete', function () {
it('Can destroy a post', async function () {
await agent
.delete(`posts/${fixtureManager.get('posts', 0).id}/`)
'content-version': anyContentVersion,
etag: anyEtag
it('Cannot delete a non-existent posts', async function () {
// This error message from the API is not really what I would expect
// Adding this as a guard to demonstrate how future refactoring improves the output
await agent
'content-version': anyContentVersion,
etag: anyEtag
errors: [{
id: anyErrorId
describe('Copy', function () {
it('Can copy a post', async function () {
const post = {
title: 'Test Post',
status: 'published'
const {body: postBody} = await agent
.post('/posts/?formats=mobiledoc,lexical,html', {
headers: {
'content-type': 'application/json'
.body({posts: [post]})
const [postResponse] = postBody.posts;
await agent
posts: [Object.assign({}, matchPostShallowIncludes, {published_at: null})]
'content-version': anyContentVersion,
etag: anyEtag,
location: anyLocationFor('posts')